
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

Saber's Domain

"Hmm, this situation... these weird creatures...the aura which radiates from their bodies, all of these things. I, have already once felt it. But, is it truly what I think it is...I guess, notifying the origin is a top priority...

Not only is this situation becoming out of control but I can sense the presence of hell's aura radiating out of these humanoid entities. It seems the lifeforms of this planet failed to ward off the invaders from hell.

Thereafter, they were then massacred as this planet then went on to fall under the rule by the races on the other side of the doors....!"





Bruce was sent recoiling back hundreds of meters after receiving a punch from Saber in his gut. He struggled to get to his feet while he fearfully gazed at the hollow eyes of Saber who spun his blade in a clockwise direction while gripping a golden chain that was tied to the handle of the katana.

"You're soo weak. But, at the very least, you are many times stronger than when we began." Origin Saber uttered with a neutral tone. His eyes contained traces of boredom as the only thing that kept Saber from devouring Bruce, being the immense potential that was in Bruce...!

While slowly walking toward Bruce, Saber's movements were suddenly halted as a demonic grin etched itself on his face. The golden chains automatically reattached themselves to his arm as his katana entered the sheath that was located on his waist.

"Do you want to see something interesting?..." Saber asked Bruce who was exhausted and whose skin was deathly pale. Hearing Saber's question, Bruce was about to reply, but his surroundings turned hazy as his body limply fell to the ground.


Origin Saber clicked his tongue in annoyance as a bright flash of light enshrouded his figure. Before long, he completely disappeared without a trace from the training room, leaving an unconscious Bruce who was in a not-so-good state of health.




With a flash of bright light, origin Saber appeared in the lands that were painted with the red of his subordinates. Appearing next to a middle-aged man, origin Saber's eyes laid bare at the sight of absolute chaos...!

"Truly, something only beings from hell would do...!" Origin Saber mumbled.

The short humanoid creatures had caused for origin Saber to feel something he hadn't felt in an incredibly long time. The people who he was currently watching be tortured were the people who were under his protection. They were his and only his slaves, so seeing his slaves having their skin be peeled, their eyes be ripped out of their sockets, their feet and hands be slowly mangled, their tongues be yanked out and the females be raped...Saber felt wrathful.

The eyes of Olivia contained absolute dullness. They were void of light and hope, there wasn't any type of arrogance or other emotion as in her mouth was a red-skinned wrinkled penis of this humanoid species. Her holes were filled with two others while her twin mountains were being played with.

Blood trickled across her body from the rough play she was on the receiving end of. Seeing this, a dark purple aura began exiting Saber's body as a purple dome covered an area of 20 kilometers around his body.

"Inside my domain, I want to see where you'll run...!" Saber's cold and emotionless voice entered the ears of the red-skinned humanoids, causing them to immediately halt their actions. A cold sweat formed on their foreheads as they shifted their attention toward Saber's location.


The earth began shaking violently as even before the red-skinned humanoids had any possible chance to try and react to origin Saber's words, the heat in the 20-kilometer area suddenly spiked to unbelievable levels!...


The ground began shaking even more violently as an intense heat went on to scorch all of Saber's subordinates to a level where their skin and muscle tissues quite literally began melting.


Their pitiful screams resounded out loud as the fearful expressions on the short humanoids morphed into cold and ruthless determination as they slowly struggled to their feet.

They intended to grab their spears and embed them into Saber's body as they were well aware that the cause of this crazy heat was the figure with a golden chain wrapped around his right arm.


But, such thoughts quickly disappeared as despair then took over their minds. Blasting out of the ground was tens...no, hundreds of flaming red chains that whizzed through the air and rushed toward the thirty-three remaining short humanoids...!!

As the flaming red chains made their appearance, shockingly, the short red-skinned humanoids didn't feel any sort of burn...No, instead, they were rooted to their feet in pure fear as a cold shiver ran across their bodies...

Even though they wanted to run, they wanted to scream, they simply wanted to escape with their life, their bodies rooted themselves into the ground, as it refused to move even an inch.

The body cringed in fear from the pure and never-ending feeling of domination and total suppression of power that reeked out of Saber's aura. The realization that they held absolutely no hope of escaping gripped their evil hearts as they watched on with unwillingness, as the flaming chains approached them with otherworldly speed.


The flaming chains passed all of their bodies, leaving them all shocked, surprised and confused. Yet, before they had any time to react, the chains once more passed by their bodies this time from behind and on the other side.

The chains did multiple intricate knots and rotations through the air, thereafter, the short humanoids found themselves unable to even move an inch forward or back!..

In front of their humanoid chins, waists, chests, necks, and eyes were the sight of red flaming chains that radiated a frigid aura.

"Hmm, shaking in pure fear and hopelessness, surely you people aren't the ones to cause my subordinates such a humiliating defeat...How disappointing, and to think I had grown excited when thinking of the possibility that you people were strong..." Origin Saber mumbled. Thereafter, he raised his hand to the skies as he clenched his fist tightly.


If one was present, they would be shocked as right after the action of Saber going on to tense his fist, the bodies of all thirty-three red-skinned humanoids were minced into multiple pieces...!!

Yet, even before the chunks of their body could fall to the surface of the planet, one would be shocked by the sight of their bones, tendons, organs, and blood seemingly being halted mid-air as a purple aura shot out of Saber's body and wrap itself around the pieces of the humanoids body parts, completely devouring them forever.

Saber coldly smirked when feeling the addition of something in his body after he devoured these weird creatures... It wasn't like Barden who gave him more power and also a new elemental ability, no, it was instead more like the evil souls of hell who increased his comprehension.

But, unlike the time when he was in hell, Saber was currently not hindered by a barrier whatsoever, so with his new and tremendously improved comprehension, Saber's understanding of Primordial Chaos deepened as he stepped deeper into the pathway while his aura purple darkened even more than it already was!!...

"Inside my domain, unless one has an element comparable to Primordial Chaos, or is multiple levels higher than me, one is destined to die...!!"

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