
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

Monstrosity (7)


Flickering back to the mountain peak that had already reformed, were two figures with swords in their hands. They both restrained a bubbling aura in their bodies.

Suddenly, one of them began dematerializing, forming into blurry purple lights as these purple lights then shot into the other's forehead.


Saber felt like his mind exploded. As intense and seemingly endless energy coursed through his body, information and insight also sprung into his mind.

It was almost one hundred years of insights and experience solely focused on the way of the sword and the merging with Primordial Chaos...


Saber smirked. Having a clone was useful. But, still, his mind was on other things even though these insights continued to boost his power.

At this moment, he was planning to focus more on drawing out the energy from his cells to reach the level of a Pinnacle Golden Immortal.

But, something else was on his mind.

"That other Golden Immortal... When my clone and I were fighting, we didn't cross paths with that other Golden Immortal..?" Saber was confused. Around a century ago, the lone Golden Immortal was still hiding in the clouds.

But, now that a century had passed, even though Saber had fought in every location inside the third floor, he still didn't come in contact with this Golden Immortal...


"Anyway, this isn't important right now." Saber sighed. His focus once more returned to the rise of his strength.

"With my clone's comprehension over the past years, coupled with the previous battle, it shouldn't be hard to completely merge Primordial Chaos and the Sword techniques, and form an attack powerful enough to guarantee my safety on the next floor..!"

He didn't know exactly how powerful the power boost from a Golden Immortal to a Prime Immortal was, but he was sure his current strength was at least comparable to the most powerful Pseudo Prime Immortals.

And with the technique he planned to create, he was confident he would soon be able to destroy the void outside the third floor and enter the fourth floor. Once he could do such an act, it'd prove that he had the strength of a Level 1 Prime Immortal...


Breathing out another breath of burning freezing air of the third floor of hell's tower, Saber's upper-body clothing disappeared as light particles shot out of his chest before forming into a sword.


The sword entered Saber's palm as he closed his eyes and entered a meditative posture.

Though merging other elements into his sword techniques wasn't hard at all, the same couldn't be said when it came to the primordial chaos element.

If every element had some sort of energy controlling it, then adding those energies into his sword techniques one by one wasn't difficult at all for someone like him.

But, the energy that controlled all energies, this chaotic energy, that was even more chaotic than the energy that controlled all basic elements, now infusing this energy into his sword techniques was something truly difficult.

For others, Saber's plans were nothing short of impossible as even the idea would never enter their mind due to how chaotic the energy is, and how hopeless such a thought was...

But, even if it were to take some time, an incredible amount of time for him, Saber knew this was the only way he could guarantee his safety on the next floor, so he began without any hesitation.

Saber's body began emanating an aura of Primordial Chaos and at the same time, his figure slowly turned into a blur.


He slashed out. His sword gleamed with brilliant white light that slowly turned into a deep dark purple color and rushed out of the sword.


But, before it could travel anywhere, merely a few meters away from Saber, the light exploded, sending Saber flying backward while coughing a mouthful of blood.

The explosion pulverized the surrounding space as it struggled to quickly began healing itself and similarly, at an even faster speed, the wounds on Saber's body also healed.

Opening his eyes, he wiped a trace of blood on his lips as he panted heavily. Even though the previous attack wasn't complete, it had sucked all his energy dry.

This was exactly why it was hard to merge the two. If he didn't have a natural affinity for Primordial Chaos, the previous explosion would kill him, whether it be due to the power, or simply by devouring his energy and life force.

Though he wasn't scared of death, from the power he felt inside his realm, he could perceive that, if he was inside the realm of a Prime Immortal, his immortality may lose its advantages.

Anyway, his skin slowly returned to its usual color as his energy reserves expanded crazily in merely a few breaths of time.

As he returned to his peak strength, Saber's eyes turned cold as he waved his sword through the space once more.

Again, a deep dark purple light exited the blade and made its way traveling through space. Once more, after a few meters, an explosion took place!


Saber was once again sent flying...

His figure was blasted hundreds of kilometers away from the mountain peak and he was left in an even more sorry state than the last time.

Similarly to before, his wounds healed. Even faster than the last time, he had returned to his peak shape and surpassed it.

The previous attack had also drained him and his energy dry. Though he could slowly draw out energy from his cells so this would happen, Saber didn't want to waste time doing an act like that.

Seeing as the more energy he lost, the more he'll gain...

Saber much rather reach the limit of a Golden Immortal in terms of energy reserves through this path. At the same time, he'll also be merging both Primordial Chaos and his Sword Arts.


Another explosion took this as his sword strike once more failed. Once again, Saber flew back with a body filled with burns and wounds.

Once more, he would heal and his energy reserves would skyrocket. Then, he would wave his sword again!


Explosion. Another. Again. More, and more explosions took place. The time flow had become indistinct in Saber's mind.

Eventually, his energy reserves reached a limit, signaling that he had truly entered the peak of the Golden Immortal realm.

A True Golden Immortal. Yet, even after reaching this state, he waved his hand and an unimaginably powerful dark purple line escaped his sword.

It traveled through space, and a few meters away from Saber, it exploded, sending him flying again.

But, Saber seemed possessed as he continued robotically and continued striking the space with his sword, releasing explosion after explosion.

Time passed. Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days.

Days eventually became weeks whereas weeks soon turned into months. Without realizing it, the improvements slowly began taking place after a few months.

From a few meters away from his body to several meters, and then several tens of meters away.

Since attacking one's opponents from hundreds of thousands of miles away wasn't all that hard, this was still useless.

Another thing that improved was his energy reserves.

Though the attacks took less and less energy to create, actively suppressing his ability to regain his used energy, Saber was able to slowly gain the energy reserves surpassing the True Golden Immortal realm.

After several years, Saber had become a True Pseudo Prime Immortal..!


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