
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

Heavenly Mystic Domain: Inner Sector (3)

Suddenly, a voice resounded in the Hall, grasping the attention of all.

"This island is the location of the object which I came for but it is a very dangerous island for us Profound Immortals so make sure you be extra careful once exiting the ship."

The words of the city lord, sitting in the center of all Pseudo Golden Immortal, resounded in the room as he went on to explain much of the details of their location... well, the details that he was aware of.


Inside the meeting room, only the seven figures remained seated on their thrones, all other figures had already left, including Oblivion who was in his room, laughing like a crazed man.

"You needed to pay quite a bit to get this much information... Why would you so easily give it out to these people?" Not learning his lesson from the last time he asked the city lord questions, Xavier tried satiating his curiosity once more.


As if giving up on this lost cause, this man who had as much brain as a newborn, "It doesn't matter how much information I give them, nothing can compare to the actual treasure we're here for...!"


Inside his room, in a meditative position on top of his bed, Oblivion uttered under his breath.

He said, "With a Pseudo Golden Immortal overwatching twenty Profound Immortals, normally, this would be an easy task. Hence, the City Lord decided to do this. Splitting us into four groups, sending us out to 'investigate' the west, east, north, and south, while the remaining form the fifth group. The City Lord himself will overwatch this group with two other Pseudo Golden Immortals as they search for the location of the treasure in the center of the island."


An uncontrollable burst of laughter resounded in Oblivion's room. The orders of the City Lord might have annoyed others since they now were at greater risk of dying by following someone who knew much less about this Inner Sector than the City Lord himself but... For Oblivion, being sent along with an idiot like Xavier was nothing more than a blessing from the Heavens or Hell's gift...!


He intended to increase the power of his sword through Slaughter, while also gaining insight into Nothingness by returning others to Oblivion... this was an unimaginable opportunity he was prepared to grasp with both hands and never let go.

Rubbing the black space ring in his hand that held tens of other space rings inside with much more important items inside of them, Oblivion's smile, capable of dazzling anyone, instantly disappeared as a cold and emotionless expression appeared. Soon after, it was covered by a fox mask as he got to his feet and exited his room... It was time...




The massive flying ship, an item/treasure owned by the city lord, a reward he earned through completing missions for his Slaughtering Dragons Organization, this vessel appeared in a barren wasteland located on a particular floating island.

This land was the borders of the east and the north, and it was the east where Xavier and his group were supposed to search for the city lord's treasure.

Splitting the group, there were two possible reasons. One, and the seemingly most obvious reason being, the city lord didn't want a situation where over a couple of hundred Profound Immortals rebelled, and worked together in the case that after getting his treasure, some unfaithful people get too greedy.

The city lord should have already thought this through before entering the Inner Sector so this first reason shouldn't be the case.

After all, the City Lord was smart, so he may have already planned for this and was confident in his ability to at the very least, escape from such a situation or even utterly suppress a couple of hundred Profound Immortals, so the second case was...

There was more than just one treasure that the City Lord was aware of the location of...! And the City Lord splitting the groups to make it possible to get these treasures as soon as possible would also mean that these were some incredibly powerful treasures that can incur the lust of even the City Lord.

Oblivion understood this and he figured that others might have also figured this out but... On second thoughts, he didn't think it to be the case.

The actual smart cultivators wouldn't have even agreed to come to the Inner Sector as those who had come along with the city lord, these cultivators were blinded by greed.


All the groups parted ways. The Southern group along with the Western group needed to travel through the Central Region, before reaching their respected "Hunting Grounds" hence, they both traveled with the City Lord's group, to the Central Region where they'll then separated and headed to said regions.

The Northern group and the Eastern group, Oblivion's group, were traveling alone since their destinations were simply the lands beyond this wasteland/border which separated the East and the North.


Xavier's group moved at great speeds across the barren land. The distance between where they were and the Eastern region was rather far but this land where the hot red sun and the surface which was filled with red sand and reeked of death gave them a weird and uncomfortable feeling and because of this, they hurriedly cut the distance and soon approached the Eastern region.

After the moon appeared in the skies twice, meaning two days had passed, only then did the group reach their desired location...

What appeared in their sights was a land of snow as flakes fell from the skies. It was a weird scene since a meter away there was the incredibly hot sun in the skies and below was red sand that gave off a weird and uncomfortable feeling.

The snow land radiated a cold aura that permeated throughout one's body and seemed to threaten to freeze even one's soul. The dark skies and the moon gave off a gloomy atmosphere as the group once stepping foot into the snow suddenly felt their vision blur!


Before realizing it, they were surrounded by snowy lands. The previous barren wasteland they had just exited was nowhere to be seen as Xavier, the leader of this group, couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Though he retained his calm a moment later, it wasn't fast enough to hide his shock yet, no person seemed to recognize it as they too were shocked senseless.

"It seems space has been messed with..." Suddenly, Xavier said with a deep voice. Even though he was a bit foolish, he was still a Pseudo Golden Immortal himself, so he wasn't a completely useless person plus, he was also a user of the space element.

Noting this down, Oblivion remained quiet as he waited for the reaction of the others. Shortly after, an already predicted reaction took place, "Wouldn't that mean we're stranded in this place?"

A scrawny and short figure said. His eyes were listless and he had dark circles under them while his back was slightly hunched.

Hearing his words, the other members of the group began whispering. These people who were blinded by greed and the rewards promised by the City Lord finally began feeling a sense of worry.

Sensing this, Xavier snorted, and with an arrogant smirk on his face, he said while taking out a scroll...


"As the City Lord has already foreseen this, I can say with confidence... Even if a Golden Immortal appeared in front of us, he will be unable to harm us!!..."

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