
Chapter 63

«I see you're getting comfortable with the bathroom." As expected of a Nara Clan girl… Are you hungry?" Let's go, it's time for breakfast."

Kenshin said as he grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her along.

"Break out and slap him!"

Kasumi scolded herself inwardly, but she didn't do anything, and obediently followed after this domineering guy. At this moment, she was angry with herself, and felt conflicted in her soul. She didn't understand why she suddenly considered this guy a close friend, and felt so warm to him, because he just yesterday brazenly kidnapped her, and kept her locked up.

But her conflicting thoughts were interrupted by a great curiosity about the place she was in. Kasumi stared at the beautiful hallway, the few doors, and the perfectly laid parquet floor.

"I present you my humble abode. This is my bedroom, and down the hall is the dining room. That's where we're going."

Kenshin said without letting go of the girl's tiny hand.

Kasumi was quite curious as to where she had ended up, and where such an incredible house with its water supply and such wonderful finishes was located. She tried to think of all the nearby places where such a house could theoretically be located, but her thoughts were interrupted when she arrived at the dining hall.

As soon as she stepped inside, she immediately saw a gorgeous long table in front of her, where strong-looking guys were sitting, most of whom she had crossed paths with yesterday. They just gave her an indifferent look and nodded at Kenshin.

Kasumi didn't focus on these guys, but instantly shifted her gaze to the two girls sitting on either side, right next to the empty seat at the end. The two girls stared back at her, and for a few seconds they glared at the newcomer with wary and unfriendly eyes.

The awkward situation was dispelled by Kenshin, who smiled and said:

"Here, Kasumi, you're my guest, so sit next to me."

As soon as the black-haired kunoichi was practically forced into the chair next to Kenshin, he suddenly said:

"Let me introduce you to my wives. This is Aya, and this is Natsumi. Girls, say hello."

"Hey, Kasumi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

With a fake smile, the two girls chirped, not wanting to upset their husband, but also not wanting to be friends with the newly arrived girl.

"Umm, hi..."

Kasumi muttered, completely shocked by the news.

"Wives?! He already has two wives?!"

She exclaimed in her mind, and immediately felt a bitterness that came from nowhere.

After Kenshin took a bite of the perfectly baked boar meat, everyone else also started eating breakfast. Kasumi was very hungry, so she started eating too, forgetting her worries for the time being.

After Kenshin's sons finished eating, they silently stood up, thanked their mothers for the food, remembering their father's edict and not calling them "moms", then got up and left the cafeteria together, heading to the gym.

"Kasumi, can we help Aya and Natsumi clear the table?"

Kenshin said with a smile, intending to lighten the tense atmosphere between his wives and this beautiful kunoichi.

Kasumi wanted to protest that she was being held captive, but for some reason, contrary to her thoughts, she silently stood up, and along with everyone else, began to clear the table and take the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

She was constantly surprised by the futuristic nature of all the rooms in this extraordinary dwelling. And when she saw the incredible technological devices, she completely forgot about her bad mood, and began to ask Kenshin about how this miracle machine, called the "refrigerator" or that bulky thing that washed dishes by itself, works.

Kenshin happily explained how everything works, leaving out only the formations that are the basis of these devices. The girl realized that this was classified information, and did not insist. As a professional kunoichi, she knew more about the value of information than anyone else, and she knew how to keep secrets.

All this time, she kept glancing at the two girls ' big bellies, but she was too shy to ask, and it wasn't until Kenshin sat them all down at a small table in the kitchen and poured them a strange light brown drink that she dared to ask the question she was interested in.

"Umm, are you pregnant?"

"Uh-huh, we both have kids with Kenshin. And we'll give him beautiful babies soon, won't we, Aya?"

Natsumi said with a sly, fox-like smile, showing her small, neat fangs.

Aya just giggled, and milo covered her mouth in agreement.

Kasumi was shocked and stared at Kenshin, who just shrugged and explained: - I love my girls, and I want them to bear me children.

He stood over the two girls and stroked their heads, then kissed their graciously proffered cheeks.

Kasumi suddenly felt a slight twinge of jealousy and wanted to give Kenshin a hard slap to stop kissing other girls.

She immediately checked herself, and realized that she couldn't stop Kenshin from kissing his pregnant wives. Kasumi was filled with conflicting emotions, and didn't even notice the wonderful taste of this drink right away.

"Mmm ... what do you say this drink is called?"

Savoring the sweet, milky taste, the black-haired kunoichi said. Deep down, she was a vulnerable little girl, and she loved everything beautiful and sweet, but since childhood, this part of her character has been severely suppressed by self-discipline and paramilitary training.

"It's coffee. Did you like it? If you stay with me, you can drink it every day."

Kenshin said with a smile, specifically using the word "with me".

Kasumi blushed a little and turned her gaze to the two girls, wanting to see their reactions. And when I didn't notice anything, I asked:

"Don't your wives mind that you kidnapped someone and ask another girl to stay with you?"

"To be honest, if I had my way, you wouldn't set foot in this house..."

Natsumi started to speak, but was interrupted by Kenshin's displeased shout:

"Natsumi! Stop it!"

"I didn't finish."

Natsumi said, and after looking her husband in the eyes, she looked at Kasumi again and continued her speech. – But I respect my husband's every decision, and I will obey him no matter what he decides. I'll even be your best friend if he wants me to."

Kasumi was shocked. Barely able to contain her astonishment, however, she held Natsumi's stern gaze and only sighed, then turned her night-black eyes to Kenshin and asked:

"Can you finally explain to me why you kidnapped me? What do you need? Nara clan knowledge? If you do, you can kill me, you'll never get them."

The girl blurted out in one breath. Since everyone was being so blatant, she decided not to hold back either.

"Hmm, you're asking me why I kidnapped you? Well, first of all, not kidnapped, but saved. And secondly, of course, so that you can become my third wife and bear me children."

Kenshin answered without embarrassment.


Kasumi exclaimed.

"Never! I will never be your wife, much less bear you children!"

The black-haired kunoichi was absolutely shocked and angry. Even her benevolent attitude towards this guy couldn't extinguish all the anger that flashed in her incredibly strong-willed eyes.

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