
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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1104 Chs

The Fist

On this day, Yuga and Shadowsong disguised themselves slightly and sat downstairs in the inn, sipping tea. Soon, they heard a commotion coming from the street.

Because they wanted to gather information about the capital city, they chose seats near the window, which offered an easy view of the street.

They saw a luxurious carriage being escorted by a group of fierce guards slowly moving down the main street.

Any pedestrians who caught sight of this carriage hurriedly avoided it, not daring to approach.

"Who is inside that carriage?" Shadowsong asked a nearby inn staff member.

The inn's staff were their own people, as they were involved in activities that were best kept hidden from outsiders.

"It's Leon. He became paralyzed for some unknown reason two years ago, and ever since then, his travels have been accompanied by such a show of force," the staff member replied in a hushed tone.

"I see," Shadowsong said.

Leon was the one responsible for Hubert's death.

"Do you intend to confront him?" Yuga asked quietly when he noticed Shadowsong's intent expression.

"Stirring up more chaos in the capital would make our job easier, wouldn't it?" Shadowsong replied with a sly smile.

"That's true," Yuga agreed, and they exchanged knowing glances.

Leon still resided in the palace, and despite the palace's tight security, it wouldn't be difficult for Yuga and Shadowsong to infiltrate.

After nightfall, Yuga and Shadowsong changed into attire suitable for stealth and, with the aid of Gengar and Mismagius, quietly entered the palace.

Two years had passed, but the layout of this magnificent palace remained unchanged. Shadowsong, who had spent almost twenty years living here, knew every detail, from the plants to the bricks.

After some investigation, Yuga and Shadowsong learned that Leon's residence in the palace had not changed; it was the same as two years ago.

The situation in the capital had grown increasingly chaotic, leading to tighter security in the palace.

However, with the help of Gengar and Mismagius, Yuga and Shadowsong effortlessly blended into the darkness of the night.

They avoided patrolling guards and successfully reached the entrance of the palace where Leon lived.

Guarding the palace entrance was the same Swampert that had killed Hubert.

"I'll handle this one. You go inside," Yuga whispered to Shadowsong.

Shadowsong knew that avenging Hubert was something he had to do on his own. While Swampert had physically carried out the act, the one who had given the order was Leon.

Shadowsong nodded and, along with Dusknoir, swiftly vanished, entering the palace.

As soon as Yuga and Shadowsong entered the palace, the Swampert on the ground lifted its head, alertly eyeing the palace's entrance.

But before it could make any move, it was enveloped in a spatial barrier created by Yuga's Gengar and Mismagius. In this space, no sound could escape, and as long as no one approached, no one would detect what was happening.

Yuga only needed to deal with Swampert before Shadowsong emerged.

Two years had passed, and the Swampert's strength remained at the pseudo-Elite level, having improved only slightly.

"Big guy, want to have some fun with me?" Yuga's voice rang out beside Swampert.

Upon seeing Yuga appear out of nowhere, Swampert roared in anger, recognizing him as a formidable adversary.

A Pokémon's vision was much superior to that of humans, and even in the pitch-black night, Swampert could clearly see Yuga's face.

Two years ago, it was this person who had injured it and left its master crippled!

Facing a pseudo-Elite Swampert, Yuga chose not to release his Elite level Dragonite and Charizard. After all, there was no benefit in having his Pokémon face off against those significantly weaker than them.

After tossing a Poké Ball, a Pokémon appeared in front of Swampert.


<<Breloom (Toxic Orb)>>

Type: Grass/Fighting

Ability: Poison Heal

Gender: Male

Potential: Blue

Level: 69

Moves: Mach Punch, Stun Spore, Tackle, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Counter, Stone Edge, Sky Uppercut, Focus Punch, Headbutt, High Jump Kick, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Iron Tail, Rock Tomb.


Yuga wanted to see if his Breloom or Swampert was stronger.

Upon seeing Breloom suddenly appear, Swampert roared angrily and raised its fist to strike Breloom.

Breloom didn't back down either. It exerted force with its legs, raising its right fist and slamming it towards Swampert. Even the stone tiles beneath its feet shattered upon impact.

The collision between Breloom's Sky Uppercut and Swampert's Ice Punch created shockwaves that rustled Yuga's clothes. After the clash, both Pokémon retreated.

In a flash, they closed the distance again, their Sky Uppercuts and Ice Punches alternating rapidly, creating a dazzling spectacle.

Swampert had a substantial amount of health, but Breloom periodically healed itself thanks to its Toxic Orb and Poison Heal ability. For a moment, it seemed like neither had the upper hand.

As Breloom once again raised its fist to charge at Swampert, this time, Swampert chose to step back. It then opened its mouth and exhaled a frigid wind.

The strong wind carried a piercing chill, quickly covering the stone tiles with a layer of ice. As Breloom charged forward, its legs froze along with the ground, leaving it immobilized.

Seeing Breloom in a vulnerable state, Swampert, with a cunning grin, raised its fist to strike Breloom.

If Breloom, unable to move, were hit by Swampert's Ice Punch, it would be in serious trouble.

Observing Breloom's apparent distress, Yuga spoke sternly, "Stay calm! Use Rock Tomb on the ground!"

The moment Breloom heard Yuga's command, it regained its composure. It slammed its right palm onto the ground, causing a ring of enormous rocks to descend and encase Swampert within.

"Use Focus Punch on the ground!" Yuga instructed once more.

Breloom obediently followed the command. It struck the ground with both fists, causing the ice that bound it to shatter into fragments. Breloom was free again.

As Breloom regained its freedom, Swampert broke free from the encasing rocks.

However, the moment it emerged, Breloom's fists were already in front of it.

With a single punch, Swampert was sent arcing backward.

While Swampert was still in mid-air, Breloom propelled itself forward, delivering another punch. This time, it aimed for Swampert's belly, causing the Swampert to be thrown up into the air once more.

With a resounding crash, Swampert hit the ground, leaving cracks in the hard stone tiles. It was completely incapacitated.

Seeing the motionless Swampert, Breloom let out a sigh of relief and then walked over to Yuga somewhat dejectedly.

Seeing Breloom's downcast demeanor, Yuga knew it was berating itself for not maintaining composure during the battle.

Yuga praised it with a smile and said, "Next time, don't panic. The calmer you are, the better we can find solutions."

After hearing Yuga's words, Breloom clenched its fists with determination, showing that it wouldn't make the same mistake again.