
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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As the buzzing sound grew closer, Yuga and Brawly saw a yellow cloud approaching in their direction.

When the yellow cloud drew near, Yuga and Brawly could finally discern its true nature. It wasn't just a cloud; it was a large group of Cutiefly and Ribombee.

As these Cutiefly and Ribombee approached Yuga and Brawly, they began to flap their petite wings, converging countless streams of Fairy Wind into a pink wind dragon, heading straight for Yuga and Brawly.

Yuga's Vivillon, at his side, flapped its wings, intercepting the approaching wind with a powerful Hurricane. The wind dragon and the Hurricane collided, causing chaos in the surrounding trees and grass.

The impact between the wind dragon and the Hurricane created shockwaves that scattered the diminutive Cutiefly and Ribombee. Many of them emitted shrill cries.

At this moment, a larger Ribombee than the others flew towards Yuga, circling around him ceaselessly.

"Ribombee, Ribombee."

Yuga, Yuga, we meet again.

Yuga hadn't expected to encounter the Ribombee he met during the tower challenge here.

The Cutiefly and Ribombee that had been blown away by Vivillon's Hurricane quickly regrouped. They flapped their wings at a high frequency, and the Fairy Wind streams converged once more to form the wind dragon.

The Ribombee next to Yuga attempted to stop its companions' attack, but they paid no heed to it. In the end, Yuga had to command it to cease its assault.

The battle was being broadcast live, and if a Pokémon openly used moves to attack like that, even if Yuga won the battle, he would face criticism.

The Ribombee could only watch helplessly as its companions continued to attack Yuga.

While the Wind Dragons created by Cutiefly and Ribombee were still forming, Yuga's Vivillon took the opportunity to erect a Light Screen in front of both Yuga and Brawly.

Vivillon couldn't create a vast amount of Light Screen in an instant like Chimecho, so it prioritized protecting Yuga and Brawly.

On the other hand, Brawly's Medicham continuously used Psycho Cut to attack the Cutiefly and Ribombee. Occasionally, it managed to knock down some isolated Cutiefly or Ribombee.

Fighting-type Pokémon have strong single-target combat abilities, but their weakness lies in their lack of group attack skills. Therefore, when facing a large number of Cutiefly and Ribombee, Medicham had a hard time.

After protecting the two trainers, Vivillon took to the sky and used the move Tailwind to raise a strong wind. It blew a multitude of powder particles towards the group of Cutiefly and Ribombee.

Any Cutiefly or Ribombee touched by the powder in the Tailwind seemed to lose their rationality and turned their attacks towards Vivillon, driven by anger.

This ability was known as Rage Powder, a recently awakened genetic skill for Vivillon. It had a similar effect to Taunt, causing any affected Pokémon to act irrationally out of anger.

This was Vivillon's only genetic skill, and before it awakened, Yuga believed that Vivillon didn't possess any genetic skill. To Yuga's surprise, it had awakened this latent ability not too long ago. (Most genetic skill automatically awaken in Pokémon when they are born, but a few require gradual training and have no set patterns.)

Seeing that most of the Cutiefly and Ribombee had fallen under the influence of Rage Powder, Vivillon ascended rapidly. Behind it, a long, serpentine dragon composed of Cutiefly and Ribombee followed.

Vivillon's speed was very fast. It performed the Quiver Dance rhythmically while leading these Cutiefly and Ribombee in circles around it. Those Cutiefly and Ribombee couldn't keep up with it and could only hang far behind.

In this way, after about three or four minutes, Vivillon finally completed several rounds of strengthening through its Quiver Dance. It abruptly halted, facing the pursuing Cutiefly and Ribombee, and with a mighty flap of its wings, it sent a tremendously thick column of spinning Hurricane roaring toward them.

The Cutiefly and Ribombee mindlessly pursued Vivillon, unable to brake in time. Combined with the swirling Hurricane's strong suction, they collided directly with Vivillon's tempest.

As the entire yellow dragon composed of Cutiefly and Ribombee was drawn into the tempest, the originally pale blue tornado turned yellow, occasionally ejecting a stray Cutiefly.

However, those ejected Cutiefly had already lost their fighting capability due to the Flying-type energy inside the Hurricane.

When the storm ceased its rotation and gradually dissipated, the Cutiefly and Ribombee began falling from the sky like dumplings, all rendered combat ineffective.

As for the few Cutiefly and Ribombee that the Ribombee had missed with its Rage Powder, Brawly's Medicham took care of them.

The Ribombee that hadn't lost its fighting capability among its companions watched with increasing anxiety as Yuga and his team handled their allies.

This Ribombee knew Yuga's strength well. When it had arrived and saw Yuga among its opponents, it realized that their mission was likely to fail.

The missions assigned to Yuga's team were random, so the Ribombee placed in their group wouldn't have known beforehand who their opponents would be.

"What are you going to do?" Yuga asked the Ribombee beside him.


It doesn't matter.

Without another word, the Ribombee flew up to Yuga's head and settled down, closing its eyes, seemingly taking on a resigned attitude.

At this moment, Brawly, accompanied by Medicham, approached Yuga. He looked curiously at the Ribombee on Yuga's head and asked, "What's going on with this Ribombee?"

Yuga shook his head helplessly. "We've met before. I didn't expect it to be assigned to our mission here."

While Brawly still didn't know the specific circumstances between Yuga and this Ribombee, he didn't press further. As long as their mission proceeded without issues, he wasn't overly curious.

Yuga sighed and settled down, letting the Ribombee rest atop his head. He and Brawly continued to wait for the next wave of opponents.

However, perhaps due to the intense attacks from Kingler, Krabby, Gyarados, Cutiefly, and Ribombee, Yuga and his team enjoyed a prolonged break. They had nearly half an hour of respite, during which time Roserade, Vivillon, and Brawly's Medicham were able to recover their expended energy.