
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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Seeking Help

On the second day after opening the new Sub-Ecopark, Yuga prepared to take Shadowsong and Hubert to Mauville City to meet his master.

He felt it was best to resolve this matter promptly.

Before departing, Yuga called his master and informed him about Shadowsong and Hubert's situation.

Mr. Kuni'o attached great importance to this matter and expressed a desire to meet Shadowsong, who appeared to be the ancestor.

However, an unexpected event occurred before their departure.

Gardevoir had been given the control of its body to Gardevoir (Male) during this period, effectively entering a state of deep sleep, with little interaction with the outside world. This had caused Yuga to forget about it.

But yesterday, when it suddenly awakened and heard that Yuga was going to Mauville City, Gardevoir expressed a desire to accompany them.

As a Pokémon that had once lived in ancient times, Gardevoir found the highly developed world of technology fascinating and was enthusiastic about going out with Yuga.

Yuga had never considered restricting Gardevoir's actions, so when it expressed its wish, Yuga naturally agreed.

So, Gardevoir and Shadowsong met.

Although Yuga had told Gardevoir that he was going to Mauville City, he hadn't mentioned the purpose of the trip and had forgotten to inform Gardevoir about encountering Shadowsong.

After Gardevoir and Shadowsong met, Gardevoir's expression turned very strange, and it pulled Yuga aside, asking in a low voice, "Who is this kid? Why does he have the exact same aura as Rode's son?"

"Rode? Who's Rode?" Yuga was puzzled.

"Who else could it be? It's the old guy who schemed against me, the King of Arus! Besides that old man, who else is called Rode!" Gardevoir became very agitated when mentioning Rode's name.

Yuga was incredulous. Although he had read records about the last King of the Arus Empire, he genuinely didn't know that his name was Rode because all the documents lacked his name. Even the stone tablets in the underground world in the desert didn't mention it; they used titles like "king" or "emperor" instead.

"Are you serious? Exactly the same?" Gardevoir scrutinized Yuga's strange expression and asked, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Cough... I didn't hide it intentionally; I just forgot to tell you," Yuga said awkwardly. He then proceeded to tell Gardevoir everything about encountering Shadowsong in Petalburg Forest.

"In that case, this kid can't be Rode's son. Who else could he be?" Gardevoir shouted angrily.

Gardevoir remembered Shadowsong's appearance so clearly because the blessing on Shadowsong's body belonged to it.

As the guardian deity of the Arus Empire, Gardevoir had never expected to be schemed against by the King of Arus.

Back then, it had blessed Shadowsong and helped him awaken his special abilities because it sensed the purity in Shadowsong's heart.

However, since it was tricked by Shadowsong's father afterward, Gardevoir no longer felt any connection to anyone from the Arus Empire and didn't bear any grudges. Considering the circumstances, Gardevoir couldn't let go of its resentment.

Yuga hadn't expected such a coincidence in the world.

Seeing Gardevoir's angry expression, Yuga consoled, "Don't be angry for now. Let's assess the situation first and decide what to do after meeting my master, okay?"

Although Yuga had a good impression of Shadowsong, he couldn't persuade Gardevoir to let go of its hatred; it was a deep-seated grudge.

Even a benevolent Gardevoir wouldn't easily forget such hatred.

After Yuga's reassurance, Gardevoir finally calmed down, but its gaze toward Shadowsong remained unfriendly.

Shadowsong sensed Gardevoir's disapproval, and while he found it inexplicable, he chose not to say anything.

Since Shadowsong and Hubert didn't have identification documents, they couldn't use public transportation to get to Mauville City.

Yuga had no choice but to have Dragonite and Charizard carry them there.

Compared to using public transportation, riding Pokémon was much slower. Yuga and the others spent several days on the road before finally arriving in Mauville City.

On this visit to Mauville City, apart from Dragonite and Charizard, his two flying mounts, Yuga only brought Grass-type Pokémon like Roserade, Bellossom, Breloom, Venusaur, Deerling, Grotle, and Snivy.

Yuga hadn't seen his master for a long time, so he took this opportunity to have him assess the progress of the Grass-type Pokémon's training.

After Yuga, brought along with Shadowsong, Hubert, and Mr. Kuni'o to meet, they temporarily stayed at Mr. Kuni'o's manor.

Yuga, Shadowsong, and Mr. Kuni'o spent a long time chatting that night, and the next day, Mr. Kuni'o decided to take them to the temple.

Only by going to the temple could they contact Celebi, and only then would Shadowsong and Hubert have a chance to return to their own time.

Shadowsong and Hubert sincerely expressed their gratitude for Yuga and Mr. Kuni'o's selfless help.

The reason Yuga and Mr. Kuni'o were so devoted to helping Shadowsong was that he was the beginning of their lineage.

If something happened to Shadowsong in this era, it would mean the end of their lineage.

When they arrived at the temple, they were greeted by Shiftry, and the one who served them was still the Cacturne.

With a Cacturne guarding it, the temple remained spotless.

Yuga and Mr. Kuni'o even went to the back of the temple to see the tablets of their ancestors.

Yuga remembered correctly; Shadowsong's name was prominently displayed at the top.

Yuga, Mr. Kuni'o, Shadowsong, and Hubert then proceeded to the wooden statue of Celebi in the temple.

Mr. Kuni'o began, "This is the place passed down through generations in our lineage, and outsiders can't easily enter."

Shadowsong and Hubert immediately showed their respect upon hearing this.

Mr. Kuni'o continued, "However, your situation is exceptional, so we'll make an exception."

Shadowsong and Hubert were filled with gratitude once again.

Seeing this scene, Yuga suddenly wanted to laugh. Shadowsong was clearly their ancestor, but his master was deceiving him here.

Yuga and Mr. Kuni'o didn't tell Shadowsong about his relationship with them because they couldn't even pronounce the words "ancestor."

In any case, no one would know once Shadowsong left.

"But you two need to be mentally prepared. I can't guarantee that I can help you a hundred percent," Mr. Kuni'o added as a precaution.

"Don't worry; no matter what the outcome is, we won't blame you," Shadowsong sincerely reassured him.

Yuga served as their translator while standing to the side.

Although Mr. Kuni'o was knowledgeable, he hadn't reached the point of mastering a language from a thousand years ago, and Shadowsong and Hubert couldn't learn the modern language in just a few days.

As for why Yuga knew all of this, Mr. Kuni'o didn't ask too many questions.

He had always been relatively lenient in teaching his disciple, and if Yuga could acquire additional knowledge, he would only feel gratified.