
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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After choosing Ivysaur, Yuga walked up to it and said, "Ivysaur, would you like to become my Pokémon?"


Ivysaur nodded.

Yuga knew that these Pokémon had been prearranged, even if he didn't ask, they would agree to become his Pokémon.

However, Yuga had a natural affinity for Pokémon due to the blessings of the Celebi Seed on him, especially for Grass-type Pokémon. He didn't have to worry about his chosen Pokémon not wanting to follow him.

With Bellossom and Ivysaur by his side, Yuga left the group of Pokémon and said to Mr. Kunio, "Mr. Kunio, I've made my choice."

Mr. Kunio nodded, very satisfied with Yuga's choices. He knew the condition of the Pokémon he raised very well. Setting aside Bellossom for a moment, the fact that Yuga had chosen Ivysaur from among all these Pokémon showed that Yuga had a discerning eye.

At Mr. Kunio's signal, Ryuichi took out the Poké Balls of Bellossom and Ivysaur and handed them to Yuga.

With this, Yuga had now captured his seventh and eighth main battle Pokémon, both of them being Grass-types.

"In the next few days, get to know Bellossom and Ivysaur well. On the 22nd, I will take you to awaken your abilities," Mr. Kunio said before leaving.

Yuga then returned to his small yard with Bellossom and Ivysaur. He released all of his Pokémon and introduced them, saying, "Everyone, starting today, Bellossom and Ivysaur will be joining us. Let's all get along!"

All the Pokémon welcomed Bellossom and Ivysaur, except for Shroomish, who seemed a bit down.

Shroomish also wanted to be Yuga's main Pokémon and fight alongside everyone, but it knew that its strength and talent fell short compared to the others.

Yuga noticed Shroomish's growing despondency and gently picked it up, asking, "What's wrong, Shroomish? You seem a little unhappy."

Shroomish wore a sad expression and nestled in Yuga's arms, refusing to make a sound.

Just then, Chatot flew over and perched on Yuga's shoulder, saying, "Isn't it obvious? It's jealous! Let me tell you, what's so great about being a main battle Pokémon? Isn't it nice to be carefree like me every day?"

Upon hearing Chatot's words, Yuga finally understood why Shroomish was feeling down.

He swatted Chatot away from his shoulder, saying with irritation, "If everyone were like you, this world would be in trouble."

Since Chatot entered the Day Care, its strength had not improved at all; it had remained at level 18. Considering it was a Yellow Potential Pokémon, there was no excuse for it not to have leveled up.

Yuga attributed this to Chatot being too idle.

"Ha, what's wrong with me? Aren't I carefree enough?" Chatot flew in a circle above Yuga's head and flew away grumbling.

Yuga rubbed Shroomish's head and asked, "Shroomish, do you really want to be my main battle Pokémon?"


Shroomish looked at Yuga with determination and nodded.

"But being a main battle Pokémon is tough, and sometimes it can be dangerous," Yuga cautioned.

Shroomish shook its head, indicating it wasn't afraid.

After thinking it over, Yuga decided not to disappoint Shroomish's enthusiasm and agreed.

Having a Pokémon that was wholeheartedly devoted to him was a source of great happiness for Yuga.

Today, he had captured two Grass-type Pokémon, and he didn't mind having one more.

Besides, what did it matter if it was a Yellow Potential Pokémon? After all, Florges and Chimecho started as Yellow Potential Pokémon, and now they were both Blue and Indigo.

"I've got cheat codes; who do I fear?"

Indeed, the world is filled with Pokémon of excellent potential, and Yuga's Ecopark housed many of them. However, life is full of surprises, isn't it?

The relationship between humans and Pokémon cannot be sustained solely by potential.

It's the bond that surpasses everything.

Seeing Yuga's agreement, Shroomish first widened its bean-like eyes, then jumped out of Yuga's arms, excitedly bouncing around before announcing the good news to the other Pokémon.

The other Pokémon were very happy about Shroomish, their junior, joining the main team. The happiest of them all was Charmander, who had been training with Shroomish regularly.

Watching Shroomish's joy, Yuga chuckled and shook his head, and the atmosphere in the yard became lively.

Chatot, on the other hand, shook its head upon seeing this scene.

As Shroomish joined the main team, Yuga gave it the Toxic Orb he received from Motohara. Shroomish's ability was Poison Heal, making the Toxic Orb an excellent fit for it.

In the following days, Yuga had a relaxed time in the manor, with nothing much to do. His daily routine consisted of getting acquainted with Bellossom and Ivysaur.

Yuga noticed that despite their lower levels, Bellossom and Ivysaur were very skilled in using their moves. For example, Charmander, who was already at level 20, still struggled to execute its inherited moves, Dragon Dance and Outrage, smoothly.

Dragon Dance was passable, except it was too slow to use effectively in battles. However, Outrage was problematic; whenever Charmander used it, it would become confused within three seconds, making it a challenge to execute any attacks, let alone harming opponents.

But Ivysaur was different. It was just in its twenties, yet its Power Whip was skillful and powerful. Yuga even had Charmander, Shroomish, and Ivysaur spar with each other, but even when they teamed up, they couldn't defeat Ivysaur. This was especially the case since Charmander's type make Ivysaur at a disadvantage.

As Yuga continued to train his Pokémon and bond with Bellossom and Ivysaur, the days quickly passed, and February 22nd arrived.

Early in the morning, Ryuichi arrived at Yuga's yard wearing a special set of clothing and requested that Yuga put it on.

"What's this outfit for?" Yuga asked curiously.

The outfit was mostly beige, but the collar, cuffs, and front were green, adorned with exquisite floral patterns.

Ryuichi replied, "You'll find out once you put it on. Today is the day of your ability awakening, and you must wear this outfit."

Yuga had no choice but to change into the clothing.

Before leaving, Ryuichi informed Yuga that once he had changed, he should go to the manor's entrance, where Mr. Kunio was waiting for him.

Yuga hurriedly put on the clothes and dashed toward the manor's main gate. After all, it was impolite to keep his elders waiting.