
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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Going Out

"What's strange about the palace?" Shadowsong asked with confusion.

"Are you completely unaware of your status as a prince? Look at Nolans; he looks more like a prince than you do. He's the one calling the shots in the palace!" Yuga expressed his frustration, finding Shadowsong quite oblivious.

Hearing Yuga's words, Shadowsong felt embarrassed. "Well... It's not exactly as you see it. It's not just Nolans handling palace affairs; there are other members of our royal family involved too."

"But Nolans is the one in charge, right?" Yuga countered.

Shadowsong nodded in agreement. "Yes..."

Sighing, Yuga said, "Never mind. Let's not talk about this anymore. How is the war between the Arus Empire and the Vante Empire going?"

"I don't have specific information, but the strength of the Vante Empire is comparable to ours. From what I know, both sides have had their victories and losses, but it seems that Arus has a slight advantage at the moment."

"Currently, they may be at a disadvantage, but in the end, it will be your people who conquer them!" Yuga couldn't help but think to himself but wasn't sure if he should tell Shadowsong about it.

Yuga decided not to reveal this information. According to Celebi's statement, the fall of the Arus Empire was inevitable. So even if he told Shadowsong, it would only add to his worries.

Yuga: "It seems your father won't be coming back anytime soon."

Shadowsong: "That's about right."

Yuga was feeling somewhat lost and didn't know where to start looking for Celebi. Should he just wait for Celebi to come to him?

"Can I go outside the palace tomorrow?" Yuga asked Shadowsong.

He couldn't remain confined within the palace walls, waiting for information. He needed to explore outside for possible clues.

"Of course, you can," Shadowsong replied, then signaled to Hubert, who produced a metal badge and placed it in front of Yuga. "With this badge, you'll have the freedom to come and go from the palace. But why do you want to go outside the palace?" Shadowsong inquired with curiosity.

Yuga replied, "Just to explore. Staying within the palace all the time isn't productive."

Shadowsong considered Yuga's request. After all, Yuga was not from this era and would eventually have to return to his own time.

The next day, Yuga changed into the clothes provided by Shadowsong before leaving the palace. Wearing noble attire would attract too much attention, especially since commoners in the Arus Empire held disdain for the nobility.

Yuga also recalled Gardevoir into her Poké Ball. In the royal capital of Arus, people who brought Pokémon with them were seen as nobility. Gardevoir didn't want to be seen by the people here, and Yuga agreed, preferring to keep a low profile.

Initially, Vira, the maid, wanted to accompany Yuga, but he declined. Yuga couldn't fully trust Vira, as she had been sent by Nolans. He decided to explore on his own.

The royal capital of Arus was divided into two areas: the noble district near the palace and the commoner district on the outskirts.

The nobles lived in extravagant luxury. Despite the ongoing war with a neighboring country, they seemed oblivious, focused only on their own pleasures.

Yuga wandered through the noble district, observing the nobles walking with their heads held high. In some areas, Yuga, dressed as a commoner, couldn't even get close.

Continuing, Yuga proceeded to the commoner district. Compared to the opulent and luxurious life in the noble district, the commoner district had a much more bleak atmosphere, and the few people seen smiling were mostly children.

Yuga noticed that the people in the commoner district seemed to idolize Celebi. Many wore wooden carvings of Celebi as necklaces and would pray with them whenever they had the chance, as if such actions could improve their impoverished lives.

This was a phenomenon Yuga hadn't observed in the noble district. It was no wonder that after Celebi's death, uprisings had occurred throughout the Arus Empire. Celebi, as the guardian Pokémon of the Arus Empire, held high prestige among the common folk.

As Yuga walked through the streets, he carefully observed the lives of the commoners and felt that there was a reason Celebi had sent him here. The admiration the commoners had for Celebi was evident.

Suddenly, Yuga had the feeling of being followed. He discreetly quickened his pace as the sensation grew stronger.

As he moved farther away from the crowd and reached a riverside, a Pokémon descended from the sky and landed on the opposite side, revealing itself as a Shiftry.

Without hesitation, the Shiftry launched an attack on Yuga. Its emerald wing leaf elongated into a sharp blade aimed at Yuga's neck.

Yuga had discreetly retrieved a Poké Ball upon realizing he was being followed. As the Shiftry charged towards him, he released his Charizard.

The Charizard opened its mouth and unleashed a Fire Blast at the approaching Shiftry, engulfing it in flames. The Shiftry let out a cry of pain and emerged from the fire, countering with a gust of wind that swiftly extinguished Charizard's flames.

Yuga watched the battle between Charizard and Shiftry, feeling his skin crawl. He instinctively moved to the side to avoid the oncoming danger.

Just as Yuga left his original position, a massive Razor Wind sliced deeply into the ground where he had been standing moments before.

Looking up, Yuga saw a Swellow in the sky, gazing down at him with a cold expression. It appeared surprised that its attack had missed Yuga.

However, its surprise quickly turned into determination as it prepared to strike at Yuga once more. This time, it used Aerial Ace to charge directly at him.

At that moment, Breloom appeared in front of Yuga. With its two hands, Breloom grasped Swellow's wings and used Counter, sending Swellow tumbling away.

The battered Swellow rolled on the ground, churning up soil and leaving its feathers disheveled.

Breloom wasted no time. While Swellow was still recovering from the attack, Breloom dashed forward, grabbed Swellow's neck with one hand, and struck it with the other using Focus Punch.

Swellow lost all combat capability and was now held by Breloom by its wingtips, dragged in front of Yuga.

Its neck was twisted, its tongue hanging out, and its eyes rolled back, presenting a pitiable sight.

In fact, Swellow had a slightly higher level than Breloom. However, it had ventured too close to Breloom and had consumed by Counter move.