
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 1074: Gurkinn and Lucario

While waiting for news from Malva, Yuga closely monitored the activity at the Lysandre Labs, but the researchers there rarely left the premises, so he didn't gather much useful information.

Two days later, Yuga met with Bruno again.

Bruno brought information from Malva, just like before, and he remained as quiet as ever. He handed Yuga the information and left without saying much.

Malva had given Bruno a note to pass on to Yuga, and on it was written the location of a secret Team Flare base.

The base was located in Geosenge Town, but Malva didn't know its exact location—only a general area. Yuga would need to investigate further once he got there.

After receiving the note, Yuga immediately prepared to head to Geosenge Town. Before leaving, he asked Malva to help keep an eye on and limit Essentia's movements, to prevent her from causing too much trouble.

What Yuga didn't know was that right after he left, Malva leaked information about Essentia to Looker, which finally led him to the elusive Emma.

In fact, it was also Malva who had previously informed Looker that Essentia was Emma. Once she decided to help Yuga stop Lysandre's world-ending plan, she also decided to help Looker find Emma.

Malva was willing to help Looker because he had once helped her, although he might not remember it. Malva, however, had always wanted to repay that favor.

When Malva was part of the Special Operations Team, Looker had been her instructor for a time. On one occasion, she was being bullied by other team members, and Looker, who happened to pass by, intervened and helped her out.

Later, Looker transferred to the police force, and she was reassigned to another unit, so they had no further contact. But Malva quietly kept the memory of that favor.

Malva had also been involved in the E- Combat Suit project of Team Flare, so she was somewhat familiar with it. Although the project was put on hold due to technical issues, the lead researcher, Xerosic, persisted. As a former participant, Malva paid close attention to Xerosic's experiments, which led her to discover that Emma was in Lumiose City.

To prevent Xerosic from noticing the connection between Looker and Emma, and thus affecting Looker's mission in Lumiose City, Malva secretly erased any traces of their past life together.

However, by the time Looker and Emma reunited, Yuga had already returned to Coumarine City.

Geosenge Town is located in the westernmost part of Kalos, and to get there, one must pass through Coumarine City and Shalour City, so Yuga decided to make a brief stop in Coumarine City.

Since he planned to use the Gym Exchange as a cover for his movements, he needed to make occasional appearances in Coumarine City.

When Yuga returned to Coumarine City, Clemont was still there, working on a new Sunflora generator. According to Mr. Ramos, the research was going well, and it wouldn't be long before this new generator was unveiled.

Yuga didn't stay long in Coumarine City and left for Shalour City the next day.

Coumarine City, Shalour City, and Geosenge Town are all located on the northwest coast of Kalos. Because of their coastal locations, all three cities have mild climates, making them very suitable for living.

However, compared to the other two places, Shalour City has a longer history, with its most famous landmark being the Tower of Mastery, which also houses the Shalour Gym.

It is said that the Tower of Mastery holds secrets related to Mega Evolution, so when Yuga passed through Shalour City, he decided to take the opportunity to visit the tower.

After arriving in Shalour City, Yuga looked at the Tower of Mastery standing in the sea and hesitated: "Should I ride Lapras over there?"

While Yuga was debating this, a voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Are you also here to visit the Tower of Mastery?"

Yuga turned around and saw a tall, slender man standing behind him. He was surprised and said, "Professor Sycamore?"

"Oh, you know me?" Professor Sycamore smiled. "Sorry for starting a conversation out of nowhere. But you look a bit familiar to me."

"Maybe I just have a common face?" Yuga joked, trying to brush off Professor Sycamore's puzzled look.

Because he needed to stay undercover, Yuga was wearing a hat and sunglasses. After all, he was quite famous now. Though it felt a bit presumptuous to say it, it wouldn't be strange for someone like Professor Sycamore to recognize him, even if they hadn't officially met.

"Are you also here to visit the Tower of Mastery?" Yuga asked, changing the subject.

"Yes!" Professor Sycamore nodded. "I'm hoping to ask Mr. Gurkinn a few questions."

The current Gym Leader of Shalour Gym wasn't Korrina, as Yuga knew, but her grandfather, Gurkinn.

Though Gurkinn was low-key, those who knew him understood that he was an extremely powerful trainer. However, he always stayed at the Tower of Mastery and didn't care about fame, so to the outside world, he was just an elderly Gym Leader nearing retirement.

By the way, Shalour Gym is one of the oldest gyms in the Kalos League, and Mr. Gurkinn has the authority to appoint his successor.

"Doesn't the Shalour Gym provide a boat? How do challengers usually get there?" Yuga muttered after hearing Professor Sycamore's answer.

Professor Sycamore was surprised and said, "You don't know? When the tide goes out in the evening, the path to the Shalour Gym is revealed. Most challengers go then."

"Oh, really?" Yuga genuinely didn't know. His visit here was a spur-of-the-moment decision, so he hadn't researched Shalour Gym in advance.

"But usually, trainers with Flying or Water-type Pokémon don't wait for the tide to go out; they just fly or swim over." Seeing Yuga's confusion, Professor Sycamore continued to explain.

"Then I'll swim over. Waiting until evening seems like a waste of time." With that, Yuga released his Lapras.

Lapras happily splashed its blue fin in the water, while Professor Sycamore watched Yuga's Lapras with a thoughtful expression.

As Yuga was about to leave on Lapras, he noticed Professor Sycamore staring at Lapras and awkwardly asked, "Do you... want to come along, Professor?"

Professor Sycamore was momentarily surprised, realizing Yuga might have misunderstood him. But instead of correcting it, he smiled and said, "Sure, thanks for the ride."

As they were halfway across on Lapras, Professor Sycamore suddenly asked, "You're the Gym Leader from Hoenn, right?"

Yuga: ...

Seeing Yuga's surprised expression, Professor Sycamore pointed at the Lapras they were riding and said, "Your Lapras is unique. I've only ever seen one like it."

As Yuga's fame grew, so did the public's knowledge of his Pokémon, especially Lapras, whose appearance slightly differed from typical Lapras.

"I see," Yuga suddenly realized. He had underestimated his own fame (self-praise). He hadn't expected his Pokémon to become a way to identify him.

"I should be more careful in the future!" Yuga reminded himself.

Professor Sycamore then asked, "The Gym Leader Shimizu has a Mega Stone too, right? Did you know that Shalour City is where Mega Evolution was first discovered?"

Once Professor Sycamore realized Yuga's true identity, he couldn't stop talking, eagerly sharing various insights about Mega Evolution.

Yuga had publicly used Mega Evolution with his Gengar before, so Professor Sycamore was aware that Yuga possessed a Mega Stone.

Mega Evolution had long been a central focus of Professor Sycamore's research. His visit to the Shalour Gym this time was also for this purpose.

Long ago, the ancestors of Gurkinn, together with his Lucario, arrived at Shalour City. There, they discovered two stones, leading to the world's first recorded instance of Mega Evolution.

Yuga listened intently as Professor Sycamore recounted various legends related to Mega Evolution.

Just as Lapras was about to reach the shore, Professor Sycamore suddenly said, "If possible, could I ask you to arrange a Mega Evolution battle between the Shalour Gym Leader and you?"

"Well..." Yuga hesitated.

Noticing Yuga's reluctance, Professor Sycamore quickly added, "I wouldn't ask you to do it for free. How about I give you a Fennekin as a reward?" A battle between two Mega Evolved Pokémon was a rare opportunity and invaluable for his research.

A Fennekin? Yuga's eyes lit up. That was definitely tempting.

"I'd give you a Chespin too, but I don't have any on hand right now," Professor Sycamore said apologetically, thinking Yuga might prefer the Grass-type Chespin since he was the Gym Leader of a Grass-type Gym.

Yuga laughed. "A Fennekin is fine." He didn't actually mind whether it was a Fennekin or a Chespin. "But I can't reveal my identity, so I'd need you to help cover for me."

"Deal," Professor Sycamore said, delighted. Although he didn't understand why Yuga needed to keep his identity hidden, he was smart enough not to ask.

After disembarking, they immediately saw an elderly man with white hair and eyebrows standing in front of the Tower of Mastery. It was none other than Gurkinn, the Gym Leader of Shalour Gym.

Because Professor Sycamore had informed Gurkinn beforehand, he was waiting at the entrance.

"My apologies for the trouble," Professor Sycamore said with sincere regret.

Gurkinn shook his head. "It's no trouble at all. It's an honor to have you visit the Fortree Gym, Professor."

"Ah, right! This is my friend. I brought him along for a visit," Professor Sycamore briefly introduced Yuga.

"Alright, please follow me." Gurkinn glanced at Yuga, nodded, and led them inside. Professor Sycamore hadn't mentioned Yuga's name, and Gurkinn didn't ask any questions—they all understood the situation.

The Tower of Mastery was an enormous, multi-level structure that resembled a palace. As soon as they entered the grand hall, they were greeted by a towering statue of Mega Lucario.

As Gurkinn introduced the history of the Shalour Gym, he guided them through the Tower of Mastery, while Professor Sycamore focused on the legends surrounding Mega Evolution.

Unfortunately, as with most legends, there wasn't much practical information to be found.

Before they knew it, evening had arrived, and the tour was nearing its end. Professor Sycamore then turned to Gurkinn and asked, "Mr. Gurkinn, could you have your Mega Lucario battle my friend?"

"It's possible, but..." Gurkinn looked at Yuga, who was still wearing his hat and glasses, and hesitated.

Professor Sycamore quickly reassured him, "Don't worry. My friend is very strong, so please give it your all!"

Gurkinn was surprised by this and took another look at Yuga, who seemed so young. He hadn't expected him to be so powerful.

"Follow me," Gurkinn said, leading Yuga and Professor Sycamore to the Gym's battle arena.

"Let's begin."

Both sides took their places at opposite ends of the arena. Gurkinn released his Lucario, and the Mega Stone embedded in Lucario's glove gleamed brightly.


*Type: Fighting, Steel*

*Ability: Inner Focus*

*Gender: Male*

*Potential: Indigo*

*Level: 75*

*Moves: Detect, Quick Attack, Force Palm, Feint, Aura Sphere, Metal Claw, Power-Up Punch, Swords Dance, Close Combat, Bone Rush, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Low Kick, Shadow Claw, Flash Cannon, Extreme Speed, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch.*

"No wonder Professor Sycamore warned me to be careful!" Yuga thought to himself after analyzing Lucario's stats. Gurkinn strength was indeed formidable, yet he had managed to remain low-key, which explained his lack of widespread fame.

But Lucario! What a magnificent Pokémon! Yuga couldn't help but admire Lucario's impressive form. He wondered if he could trade a Meditite or Medicham with Shalour Gym for a Riolu or Lucario. He'd even offer two or three Pokémon in exchange.

Yuga was genuinely tempted by Gurkinn's Lucario.

Since Shalour Gym specialized in Fighting-type Pokémon, they might be interested in Meditite and Medicham too, right?

Actually, trading a Ralts or Gallade for Lucario would make more sense, but Yuga only had a few Gallade in his sanctuary, and he was reluctant to part with them.

Psychic-type and Fighting-type Pokémon like Meditite and Medicham were also rare. Although they weren't as coveted as Riolu or Lucario, two or three in exchange for one Lucario seemed fair enough.

Yuga decided he'd ask Professor Sycamore to help negotiate later.

After Gurkinn released Lucario, Yuga sent out his Venusaur.

Seeing Yuga release a Venusaur instead of Gengar, Professor Sycamore was surprised. He hadn't expected Yuga to possess a Mega Stone for Venusaur as well, making this an unexpected delight.

With this in mind, Professor Sycamore eagerly took out his camera and began snapping photos of Venusaur.

"Lucario, Mega Evolve!"

"Venusaur, Mega Evolve!"

With both sides ready, Yuga and Gurkinn's voices echoed simultaneously across the battlefield.

(End of Chapter)