
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 1071: Developing a Spy

Although Yuga had agreed to help investigate Lysandre, he didn't actually know much about Lysandre himself or the Team Flare organization.

At this moment, Yuga needed a breakthrough, and that breakthrough was Malva.

According to his previous life's memories, Yuga knew that while Malva was also a member of Team Flare, Lysandre had concealed some things from her. Her ideals did not align with Lysandre and Team Flare's goals; at least, she didn't want to destroy the world.

Therefore, to obtain useful intelligence, persuading Malva was the quickest and most effective method.

When Malva received Yuga's call, she was very surprised. In her impression, Yuga was someone Lysandre wanted to win over, but she had limited interaction with Yuga and couldn't understand why he wanted to meet with her alone.

"Coumarine City? Alright, I understand. I will come as scheduled," Malva said after hanging up, holding the communicator and falling into deep thought.

Considering that Yuga specifically warned her not to let Lysandre find out her whereabouts, Malva frowned slightly. Was this Gym Leader wary of Lysandre?

Reflecting on her relationship with Lysandre, Malva began to recall when she had joined Team Flare.

It probably began over a decade ago when Malva was just a teenager and not yet the renowned Fire-type Elite Four of the Kalos League. She was just a talented but ordinary trainer in the League.

Her background was modest, with her parents being among the many ordinary trainers in the League. However, due to her parents' connections and her own hard work, she had performed well in several League missions and gained some recognition.

As her position in the League rose, her parents' help became less significant. For a young woman like her, making a name in the League was extremely challenging. Gradually, she witnessed many dark aspects of the League, such as misuse of public resources and personal vendettas.

When these issues did not directly affect her, she could turn a blind eye. But when she encountered them herself, she felt humiliated and powerless.

The incident that occurred during her tenure with the League's Special Forces pushed her dissatisfaction with some people in the League to the extreme.

The League had its own military, with the Special Forces being a particularly special unit. Unlike the less-known departments like the Supervision Bureau and the Investigation Bureau, the Special Forces were considered guardians by the public.

Before Malva became an Elite Four, she had served in the Special Forces. At that time, she was young and eager to be the best, not even noticing when she inadvertently aroused others' displeasure and jealousy.

During a mission, Malva once again achieved outstanding results. With her original position, this merit would have ensured her promotion.

However, after reporting her achievement, her reward was delayed. Later, she discovered that her merit had been claimed by another team member, whose uncle was their superior.

Malva's anger at learning the full story was understandable. She sought justice for herself, but all appeals were ignored, and she was suppressed.

The suppression isolated her in the team, relegating her to trivial tasks and making it extremely difficult to stand out.

Without a strong background, she could not fight against those with connections and could only silently endure, swallowing all her discontent and humiliation.

At that time, Lysandre came to her aid.

Lysandre approached her and said he could help her, but in return, she needed to work for him and act as his informant within the League.

At that time, Malva was disillusioned with the League, and Lysandre hinted at his intention to change the current state of the League. Hence, they quickly came to an agreement.

Later, Malva used Lysandre's connections to transfer from the Special Forces and excelled in other departments.

Malva was a naturally gifted trainer, and with Lysandre's assistance, her path became much smoother.

Of course, during that time, she did many things for Lysandre, both good and bad.

Later, a major incident occurred in the League—the head of the Unova League's branch was ousted for framing Champion Alder. As a result, not only was the Unova League purged, but other Leagues, including the Kalos League, were also affected.

Thus, Malva didn't have a chance to exact revenge on her old enemies, as they were removed from their positions and received their due punishments.

It felt rather frustrating.

Although she didn't get her revenge, her cooperation with Lysandre continued to this day. However, Malva was quite clear-headed and knew that Lysandre had always kept many things from her. She just chose not to ask more questions after working together for so long.

After much contemplation, Malva decided to go to Coumarine City as agreed, hiding her identity.

The day after Yuga's call, Malva and Yuga met in Coumarine City.

In a private room of a restaurant in the city center, Malva entered and removed her sunglasses. She looked at Yuga, who was sitting upright, and said, "As far as I know, Gym Leader Shimizu came to Kalos to exchange with the Coumarine Gym. I am not a Grass-type trainer, so I don't understand why Gym Leader Shimizu wanted to invite me here."

"Come, come, have a seat first," Yuga said with a smile, inviting Malva to sit down. He then pointed to a table full of dishes and said, "I've ordered some food. Although I don't know what you like, these are all the restaurant's specialties. You won't go wrong with them."

Malva hesitated, pulled out a chair, and sat down. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the table but then set them down again. "Gym Leader Shimizu, if you have something to say, please speak directly. If this continues, I don't have the time to stay."

Since receiving Yuga's call, Malva had felt uneasy, and her unease grew stronger upon seeing Yuga.

She knew that Yuga wanted to discuss something related to Lysandre, but what exactly did he want?

Yuga smiled but did not immediately state his purpose. Instead, he poured a glass of wine for Malva and said, "Malva, try this. It's said that this wine is made from the Inkberry fruit grown in the Unova region's Nuvema Town and has a unique flavor."

Malva took a deep breath, picked up the wine glass, took a small sip, and then stared at Yuga.

Seeing Malva's impatience, Yuga knew the psychological game had gone far enough and finally got to the point. "I wonder how you, Elite Four Malva, view Lysandre?"

Malva, with a serious expression, asked, "What do you mean?"

Yuga steadied himself and replied, "Just as it sounds."

Malva stared intently at Yuga and said, "You came to Kalos for Lysandre? You should be well aware that I'm aligned with him. Furthermore, you've benefited from Lysandre and agreed to do things for him. Isn't it a bit underhanded to turn against him now?"

"Why pass up an opportunity that comes to you?" Yuga chuckled at Malva's words. "Besides, are you sure you're really Lysandre's?"

Malva was taken aback by Yuga's brazen attitude despite his usually proper demeanor. "As you said, who wouldn't seize a benefit when it's offered? Whether I'm Lysandre's or not isn't important; what matters is that he can give me what I want."

Yuga's expression suddenly became serious. "What is it that you want, Malva? Power? Wealth? Fame? I would think you lack none of these."

Malva was momentarily stunned. Indeed, since becoming an Elite Four, she had more than enough of these things. Her initial collaboration with Lysandre was intended to change the League, but after the great purge over a decade ago, the Kalos League had lost its previous corruption.

Her continued partnership with Lysandre was more out of habit than dissatisfaction with her current situation.

Perhaps this is why Lysandre has kept so much from me all these years, Malva thought.

Seeing Malva's silence, Yuga continued, "Do you know why Lysandre established Team Flare?"

Without hesitation, Malva replied, "Of course, it was to help more people in need."

Malva had always viewed Lysandre as an idealist, wanting to create a world free of persecution and poverty, but that seemed impossible.

To achieve this, Malva knew Lysandre had committed some questionable acts, in which she had also been involved. This was where she admired Lysandre; even if it meant doing unpleasant things and getting his hands dirty, he still pushed for progress.

She admitted to herself that she lacked the selfless devotion Lysandre had, being inherently selfish and only considering her own interests.

Yuga's response was enigmatic: "Perhaps his original intention was indeed so."

Malva blinked and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yuga explained, "Lysandre has always strived to make the world into his ideal one. But it's so difficult, to the point where he has become disillusioned. He believes that only through the destruction of the world can it be reborn."

"He has transformed from an idealist into an extremist," Yuga added.

"Are you saying he wants to destroy the world?" Malva asked in disbelief. "That's impossible; he doesn't have the means to do so."

Yuga asked, "Do you know the story of AZ and the Ultimate Weapon?"

Malva was puzzled. "The King AZ and the Ultimate Weapon from Kalos's historical myths?"

Yuga nodded. "Exactly. Lysandre has taken AZ to use the Ultimate Weapon to destroy the world and then recreate it in his ideal image."

Malva's expression changed. "But AZ is a legendary figure. How can he really exist?"


As Malva spoke, a small Pokémon emerged from Yuga's clothing, curiously peering at her and making adorable sounds.

"A Shiny Floette?" Malva was astonished to see the Pokémon.

Yuga pointed at the Floette and said, "This is the Floette that left AZ. I'm sure with your keen eyes, you can see this Floette is different."

"It really exists," Malva murmured, staring at the Eternal Floette. At this moment, she couldn't help but believe Yuga. She felt an incredible aura from the Pokémon.

The idea that Lysandre might want to destroy the world was beyond Malva's wildest dreams.

After a moment of silence, Malva asked, "How do you know so much about Lysandre?"

Yuga smiled but didn't answer.

Seeing Yuga's noncommittal response, Malva didn't press further. How Yuga knew those things was secondary to her; what mattered was the truth of his claims.

"What do you want me to do?" Malva finally asked. She had no desire to see the world end.

"I need you to find AZ's location and, if possible, gather evidence of Lysandre's crimes." Yuga wouldn't have taken the risk of approaching her if he hadn't known Malva was not aligned with Lysandre's extreme views.

Malva hesitated for a while before responding, "I need to verify the truth of your claims before I can help. If your information proves correct, I'll assist you."

Yuga showed visible delight. "Of course, I'll await your response."

"And one more thing," Malva added. "I don't want this matter with Lysandre to be leaked."


Yuga knew Malva's concern. If her collaboration with Lysandre were exposed, and Lysandre were captured, her position as an Elite Four would be in jeopardy.

As long as Malva had no desire to destroy the world, Yuga didn't mind turning a blind eye.

"Are you not worried that Lysandre might expose you if he's captured?" Yuga asked.

"As long as you don't reveal that I've helped you, he won't," Malva said, understanding Lysandre well. "Besides, until I confirm your information, I won't assist you. If it turns out to be false, I will inform Lysandre of your investigation."

Malva had truly mastered the art of being a double agent.

Yuga smiled faintly. "Of course." This woman was merciless when it came to betraying her allies, Yuga thought with a mix of admiration and exasperation.

"Wait for my news."

With that, Malva turned and left, her departure as cool and composed as her public image was not.

Yuga, left alone, had to finish the meal he had ordered. The dishes had cost him quite a bit, and wasting them would be a shame.

Back at the Coumarine Gym, Mr. Ramos asked with concern, "How did it go?" Though he didn't know who Yuga had met, he knew it must have been important.

"Let's wait for news," Yuga said, gazing up at the blue sky through the canopy of the giant tree.

(End of Chapter)