
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 1065: Reunion

When Gary and the research team arrived at the battlefield, Yuga's battle with the challenger was nearing its end, with the challenger's last Pokémon standing on the field. The challenger's Pokémon was a fire-type Torkoal, while Yuga's Pokémon was a Lilligant.

Yuga's Lilligant had the common Chlorophyll ability, but the challenger hadn't considered this. In an attempt to boost Torkoal's attack power, the challenger recklessly ordered it to use Sunny Day. Perhaps due to the unfavorable situation in the battle, the challenger had a momentary lapse in judgment.

Although Sunny Day enhances fire-type moves, it also benefits grass-type Pokémon, especially one with Chlorophyll like Lilligant.

With the speed boost from Chlorophyll, Lilligant moved nimbly around the battlefield, effortlessly dodging Torkoal's fierce attacks. Only then did the challenger realize their mistake.

No matter how powerful Torkoal's attacks were, they were useless if they couldn't hit their target.

But by the time the challenger realized this, it was too late. Torkoal eventually succumbed to Lilligant's relentless Energy Balls.

If the challenger had remained calm, there was no way Lilligant could have defeated Torkoal.

Lilligant, a pure grass-type Pokémon, is heavily countered by fire-types. Moreover, the challenger's Torkoal had formidable firepower—its fire-type moves were powerful, and it was quick in executing them. At the start of the battle, Lilligant didn't dare approach at all.

Additionally, most of Lilligant's offensive moves were grass-type, which Torkoal, as a fire-type, could easily resist. Defeating Torkoal in a short time was nearly impossible for Lilligant.

Despite these favorable conditions, the challenger still lost.

Just as the battle ended, Yuga heard applause from outside the field and noticed the group of researchers in the viewing area. Among them, he immediately spotted Gary sitting in the front row.

He nodded slightly to the research team and then returned Lilligant to its Poké Ball before approaching the challenger.

"It's unfortunate that I can't give you the Verdant Badge this time. Train hard and come back to challenge again—Verdanturf Gym is always open to you," Yuga encouraged the challenger.

The challenger nervously replied, "I understand, I will work hard."

"Good. In future battles, try to think more comprehensively. Don't just focus on your own strategy; analyze your opponent's strengths and weaknesses as well..." Yuga provided the challenger with some constructive feedback and advice.

After sending the challenger off, Yuga finally turned his attention to the research team.

"My apologies for not being able to greet you sooner due to the sudden challenger. I hope you'll understand," Yuga said with a smile of apology as he approached the research team.

The team leader waved it off and said, "No worries, work comes first."

The team leader was Professor Birch's junior and Professor Oak's student, named Haruto, who was also a professor, though not as renowned as Professor Oak or Professor Birch.

Unlike the somewhat round figure of Professor Birch, Professor Haruto was tall and slim. His personality also differed from Professor Birch's cheerful and friendly demeanor, as he appeared more silent and efficient, giving off an impression of being serious and reserved.

Compared to Professor Oak and Professor Birch, Yuga felt that Haruto's image was closer to the stereotypical researcher who spends their days in the lab conducting experiments and research.

Of course, this was just Yuga's preconceived notion. In reality, famous professors tend to be quite humorous and approachable. Even Professor Haruto, who appeared reserved, was actually quite talkative when among friends.

After a round of pleasantries, everyone started chatting amicably. Besides Professor Haruto and an assistant, the rest of the team members were newcomers from Professor Oak's lab, around Yuga's age, making them easy to get along with.

Most of them had heard of Yuga's reputation, so they subtly praised him in their conversations, making Yuga feel quite pleased.

Compliments are always nice to hear, and since they praised Yuga, he naturally returned the favor. Engaging in mutual flattery was something Yuga was quite familiar with, so everyone got along well.

However, there was one exception: Gary.

While everyone else was happily chatting away, Gary remained silent and almost invisible, as if he were being excluded from the group.

Exclusion was out of the question, as the team members were well aware of Gary's identity. No one would dare to slight Professor Oak's grandson, not unless they had a death wish and wanted to ruin their careers under Professor Oak.

Of course, there were likely people who didn't like Gary, but no one was foolish enough to show it openly.

Gary had only recently entered the academic world, and his inclusion in this research trip was entirely due to Professor Oak's influence. Professor Oak wanted Gary to gain more experience after his recent career change, so he arranged for him to join this research team.

This research team was under Professor Oak's laboratory, so adding or removing a member was entirely up to Professor Oak. Naturally, Professor Oak could include whoever he wanted.

Given this, it was inevitable that some people would feel resentful toward Gary. While his inclusion didn't take anyone else's spot, the sense of privilege still rubbed some people the wrong way.

Gary himself was aware of this but didn't care. He had a bit of that typical rich-kid, privileged attitude. If someone didn't like him, they could stew in their resentment for all he cared. If they had a problem with it, they could just deal with it on their own.

Yuga also noticed that Gary had been unusually quiet but, not knowing him well, he didn't attempt to strike up a conversation.

At that moment, someone suddenly mentioned, "Speaking of which, Gary used to be a pretty strong trainer, didn't he?"

Gary glanced at the person who suggested a battle and said, "I'm a trainer now, too."

The person replied, "Perfect, how about a battle with Gym Leader Yuga? It's a rare opportunity."

Others chimed in, "Yes, Gary, why not battle Gym Leader Yuga? After all, you're Professor Oak's grandson…"

Gary did want to challenge Yuga, but he was put off by being pushed into it, feeling some irritation at the crowd's coaxing.

Noticing Gary's displeasure, Yuga smiled and said, "A battle with Gary? I'm getting old; it wouldn't be right to pick on a young trainer."

Haruto, also sensing Gary's discomfort, glanced at the crowd and sternly reprimanded, "What are you all doing? We just arrived here. Have you forgotten your manners?"

Haruto was known for his stern demeanor, and his reprimand made the young researchers quiet down. The matter was quickly dropped.

The next morning, after finishing his early training with his Pokémon, Yuga went out for a stroll with Roserade. On returning, he saw Gary sitting in front of the shop, looking absent-minded.

The shop was bustling with customers coming and going. People would glance curiously at Gary, wondering when a "doorman" had appeared in front of Yuga's Pokémon Daycare.

Gary was staring at the large, napping Flygon on the roof. Seeing Yuga return, he asked, "Is this Flygon also one of the Gym Leader's Pokémon?"

Yuga looked at the relaxed Flygon and replied with a smile, "Well… sort of. It mostly just guards the place."

Hearing this, Flygon lifted one eyelid and gave Yuga a stern look, as if to say, "Just guarding? I'm the peacekeeper here!"

"Oh, it looks quite strong," Gary said, then resumed his absent-minded state.

Gary's comment made Flygon flick its tail in satisfaction. Even though its eyes were closed, Yuga could tell it was pleased.

Noticing Gary's gloomy expression, Yuga casually asked, "Is something wrong? Not getting along well with the team?" Yuga had felt something was off with the group's atmosphere the previous day.

"Not really," Gary shook his head, "Just find it all a bit pointless."

He realized some team members were resentful of him, like the one who led the teasing yesterday. Despite their obvious discontent, they still tried to curry favor with him, which he found somewhat pitiable.

Gary didn't share this with Yuga, knowing that if Yuga knew, he would think Gary was too young and that such situations were quite common.

Gary wasn't used to dealing with complex interpersonal relationships when he was just a trainer. But now, as Professor Oak's grandson, his interactions and experiences were bound to become more complicated.

Seeing that Gary didn't want to elaborate, Yuga didn't press further. He wasn't a close confidant, and it would be intrusive to pry too much.

"By the way, when is your research team going to the Petalburg Woods? Isn't it a problem to be sitting here idle? Don't you need to prepare?"

Gary responded, "We can't go today. We're waiting for the escort trainer arranged by Grandpa. It's not safe for so many of us to go to the Petalburg Woods without one."

The research team members were not combat-oriented, so relying solely on themselves, they wouldn't get far in the Petalburg Woods.

"True, safety is important," Yuga agreed.

The research team needed protection, but that wasn't Yuga's concern. He was only responsible for providing them with accommodations.

After chatting with Gary for a while at the shop entrance, Gary asked Yuga, "Gym Leader Yuga, could we have a battle sometime?"

Yuga was surprised but readily agreed, "Sure, anytime."

Gary smiled, his earlier gloom lifting. He then added, "Don't mention this to the team."

As Gary walked away, Yuga shook his head, thinking Gary was quite childish.

Gary's personality was very different from Ash's. Ash, in Gary's place, probably wouldn't be troubled by interpersonal issues.

Gary appeared haughty but was more sensitive and introspective.

In the afternoon, the trainer sent by Professor Oak to protect the research team arrived. Yuga took the time to meet them.

They were twin sisters from the Oak family, who were actually related to Gary. In terms of seniority, Gary should address them as aunts.

The twin sisters, who looked only a few years older than Yuga, were named Ruri and Amber. The Oak family usually kept a low profile, so Yuga didn't know them well or had heard of their names before.

However, since Professor Oak had sent them to protect the research team in the Petalburg Woods, it meant they were quite capable.

The day after Ruri and Amber arrived at Verdanturf Gym, the research team set off for the Petalburg Woods, and they would be gone for three days.

After three days, the research team returned to Verdanturf Gym for a two-day rest before heading out to the Petalburg Woods again for another three days.

Back and forth, the research team spent over a month at Verdanturf Gym. Yuga observed their enthusiastic departures and exhausted returns and thought they had a tough job.

The research team didn't stay at hotels or Pokémon Centers but preferred to stay at the gym. This was because academic research often required long-term stays, sometimes lasting months or even a year. Pokémon Centers and hotels weren't practical for such extended periods.

Yuga didn't care about their research details or how long they stayed. They spent most of their time in the Petalburg Woods, living parallel lives to Yuga's, except for occasional chats with Gary.

Gary was also busy as a new scholar, with limited visits to Yuga. Even the promised battle had yet to be arranged.

Then, one day, a few special guests arrived at Yuga's Pokémon Daycare, including Ash and May, who hadn't been seen for almost two months.

Due to the delay of the Pokémon League Championship from late summer to late autumn, Ash's travels had become more leisurely. Otherwise, he would have arrived in Verdanturf earlier.

While Ash was relaxed, May was not, as the delay of the League Championship didn't affect the timing of the Grand Festival, which was fast approaching. May still needed more ribbons.

Ash and his team came to Verdanturf not only for Ash to challenge the gym but also for May to participate in the Verdanturf Grand Festival.

"This is Mr. Yuga's Pokémon Daycare?" Ash, visiting for the first time, found it very new and wondered why he didn't see any Pokémon or eggs.

Just as Yuga was about to answer, Ayaka at the counter suddenly said, "What's vibrating?"

Yuga followed Ayaka's cue to the counter, heard the buzzing sound, and found the source of the vibration in the drawer.

(End of Chapter)