
I Am The Only One Who Doesn't Know I Am The Master

Li Xiu transmigrated to a land of magic. However, he did not have talent and was fated to be a regular person. To survive, Li Xiu opened a book store and learned to draw as a hobby. He might not be able to become a mage, but at least he had seen one. What he didn't know was that a dog that he raised would turn into a monstrous beast after looking at his paintings and was able to fight the dragon tribe. The tree he planted behind the house became the tree of life because he watered it often. He saved a lizard and after a while, it became a sacred dragon, leading billions of monstrous beasts. And the customers who love reading who come to his bookstore... They were all secret cultivators and teachers of magic. And the customers he thought had caught a serious illness and died... they had all become immortals! The customers have never once thought that the mysterious and powerful man was actually an ordinary person who liked to behave mysteriously. They did not have any difficulty talking to each other, but these clients all made up their own explanations for what Li Xiu said. Everyone knows that I am an expert. Why don't I know?

Lurk Unmovingly · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Ascending to the Divine Realm

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I found the right place?"

Ban Feimeng looked at the ordinary person in front of her in surprise. This person knew that she had specially come here?

Or could it be that the elder had already known that she would come here and had arranged for someone to wait for her in advance?

"No need to be surprised. Everything has already been predestined. This is fate between us." Ye Xiu straightened his body slightly. He revealed a faint smile, making him seem unfathomable.

In order to save money, he had specially opened a bookstore in such a remote alley. Hence, she was definitely looking for this place, otherwise who would wander into this lousy place?

If an unfamiliar customer had specially come looking for him, wasn't this fate?

In order to deal with these fans of ancient culture, he had specially learned the words of the ancients. It wasn't difficult to deal with them.

"Everything has already been predestined?"

This sentence had the meaning of fate. It immediately made Ban Feimeng feel a bit uncertain. The ordinary person in front of him seemed to have an extra layer of mystery.

"My name is Ban Feimeng."

Ban Feimeng's tone was a bit more respectful. She probed, "Do you recognize an elder in my family?"

Her surname was Ban? Could she be Ban Shan's granddaughter?

Ye Xiu's heart jumped. He had a bad feeling.

Ban Shan had already passed away. Why was his granddaughter doing here?

Could it be that they found out that Ban Shan had spent too much money to buy his calligraphy and paintings? Ban Shan's children thought that he had been cheated of money. So, was this the reason that this girl specifically came to find this place?

After all, Ye Xiu had only studied calligraphy and painting for three years. Even though his skill wasn't bad, he lacked fame. He was also quite young, and yet he sold a painting for tens of thousands of gold coins...

It was a bit too much.

But no matter what, with his skill, he would be able to make a name for myself sooner or later. Selling it for tens of thousands of gold coins wasn't too much, right?

Ye Xiu maintained his calm expression and lightly nodded his head. He said, "So you're a relative of Mr. Ban Shan. It's been a while since I saw him after he bid farewell to me last time. I was planning on giving him one of my paintings."

The letter didn't clearly state that Ban Shan had passed away, so it wasn't appropriate to say it directly. He needed to get more information from this girl

What if Ban Shan hadn't died, and he said that he had already died? Wouldn't that offend her?

"Doesn't this person know that the elder has ascended to the Divine Realm?" When Ban Feimeng heard Ye Xiu, she realized that the person in front of her was really an ordinary person. It was likely that the elder had met him in the mortal world.

She heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. Just now, she had thought that this person was a hidden expert. It seemed that she had thought too much.

"Thank you for your concern." Ban Feimeng collected her thoughts and said, "My family's elder had already passed away a few days ago. Now, he only left behind a portrait."

The ascension of mages from the mortal world to the Divine Realm was classified as top-secret information. It could not be said in front of ordinary people. Otherwise, if it was discovered by some existences in the Abyss, it would bring great trouble to the old elder. They might even invade the human world once they found out the ascension tunnel.

In any case, for an ordinary person, leaving the human world was equivalent to death. The elder did leave behind a portrait before ascending, making Ye Xiu think that the elder's death was nothing.

"Ban Shan has passed away."

Ye Xiu sighed in his heart and shook his head, "I know that Ban Shan has already left the human world. It's a shame that I couldn't send him off. Please placed this painting in front of the portrait. I had known him for so time. Please use it as a memento."

Ban Feimeng glanced at the painting on the table.

Even though it was upside down, it could be seen that the painting was of two mountains. There was a lot of blank space around them. Only a few strokes were drawn above the mountains, representing the clouds.

The two mountains weren't fully drawn. Only the top half of the painting was drawn. It fit Ban Shan's name, 'half of the mountain'.

There was some artistic conception. Perhaps the elder liked this painting? Many thoughts flashed through Ban Feimeng's mind. She retracted her gaze and directly asked, "Thank you for your concern. Do you have a deep relationship with my family's elder?"

Sensing the girl's change in attitude, Ye Xiu shook his head, "It's not that deep. I only sold two calligraphy pieces and gave him a painting. However, he left a letter for me."

They were considered as business relationship if Ye Xiu only sold calligraphy pieces and paintings to Ban Shan, but Ban Shen left a letter to him.

From this, it could be seen that the two were friends and weren't swindling money.

"He left a letter?"

When Ban Feimeng heard this, her eyes lit up. Could it be that the elder had other instructions?

The elder couldn't take any items with him when he ascended to the Divine Realm. Before he ascended, he had distributed all the magic items, but he hadn't decided on the ownership of the top-tier treasure, the "Azure Wood Ruler," nor did he know where the Azure Wood Ruler was.

The family had always suspected that the elder had another letter, which might contain the whereabouts of the Azure Wood Ruler!

Ban Feimeng couldn't care less about what Ye Xiu meant and immediately asked, "You're saying that my elder left a letter for you?"

"That's right." Ye Xiu nodded his head slightly.

"That letter...Can I borrow it to read?"

Ban Feimeng asked excitedly, her eyes flickering.

She had already thought about it. If she didn't borrow it, she would think of a way to use magic to peek at it tonight. After all, the dark magic she had learned allowed her to hide herself.

"Sure, it just some farewell words."

Ye Xiu took out a letter from under the desk and placed it on the table, pushing it to Ban Feimeng.

Ban Feimeng took the letter and opened it.

The familiar notes on the letter and the familiar magic aura contained within were indeed left behind by her elder.

She couldn't help but feel a bit strange. Ye Xiu was just an ordinary person. Why would the elder leave behind a letter?

"It's a pity that we did not meet earlier. Time is running out in the blink of an eye. We will not meet again for a long time. I sincerely wish we can meet in the sky again."

Ban Feimeng muttered in a low voice. After she finished reading everything, she was immediately stunned. "I sincerely wish we can meet in the sky again."

She had grown up in an aristocratic family of magic. How could she not understand the meaning behind it?

The first part said that the elder had ascended and left the human world. They would not meet again for a long time. The second part meant that he wished to meet Ye Xiu in the Divine Realm?

However, the number of mages who ascended to the Divine Realm in the mortal world was extremely rare. There might not even be one in a few hundred years.

If they couldn't ascend to the Divine Realm, how could they see it?

Unless this person in front of her...

Ban Feimeng raised her head to look at Ye Xiu. Her eyes were filled with insuppressible shock.

Before the elder ascended, he had specially used magic to send a letter to the person in front of her. It was clear that this letter wasn't fake.

She recalled that when she entered the door, the detection magic had lost its effect. Only when she saw Ye Xiu did she realize his existence.

One question after another was answered, and the situation immediately became clear.

So that was the case!

At this moment, Ban Feimeng completely understood.

This person in front of her, who could not be detected and was like an ordinary person, was actually a true expert, playing around in the human world!

Moreover, if the elder valued him so much, his cultivation was probably about the same as the elder's!

Ban Feimeng couldn't help but feel nervous.

Her tone wasn't good, yet Ye Xiu was so magnanimous and didn't chase her away. It was probably because she was Ban Shan's descendant.

Ban Feimeng took a deep breath and didn't dare to think too much. She solemnly bowed and said respectfully, "I wasn't clear about your relationship with the elder just now. Please don't take it to heart."

Ye Xiu secretly let out a sigh of relief and smiled warm, "It's nothing. You're still young after all."

Ban Feimeng also felt at ease.

It made sense. She was only 35 years old and had only cultivated for 20 years. Such a senior expert who was about to ascend was at least an old man who had lived for several hundred years. Why would she care about this little girl's rudeness?

"You came here specifically to look for a letter of Ban Shan?"

"That's right."

"Unfortunately, I only have this letter here. There's not much content in the letter."

"It was me who came her uninvited. Please forgive me."

Ye Xiu glanced at her and casually asked, "Why are you looking for Ban Shan's letter? You're his descendant. Before he passed away, he should have already distributed the family property, right?"

Ban Shan knew his health and didn't die suddenly. He had left a letter for him before he died. It was clear that he had the will to distribute the inheritance.