
Chapter 21: The Mighty Bull Demon King

"Who goes there?" Sun Wukong inquired.

The giant man responded, "I am the mighty Bull Demon King from Jilei Mountain!" His voice resonated like the tolling of a grand bell.

"You are the Bull Demon King!" Sun Wukong exclaimed in surprise.

"Judging by your reaction, have you heard of my name before? Well, it's only natural. My reputation as the Bull Demon King is known throughout the entire demon realm. It's quite common for you to have heard of me," self-congratulated the Bull Demon King, feeling pleased with his widely acclaimed fame.

"I wonder, Bull Demon King, what brings you here?" Sun Wukong asked, feeling somewhat exasperated by the Bull Demon King's self-praise.

"I have nothing to do at the moment. After a gathering with my brothers, we happened to pass by this place. Seeing your extraordinary aura and demeanor, I came to make acquaintance," explained the Bull Demon King. During his recent leisure time with his sworn brothers, he encountered Sun Wukong on the way home and decided to get to know him out of curiosity.

Sun Wukong replied, "It's said that friends coming from afar bring joy. I see you are a straightforward person. Why not join me for a drink in my Water Curtain Cave?"

The Bull Demon King gladly accepted, saying, "That sounds wonderful."

Returning to the Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong instructed his monkey subjects to bring out the cherished Monkey Wine collected over the years, along with delicious celestial peaches. They enjoyed drinking and feasting while engaging in lively conversation.

During the banquet, the Bull Demon King proposed, "We hit it off well. How about we become sworn brothers? What do you think?"

Sun Wukong agreed, "Certainly!"

Delighted, the Bull Demon King downed a large jar of Monkey Wine and declared, "Since I'm older than you by a year, I'll be the big brother. How about that?"

Sun Wukong responded, "Big Brother Bull!"

After their brotherhood ceremony, they continued to revel. However, their merriment was interrupted when the ruler of the Water Dirty Cave, the Worldly Devil King, approached. He looked battered and bruised, clearly in a sorry state.

Sun Wukong set down the wine jar and asked, "How did you end up like this?"

The Worldly Devil King approached Sun Wukong, bowed deeply, and pleaded, "I beg the great king to intervene. The Dragon King of the Jiaolong Cave, using his supernatural powers, bullied me, seized my Water Dirty Cave, and expelled me."

Sun Wukong inquired, "Is it the same Dragon King who incited you to provoke my Water Curtain Cave last time?"

Burning with resentment, the Worldly Devil King gritted his teeth and replied, "Indeed, that devil!"

Enraged, Sun Wukong declared, "Since you've sworn allegiance to me, you are now under my command. This Dragon King repeatedly harasses me, thinking I'm easily bullied. I won't let him get away with it!"

He continued, "Please wait here, Big Brother Bull. I'll go and deal with this so-called Dragon King."

The Bull Demon King offered, "If you need assistance, feel free to ask."

Sun Wukong assured, "Dealing with a minor demon is within my capabilities. Enjoy your wine, Big Brother Bull."

With that, he led the Worldly Devil King towards the Jiaolong Cave. Arriving at the cave entrance, they witnessed two snake demons dancing provocatively. Sun Wukong, not one to be swayed by beauty, was still consumed by anger. In a swift strike, he killed one, causing the other to flee into the cave in terror.

Shortly after, a slender figure with snake pupils emerged from the cave. Wearing glossy black Xuantian armor and wielding a three-yard-long Soul-Severing Spear, the figure appeared more like a celestial than a demon. It was none other than the Dragon King of the Jiaolong Cave.

Approaching Sun Wukong and the others, the Dragon King spoke, "So, you are Sun Wukong of the Water Curtain Cave?" Without waiting for a response, he turned to the Worldly Devil King and said, "You'd rather serve this Monkey Demon as your master than acknowledge me. Your judgment is truly clouded."

Sun Wukong sneered, "Have you finished your last words? If so, then prepare to die!"

As he uttered the word "die," he suddenly moved. With a forceful push off the ground, he darted forward like lightning and, in the blink of an eye, reached the Dragon King. Swinging his arm, the Golden Cudgel descended from above.

He appeared as a fierce and formidable figure, exuding a daunting aura from head to toe. His eyes were chilling, like the cold gaze of a ruler who held power over life and death.

"Oh no!"

The Water Dragon King, skilled as he was, stood out even on Flower Fruit Mountain. Except for a few ancient monsters, there were hardly any worthy opponents.

At the moment Sun Wukong swung down his Golden Cudgel, the Water Dragon King was already on alert, using his Soul-Severing Spear to block the impending strike.

This Soul-Severing Spear was a treasure bestowed upon him by a powerful celestial, his uncle, and he cherished it dearly. He had great confidence in the capabilities of this divine weapon.

However, in the instant the Soul-Severing Spear and the Golden Cudgel collided, he felt an immense force surging through the spear.


Unable to withstand the tremendous impact, the Soul-Severing Spear snapped in half! The Water Dragon King rolled on the ground in a panic, executing a perfect somersault to dodge the incoming Golden Cudgel.

"Under a single blow, my Soul-Severing Spear was shattered! What kind of treasure is this?" The Water Dragon King stared at Sun Wukong's Golden Cudgel with a face full of shock and fear.

Initially brimming with confidence and dismissive of Sun Wukong, he never expected his cherished treasure to be destroyed in one strike.

Now at a disadvantage, he felt a mixture of anger and frustration, a surge of violence welling up within him.


With a roar, he wielded the broken halves of the Soul-Severing Spear, channeling his entire body's power toward Sun Wukong. He intended to strike first and seize the upper hand.

"Eat my staff!"

Sun Wukong shouted, delivering a forceful blow to the Water Dragon King's right shoulder, crushing it entirely.

The Water Dragon King fell to the ground, spewing several mouthfuls of blood. His throat made a creaking sound, resentfully glaring at Sun Wukong as he uttered, "My uncle will surely avenge me!"

With that, his head tilted to the side, and he breathed his last.