
Chapter 104 –Future Arc (7)

 Worried about Miguel, I quickly focused my chi, trying to sense where he was. Even with everything going on around me, I felt his energy mixed with someone else's—it felt like future Peter Parker's.


Just as I was trying to understand what I sensed, Octavia barged in. Her laughter was chilling as she announced, "YOU'RE ALL IN TROUBLE NOW."


Reacting instinctively, I delivered a swift blow, knocking Octavia unconscious to prevent any more danger. But as Peter watched, surprised, I worried he might misunderstand.


"Whoa, whoa, hold on!"I blurted out, sensing Peter's bewildered gaze. "Let me explain! I'm usually all about manners, but Octavia here? Total villain vibes,—I didn't want her to escape, so I had to act."


Peter's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he scratched his head awkwardly. "Um,o-kay, but the 'monster' part seems a bit... off you know racist?


Feeling a bit stuck after Peter's comment, I quickly attempted to redirect the conversation. "Um, anyway, Miguel's in trouble," I interjected, hoping to shift the focus back to the urgent matter at hand.



"Miguel's in trouble?" Peter's voice echoed with concern, his brow furrowing as he processed the news. "Wait, what about Liz?" he asked, clearly worried about her.


As Peter spoke, my gaze shifted to Octavia, and I quickly formulated a plan. With a quick movement, I extended my arm and activated the web shooters.Thick strands of webbing shot out, wrapping around Octavia's body tightly, ensuring she couldn't escape.


Peter's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden action. "What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback by my actions.


Meeting Peter's gaze with determination, I explained my intentions. "You can see what I'm doing," I replied firmly, my voice conveying my resolve.


"Yeah, but-" Peter started, his voice trailing off as he realized the purpose behind my actions."


"Exactly," I interjected, cutting off Peter's train of thought. "My plan is to web her up to make sure she can't escape" I explained firmly, leaving no room for doubt.


"(Sigh) Okay," Peter agreed, understanding the seriousness of the moment. With Octavia taken care of, I turned my focus back to Miguel, who was still fighting for his life against Future Peter Parker.


"We have to act fast," I said urgently, feeling the pressure of the situation. "Let's go help Miguel right now, before it's too late."


Peter nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he prepared to join me. "Right behind you," he replied, showing he was just as determined as me. With Octavia taken care of and our determination boosted, we hurried to help Miguel in his fight against Future Peter Parker.


Peter and I swung through the base, determined to find Miguel. I used my chi sense to figure out where he was, leading us through the him. Our goal to reach Miguel grew stronger with every swing.


As we swung through the base, Peter turned to me and asked, "So, you've got this power that lets you sense people?"


"Yeah," I replied, nodding as we continued to swing towards Miguel's location. "It's this ability I've been honing. Helps me locate people, especially in situations like this."


"Damn, I'm jealous, man. I wish I had your power," Peter Parker remarked as we swung through the base, his voice tinged with admiration and a hint of envy. His words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his remark.


"Hey, you've got plenty of powers of your own," I reassured him with a grin, understanding his sentiment. "Besides, your spider-sense is pretty amazing in its own right."


Peter grinned back, a glimmer of pride crossing his features. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile. "But still, being able to sense people like that? Pretty cool."


I shrugged modestly, appreciating his compliment. "Thanks, Pete. But let's focus on getting to Miguel now," I said, my determination unwavering as we closed in on our destination.


Then as we swung closer, I felt Miguel's presence strongly. With determination, I guided us towards him. But what we saw when we arrived was chilling: Future Peter Parker was ready to attack Miguel.


As I watched future Peter Parker's fist coming towards Miguel, my instincts kicked in. Without a second thought, I shot out my webs, wrapping them around Peter's arms and pulling him away from Miguel just in time. He was caught off guard, unable to complete his attack. The sudden intervention left Peter startled and restrained, his plan thwarted.


Then Relief washed over Miguel's face at the sight of our unexpected arrival. "Took you long enough," he said, gratitude evident in his voice as he acknowledged our presence.

With Future Peter Parker momentarily restrained, Miguel took the opportunity to catch his breath. He looked at us with gratitude, his eyes reflecting relief and determination. "Thanks for the save," he said, his voice filled with appreciation.


I nodded in response, a sense of relief washing over me as I saw Miguel safe. "No problem, Miguel," I replied, my voice filled with reassurance. "We've got your back."


Peter's expression softened as he glanced at Miguel, his eyes filled with concern. "Hey, Miguel, you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.


Miguel, still trying to catch his breath, managed to said something in a sassy way, "Oh yeah, just another day in the life of a superhero, you know? Getting tossed around like a ragdoll by a future version of yourself—standard stuff."


Peter couldn't help but laugh at Miguel's sassy response, even though the situation was serious. "Ha, sounds like just another day," he joked, a grin appearing on his face. "And also my future self is the one beating you, ironic isnt it?."


Miguel chuckled weakly at Peter's joke, feeling a bond forming between them despite the chaos. "Yeah, ironic indeed," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "But let's focus on getting out of here and stopping Future Peter Parker before he causes any more damage."


With a shared nod of agreement, Peter, Miguel, and I quickly formulated a plan. We knew we had to stop Future Peter Parker from activating the time cube and wreaking havoc on the Spider-Verse.


As I quickly scanned the area, searching for the time cube. Then, I spotted it zapping towards us. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and handed it to Miguel so he could stop it from activating.


"Alright," I said to Miguel, urgency evident in my tone. "You know what you can do, from this time cube stop this while Peter and I will deal with Future Peter."


But Miguel's response was filled with frustration. "Shit," he cursed, his voice tense. "The future watch is the one I threw to Future Peter Parker back then, not my watch."

As Miguel spoke, he suddenly understood what had happened. He remembered throwing the watch to escape, causing an explosion to get away. But now, he realized the problem. The watch he threw wasn't his present one—it was the future one he needed.


Then Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to grasp the significance of his words. "What do you mean?" I asked, hoping for clarification.


Miguel's expression darkened as he explained, "Back then I threw my watch to cause the explosion for my escape, But it wasn't my present watch. It was the one from the future, with the crucial code we need."


His realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Without the code from the future watch, our plan to stop Future Peter Parker might not work. We needed to come up with a new plan quickly.


then Peter's brow furrowed in concern as he processed the news. "So, what do we do now?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Without the code, we're running out of options to stop the Future me."


Miguel looked at us with determination in his eyes. "Just give me a little time. I'm going to try and figure out a way to make a code that can break into the time cube and destroy it completely," he said.



[Meanwhile Future Peter Parker]


As Future Peter Parker broke free from the webbing, he felt a surge of frustration coursing through him. His mind raced with questions as he observed the unfamiliar faces before him. Michael Wilson, Peter Parker, and Miguel O'Hara seemed to be deep in conversation, unaware of his presence.


It was the sight of another Spider-Man, wearing a black suit and a blue-eyed mask aka Michael Wilson, that caught Future Peter Parker's attention. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he studied this unknown Spider-Man, his thoughts swirling with confusion.


Future Peter Parker mumbled to himself, looking puzzled. "This never happened before in my timeline. Who's that guy? The Spider-Man in the black suit with the blue-eyed mask?"

As Future Peter Parker thought about the new Spider-Man, he considered all the possibilities. In his timeline, it had just been him and Miguel O'Hara, Back then in the past. The appearance of this stranger Spider-Man went against everything he believed about how things had unfolded.


Curious and determined to understand, Future Peter Parker kept his gaze fixed on Michael Wilson, his mind buzzing with unanswered questions. "Just what is he?" he wondered, his thoughts filled with uncertainty as he tried to make sense of the unfolding situation.



"Enough of this" muttered Future Peter Parker to himself, his voice low and filled with menace. As he had enough of this thing.


With a quick movement, Future Peter Parker jumped into action, heading toward the group. He was focused and ready to stop them from doing whatever they were planning. He wanted to make sure they didn't mess things up any further.


As he got closer, Future Peter Parker thought about getting payback for what they had done. He was angry and wanted to make them pay for interfering with his plans. He was determined to win this battle and make sure they regretted crossing him.


[Meanwhile on Michael Side]

But before we could discuss the details further, Future Peter Parker attacked out of nowhere, surprising all of us. Luckily, Peter and I have this Spider-Sense thing that helps us sense danger. We acted fast, protecting Miguel from getting hurt because he doesn't have Spider-Sense like us.


As Future Peter Parker kept attacking, Miguel knew he had to act fast. He found cover and started thinking of a plan to stop the threat. "I'll work on the code while you two handle Future Peter," he shouted, staying calm even though everything was crazy.


"Stay safe, Miguel," Peter yelled as the fight raged on, showing how much he cared.


Miguel nodded, showing he understood, and got straight to work on figuring out a way to stop the time cube. As time ticked by, the pressure grew, pushing us to face the danger without hesitation.


"Do you think I let you get away!!" Future Peter Parker's voice rang out, sounding serious and scary. But I didn't let him move toward Miguel.


"Hey, pal, I'm right here. You're not going anywhere," I stated firmly, my voice filled with determination as I faced off against the formidable enemy in front of me.


"You!! What are you?!" Future Peter Parker exclaimed, his surprise evident as his gaze fell upon me for the first time.


With a sense of purpose burning within me, I looked him straight in the eye, fully embracing my role as a hero. "Who am I? I'm Spider-Man," I said confidently.


To be continued

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