
chapter 4


today is cloudy the sky is filled with gray clouds it was just like that day

the day when my life changed, and the darkness became my friend. from that day i discovered that mortals don't hold anything but fear, and the morals they create only works for those who can give their price or those who created them .

before 13 years ago (part 2)

with the cheering of everyone and the hope in their eyes i thought we would win the war and protect our forest but little did i know .

everyone was prepared. the kids were hidden under the ground and the old were in the front (because the older mages get the more powerful they become). mom was leading all the mages and we were waiting for the enemy to come .

suddenly we heard a gunshot and in a minute soldiers were attacking us from every direction. i was looking from the small window in the basement where we were hidden, me and 13 kid. two of them were only babies and most of them were crying ,except for three: me ,Coy and Ester.

they were my best friends, we were called the three ghosts because we had white hair. coy was the oldest he was 10 with a green eye and the other red. ester was a year older than me with pretty pink eyes and soft gaze that made everyone love her .but for me i was the scary one with sharp crimson red eyes and long white hair .and I liked that i was intimidating even though i was just 6 years old

"Emily!" Coy called me wile heading toward my direction "what are you doing? get down here before someone see you "

"i am trying to see what's happening, in case they need help".

"help with what ,Emily ,setting the fire ?"

'i need to keep Emily safe'

.."you two stop fighting and come help me". yelled Ester while struggling to held the two babies.

we were trying to put the babies to sleep while the screams outside got louder and louder .

after two hours we were still hearing crashes and screams outside and we started to get worried .

"hey guys, i should take a sneak peek outside to help the wounded or do something" i said

" what are you bluffing ? no one is getting out of here .it's dangerous , please stay calm"

"why are you talking like mom. did she teach you to say so? . i am powerful enough to kill all of them in one second! '' i said confidently ,starting to head up from thee basement

"Emily no!" but it was too late because i was outside in the battle field and all the confidence and bravery shrunk when i saw what was happening. We are the ones who are being killed. the knights were holding black swords. they stop our magic.

the Hight forces are loosing ,and the majority of our village was destroyed .corpses were downed in blood fire was set to all our corps houses were destroyed and burned. most of our tribe is rather dead or gone .while i was terrified by this view someone held my wrist ,when i turned back it was mom: "what are you doing outside ?" she asked with a harsh tone .although i always acting strong i started crying " mom i am scared all the village ... it's goon everyone left ... what happened ?are we going to die "

mom then bend down and hugged me "sweet child calm down now what did i say ,i'll protect you for whatever cost . precious thing you're your mom's happiness and reason of living don't you believe i'll protect you?." " no! , i trust mom the most ." then you need to head back before..."

mom shoot an ice arrow behind me: "... they find you "

when i turned around we were surrounded by soldiers and they all aimed at mom, one of them spoke :"your majesty we found the girl !" i saw a tall figure coming from afar holding a huge black swold when he approached ,i saw raven black hair, and eagle like, golden eyes that had the coldest gaze ." dear old friend ! . how have you been . ?" " how unpleasant to see you , Richard. " mom said with an aggressive tone. the guy smirked: " goodbye , Dorthea." and suddenly everything stopped moving except the sword to my mother's heart when it hit it everything went back to normal but mom and i were on the floor and her head was on my lap as she looked at me "i am sorry , be happy ... live to yourself ...i ... i love..." and with that mom's eyes closed. when i raised my eyes ,all i could see is these golden eyes staring at me with an indifferent gaze.

Back to present

when we reached the borders, my assistants went directly to the wounded ones to help them .

this is actually more severe than i thought . well ,they were fighting against monsters and humans .the east people sure are interesting , to tame monsters and use them for war .i was looking at the huge wolfs that are held captive in cages. they were four , three were black with blue eyes and the other was white with red eyes . wow ,it looks just like me he even look bored , how adorable i want to have a pet wolf too... "i see our mage likes wild beasts". ahh , i didn't miss this mocking tone .

i turned around to face the tall soldier behind me , why is everyone keeps getting taller except for me. "greetings your highness , congratulation on your victory ." black hair, large shoulders, and extremely handsome face with the sharpest jaw line .... ,and golden cold eyes .the second heir, and the duke of the empire; Rainer Alyson. the one who knows who i truly am . he was accompanied by two knights but he dismissed them. " you can stop being fake now we are alone." " i see you're still rude. " i said while smiling. " and you still two faced . how have you been, i hope you didn't destroy the kingdom while i was gone " he said while stroking my hair back " do not worry you'll witness everything . i may be a hypocrite but i stab from the front ." i said while holding his gaze.

" are you hurt anywhere ?"