
I Am The Lord Of A Mothership

Hey there, I'm Daniel, and I bet you're wondering if I'm breaking the fourth wall. Well, guess what? I totally am! This is my story, and I'm the star of the show. I'm the unbeatable, unrivaled, and all-around extraordinary protagonist. Okay, maybe I got a little carried away with the self-praise there. My bad. But here's the deal: I'm destined to become the ruler of everything in this strange new world. Can you believe it? I certainly couldn't. In my previous life on Earth, I was just an average Joe. But then, fate decided to play a little trick on me, and I met my untimely demise by choking on a water bottle cap. Yeah, not the most glamorous way to go, I know. Don't laugh, it's not funny! We all have to meet our end somehow, and mine just happened to involve a water bottle cap. But let's move on from that, shall we? After shuffling off this mortal coil, I woke up in a place filled with mind-blowing technology, surrounded by the soothing voice of a female AI telling me that I'm the new Lord of the mothership. Does that mean I'm a mother now? Okay, okay, I'll stop with the jokes. But seriously, this mothership is packed with insanely powerful weapons, badass mech soldiers, and all sorts of goodies to make me even more unstoppable. I don't want to spoil too much, but let's just say this is a fresh start, a whole new beginning that nobody saw coming. And my one and only goal? To make every living being bow down to me and accept my rule. It's going to be one heck of a ride, that's for sure.

GreatMindedCloud · Fantasy
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I wanted to share with you that I'm feeling a bit jittery. This is my very first attempt at writing a novel, so please be patient with me. I hope that I can count on your support and affection for my debut novel in the days to come. :)