
I am The Lord : 1000x system

(It is with an overpowered MC who will be weak at start but O.P as it progress.) On a planet named Ayla , people were transmigrated to a realm called Battle realm. They were given random territory and background to survive and become the strongest. A common system and a skill was given to everyone. The MC Tyson was given a low grade territory with a bad background. He got his Golden finger named 1000x system. let's see what he does with the powers he received. Note - I don't own the book cover. I am a new writer with experience of only writing fanfics ( coughs never completed them ). There may be alot if grammatical mistakes, please comment for that and help Discord - Arch Tysoono#8342

Arch_Tysonoo · War
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11 Chs

CH 9 Knights Quest (2)

Because of the rhinos, the land started shaking. It looked like there was an earthquake. The goblins panicked due to the earthquake. They didn't know that this was the last day for them.

The Goblin on the so-called watchtower panicked. Before could alert everyone about the enemy, a spear pierced its chest and the goblin fell to the ground. A few other goblins came near the goblin to check his condition but they were greeted by some flying spears.

This made goblins more scared.

Then the rhinos broke the wooden fence easily and the killing spree of knights started. Some goblins jumped to attack but they could do nothing as they were electrocuted to death.

Aicus came near the corpse of the watchman and Tony picked up his spear.

"I need a new weapon, maybe I can ask the lord for a new weapon," Tony said.

"I am bored, these puny goblins are no match for me" Aicus growled.

"Of course, they are not, they are just goblins" Tony retaliated.

Suddenly, a fireball hit a knight and the knight fell to the ground. Everyone looked in the direction the fireball came from and found a goblin who had a black cloak and a wooden staff. It was surrounded by a few goblin archers who had crude wood bows and arrows.

'The goblin shaman!' Tony got alerted. He knew that there would be some high-level creature here because goblins can not make any camp or village on their own.

"Try to not get yourself hurt by that shaman's attack! Eliminate the archers and get in close range of the shaman. He can't block close range attack" Tony shouted and ordered. He knew that one of the biggest weaknesses of a magician is close-range combat.

All the knights followed the command. The spears and Thunderbolts of the knights and the rhinos were rained on the goblins. Some of the goblins were decapitated by the spears while others were electrocuted to their end.

The goblin shaman was scared seeing this and so, he turned and started running with all his might. Tony saw this and so he looked at his partner.

"Aicus let's Go!" He shouted and Aicus started rushing towards the Goblin shaman.

As they were running, the goblin shaman saw Aicus and got scared seeing a mighty rhino running towards him. He quickly cast a spell 'Fireball' and threw it towards Aicus.

Aicus saw that and he started running faster. The moment it touched Aicus, it blasted. The goblin had a sigh of relief to know that his enemy is down.

But to his dismay, Aicus ran from the area of the explosion straight at him. The goblin got so scared that he couldn't even move, giving him enough time for Aicus to get very close. Aicus who was still running, yeeted the goblin in the sky and said "Tony, Now!".

Tony who was sitting on the back of the rhino the entire time jumped off of his back into the sky. Before the goblin could even think properly, Tony gripped his spear and pierced the chest of the goblin with his full strength. The goblin fell to the ground and Tony landed on top of it. He took out the spear that was inside the goblin.

The knights and Rhinos who saw this were amazed by this and their eyes were shining.

They wanted to be like their leaders. Little did they know, the two of their idols will be Godly figures in the future.

"Collect all the bodies and search all the shacks, there might be good things here,"

Tony ordered. All the knights and Rhinos saluted and then left to search every nook and cranny of the goblin camp.

Tony sat near a tree and Aicus came near him. "Did the dragon general soul react?" Aicus asked curiously.

"Not yet, I guess he needs more than a goblin shaman to show my strength and prove my worth" Tony sighed.

"Don't worry, I believe you can do it" Aicus

They both were talking about the incident that happened not too long ago. When Tyson got to meet Chrystal, Tony also met a dragon general, one of the strongest dragons at that.

The day it happened~

The two dragons came in front of the group and looked at them. One of them looked very strong than the other.

"I am the Dragon King, Chrystal Draconia," said the stronger-looking dragon.

"I am the greatest general of The Dragon king, Travis Cepeda," said the other dragon.

Tony's consciousness was then sucked into a different dimension.

'Where am I? What is this place?' Tony thought.

"This is the world of my consciousness" a very large figure emerged in front of Tony and said.

"Who are you?" Tony questioned

"I am the greatest general of the dragons, Travis Cepeda" Travis said.

"What do you want from me?" Tony was confused, what could the great general want from him?

"You have a lot of potential, you can grow very strong," Travis said.

"No thank you, I don't want to be scammed" Said Tony.

"It's not a scam you fool! You have potential and are a great leader" Said Travis.

"You mean young lord? Well, sure he has changed a lot in just a day. Then, will you make a contract with me?" Asked Tony.

"Let me finish. I will observe you for a while. If you show me your 'will', I will give you strength" Travis said.

"Wait what does tha-" before Tony could continue, his consciousness returned normal.

Present time~

"Sir! We found a lot of star coins and a pair of socks, it looks like an artifact" one of the knights said.

"I can understand that they have star coins but a socks artifact?"


Howdy people! Hope you all are doing well.

Comments if you like the chapter or tell me if there is anything wrong.


Discord - Arch Tysonoo#8342