
I Am The Leader Of The Uchiha Clan, And My Ninjutsu Is A Hundred Times

Traveling through the Hokage, he became Uchiha Ye Huo, Uchiha Itachi's older brother, and awakened the hundredfold reward system. Awakening Sharingan. Hundred times reward trigger: 1: One hundred Sharingan 2: A Three Tomoe Sharingan …. Fourth Hokage: Ye Huo's flying thunder god is faster than me. Naruto: Damn, there are more Shadow Clones than me. First Generation Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, I didn’t expect Fifth Hokage Ye Huo’s Wood Style to be better than mine. Uchiha Madara: Ye Huo I would like to call you the strongest pupil. …. In the world of Hokage, the strong are respected, and I, Uchiha Ye Huo, will be the strongest. I am focusing on my other story for now.

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93 Chs

Chapter 47

"I choose Lightning Style Unicorn Group."As Qin Fang's voice fell, Qin Fang suddenly felt that his control over Lei Li had undergone fundamental changes.He can control the free lightning in the void and condense it into a unicorn, and can even reach the point where thunder can be dropped from the clear sky.Next, Ye Huo practiced for another month.We finally reached the point where we could land thunder in clear skies.Calculating the time, Kushina should be in labor.The Nine Tails rebellion should have already begun.Ye Huo ended his training at Mount Myōboku.Back to Konoha.The first thing Ye Huo did when he came back was to go home and see Mikoto.Mikoto was holding a little baby in his arms and muttering, "Sasuke, Sasuke, when you grow up, you can't imitate your heartless big brother.""It's been almost six months and there's still no sign of anyone."As he said this, Mikoto's eyes turned red and two tears fell.Mikoto wiped the corners of his eyes, "This little heartless guy is so cruel."Ye Huo suddenly felt that his heart was filled with panic.Although he came from time travel, he also grew up on Mikoto's milk. ,No matter what, Mikoto is his mother in this life.He is not a heartless person.Ye Huo feels ashamed of Mikoto."Hey, Mom, are you crying for me?"Mikoto was obviously startled when he heard this familiar voice. He slowly turned his head and looked at the door. Ye Huo was leaning against the door, looking at him with a smile.Mikoto's tears couldn't stop flowing down. He gently put down Sasuke, and then rushed to Ye Huo with a slap in the air, "You little brat, you left without saying a word to me, and you asked Kushina to tell me." , I'll beat you for being such an unworthy person."Ye Huo closed his eyes, but after waiting for a moment, he didn't wait for a slap, but instead waited for a warm embrace.Mikoto hugged Ye Huo tightly, tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes, soaking Ye Huo's clothes."You little heartless thing.""You have a quarrel with your father and you don't even want your mother anymore?"Waves of warmth flowed through Ye Huo's heart.His hands slowly wrapped around Mikoto's back.He said slowly, "I'm sorry."Ye Huo's apology made Mikoto cry even more, and gently beat Ye Huo's back, "Do you know, I haven't had any news from you for half a year, I'm so worried, do you know? This heartless person...""Mom, don't worry, I will never leave without a trace again." Ye Huo made up his mind that he would never let Mikoto get any harm in this life.He doesn't care whether he has traveled through time or not.But that was all he had in mind at the moment.Who dares to touch Mikoto.Whoever must die.Even Itachi must die.Mikoto asked Itachi to take care of Ye Huo, and he was busy making delicious food for Ye Huo.Ye Huo had a hearty meal, then coaxed Mikoto to sleep, and then came to Hokage's office.When...when...when...Ye Huo knocked on the wooden door."Come in." It was Minato's voice.Squeak!Ye Huo opened the door and walked in slowly.Minato is reviewing the document."Minato-sensei, long time no see."Ye Huo spoke slowly, and Minato's hand suddenly froze.Minato slowly raised his head. When he saw it was Ye Huo, he was stunned for a second. Then he recovered and couldn't help but said, "Ye... Huo?""It's me. Why, we haven't seen each other for only half a year, and I can't even recognize my apprentice?"A soft smile appeared on Minato's face, "You brat, I haven't seen you for half a year, and you have grown a lot taller. You have been practicing for half a year, and now you are almost as strong as the teacher.""No, I'm far worse than the teacher." Ye Huo said with a smile."Let's go to the teacher's house. The teacher will cook in person and cook you two delicious dishes. We, master and apprentice, can have a good time catching up on old times."Minato put down the documents and took Ye Huo to the small house.After a while, Minato cooked four dishes and one soup, and Ye Huo ate it without any politeness. Kushina on the side said with some distress, "You also have to have a certain temper in your cultivation. You can't go away for half a year in the future. Do you know, your mother can I'm worried about you, have you gone to see your mother?"Ye Huo nodded, "I've seen you before. My mother just went to bed and I came here."As he said that, Ye Huo put down the bowl and chopsticks, glanced at Kushina's belly, and his expression became solemn. Every word was extremely heavy, "Master Wife, how long until you give birth?""The official day is in five days, what's wrong?" Looking at Ye Huo who suddenly became serious, Kushina and Minato were confused.Ye Huo said with a solemn expression, "Teacher, Shimu, during my training period, I encountered an organization called Xiao. The primary goal of this organization is to capture tailed beasts.""I fought against Akatsuki members once. They were extremely powerful and I lost."This passage was compiled by Ye Huo.He couldn't directly say that Obito would take the opportunity to take away Nine Tails.He could only use Akatsuki as an excuse to make Minato more vigilant.Minato pondered for a moment, "I've heard of the Akatsuki organization, but it's just a small organization in the Land of Rain. How come it's not even a match for you, Ye Huo?"Ye Huo said solemnly, "Yes, Master is about to give birth. When Naruto is born, Master will be at her weakest. I was really worried that they would do something to Master, so I ended my training early and hurried back."Minato's face suddenly became serious, "You mean, they will attack Kushina?""I don't know, but if I were to put myself in someone else's shoes, if I were the leader of Akatsuki, I would definitely not miss this opportunity."Seeing the solemn expressions of the master and apprentice, Kushina smiled and said in order to lighten the atmosphere, "It's okay, Third Generation has sent a lot of Anbu to protect me secretly, and the place where I gave birth to Naruto is extremely confidential, and there will be many traps." Restriction, nothing will happen."Ye Huo's voice suddenly became serious, "I hope you can take this matter seriously.""I thought that with my current strength, even Teacher Minato might not be able to suppress me, but that person from the Akatsuki organization could easily suppress me. If I hadn't run fast, I might not have been able to come back.""One of them can even use space ninjutsu. He can make his body become void. During the time of emptiness, his body can penetrate any object. Any ninjutsu physical attack will have no effect on him.""He can easily penetrate any restraint, and he also has the Sharingan."As soon as these words came out, Minato's face became even more gloomy, and Kushina finally became serious instead of laughing just now.Minato looked at Ye Huo and said, "Then, set up two locations A and B. A is real and B is fake. The fake ones should be put in plain sight to confuse the public. Then the real Anbu and I will personally guard it."Hearing this, Ye Huo shook his head and said, "This is too simple. I think we should set up another most secret location based on Teacher Minato's plan. Teacher Minato only told me and Third Generation about this location, and I am responsible for all of it." guard work."Minato smiled and said, "Ye Huo, Master is very pleased that you are so interested. Then we will set up three locations according to your wishes."But Ye Huo shook his head and said, "No, this is not enough."