
I Am The Leader Of The Uchiha Clan, And My Ninjutsu Is A Hundred Times

Traveling through the Hokage, he became Uchiha Ye Huo, Uchiha Itachi's older brother, and awakened the hundredfold reward system. Awakening Sharingan. Hundred times reward trigger: 1: One hundred Sharingan 2: A Three Tomoe Sharingan …. Fourth Hokage: Ye Huo's flying thunder god is faster than me. Naruto: Damn, there are more Shadow Clones than me. First Generation Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, I didn’t expect Fifth Hokage Ye Huo’s Wood Style to be better than mine. Uchiha Madara: Ye Huo I would like to call you the strongest pupil. …. In the world of Hokage, the strong are respected, and I, Uchiha Ye Huo, will be the strongest. I am focusing on my other story for now.

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Chapter 19

In order to prevent the Sand Shinobi from returning, Orochimaru led a thousand Konoha Shinobi to stay at Platycodon Castle.Namikaze Minato is responsible for bringing the injured and injured back to Konoha Village.The best treatment can only be found in the village.It can save the lives of many ninjas.Ye Huo also followed Minato back to Konoha Village.Along the way, Ye Huo was regarded as Konoha's savior.All Konoha Shinobi fans understand.The reason why Sand Shinobi was defeated so quickly in this battle.The first reason for this is naturally because of Orochimaru's command.The second is that Namikaze Minato shows strong combat power.And this third time is because of Ye Huo.First, Sand Shinobi's sentry tower was pulled out, creating extremely favorable conditions for Orochimaru's sneak attack.The second is the summoning of the terrifying Summoning beast in the Battle of Mount Kikyo, which burned the three-headed snake of Sand Shinobi to death.More than 700 Sand Shinobi were burned to death and burned.Then he threw Sand Shinobi's One Tail Shukaku three miles away.Only then did Orochimaru return to support.They just survived.Ye Huo naturally became the hero in the minds of these ninjas.In addition, Ye Huo was young and very polite to others, so the Konoha Shinobi liked Ye Huo very much. Some female ninjas took the initiative to make a stretcher and insisted on carrying Ye Huo."Sisters, I am not injured, I just ran out of chakra..."Before Ye Huo could finish speaking, the Konoha female ninjas on both sides exclaimed, "What, Chakra is exhausted. This is too dangerous. Check your sister's health quickly."So, these female ninjas touched Ye Huo all over.Ye Huo was startled and immediately used the Body Replacement Technique and disappeared."Huh, Body Replacement Technique?""Where are the people? Where did they go?""Everyone, look for me quickly, look for me in the limelight."Ye Huo wiped his sweat and suddenly a hand was placed behind his back.Ye Huo froze, turned his head slowly, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the face of a man."Uncle, is something wrong?"The man chuckled, "Young man, do you have a girlfriend?"Ye Huo was stunned, pointed to his nose and said, "Uncle, are you asking me?"The man nodded and narrowed his eyes, "Yes, there is no one else here, of course uncle asked you."Ye Huo chuckled, "Uncle, I'm only seven years old. How can I have a girlfriend at the age of seven?"The man hugged Ye Huo and said with a smile, "You are already seven years old. You are not young anymore. When I was seven years old, I had two girlfriends."Ye Huo's mouth twitched, are all the people in Hokage so precocious?"Haha, come uncle and show you my daughter's photo.""I'm telling you, my daughter is one of the most beautiful girls in Konoha.""All the Hokage's sons have fallen in love with my daughter and come to my house every day.""But Laozi didn't like that kid.""Ye Huo, I think you are a really good guy.""How about I introduce my daughter to you?"Ye Huo's heart moved when he heard this and glanced at the photo in the man's hand.The girl in the photo is indeed stunning.Her long, glossy black hair was spread loosely.A pair of fiery red eyes are as bright as rubies.The snow-white face was slightly rosy.Sexy lips.Sitting beside the river, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was particularly attractive.Beautiful is indeed beautiful, but..."Uncle, your daughter looks much older than me, right?"The man chuckled, "Hey, Ye Huo, you don't understand this.""Uncle is here, and I tell you, it's better for women to be older. Haven't you heard that old saying? A female freshman holds a golden rooster, a sophomore female holds a golden slam, and a junior female holds a golden brick. It's better for a woman to be older. Women are bigger. Know how to love your own man."Ye Huo twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Uncle, your daughter seems to be more than three years older than me. I think she is at least two three years older than me.""Really?" The man blinked, looked at the photo, and then at Ye Huo, "It seems... he is six or seven years older."Ye Huo grinned, whose cheap daddy is this? He can't even remember his daughter's age.The man chuckled, hooked Ye Huo's neck and said with a sly smile, "It doesn't matter, it's a happy event for a female senior. She's a fifth-year girl competing against her mother. She's a sixth-year girl... She's six-six-six. She's a seventh-year girl...""Stop, stop, stop..." Ye Huo felt ashamed. He couldn't stand listening to what he said about Sai Lao Mu and what he said about Liuliu Liu."Well, uncle, I'm still young and don't want to find a girlfriend yet, so let's do this for now. I'll leave first, uncle." Ye Huo ran away in a hurry.The man hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, son-in-law, my daughter can wait for you. My father-in-law's name is Xihi Zhenhong. Son-in-law, your wife's name is Xihihong. Don't forget."Ye Huo staggered.Before anything happened, Xiri Zhenhong already regarded himself as his father-in-law.This is too familiar.However, he just said that his daughter's name is Yuhi Hong.Emotionally, this uncle is the father of Hokage's elder sister, Yuhi Kurenai.His name is Yuhi Mahong.He named his daughter Yuhi Hong.Really good at naming names.Ye Huo silently felt sad for Xi Rihong.There is such a daddy on the stall.It was really hard on her.Seeing how embarrassed Ye Huo was just now, Xiri Zhenhong couldn't help but joked, "You brat, you're quite shy."Konoha Village has already received news of Kikyo's victory.Shikaku happily described the battle to Sarutobi Hiruzen in detail.Hokage Office, Third Generation Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised and delighted when he heard this.Sand Shinobi comes in force.He originally thought that even if Konoha could win, it would have to pay a heavy price.But he didn't expect that Sand Shinobi would be completely defeated in such a short period of time.Moreover, Konoha only lost five hundred Genin and two hundred Chūnin.Five seriously injured Jōnin and one Elite Jōnin.The rest were intact.This can be said to be a rare victory for Konoha.Sarutobi Hiruzen was very happy.But after the joy, worry arose again.Orochimaru and Minato contributed greatly to this battle.Orochimaru is his apprentice.Minato is his disciple.No matter how great their achievements were, he would only be happy.However, Uchiha Ye Huo's role in this battle was only slightly inferior to Minato and Orochimaru.This made him feel deeply worried.Uchiha Ye Huo.Although only seven years old.But the strength and talent displayed were terrifying to the extreme.Even far surpassing the legendary Uchiha Madara and First Hokage.If he is allowed to continue to grow.I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.Third Generation pondered for a moment and said to Shikaku, "When the troops come back, bring Ye Huo to see me."The smile on Shikaku's face suddenly faded when he heard this, and he took a deep look at Hiruzen. He knew that Hokage was a little afraid of Ye Huo.Who made Ye Huo come from Uchiha?"Yes, Lord Hokage."Shikaku left the Hokage's office and led the people of Konoha to greet their hero.The people of Konoha, old and young, eagerly looked in the direction of the gate of Konoha.In the distance, a team slowly approached.The leader is none other than the sunny and gentle Namikaze Minato.Next to him, Uchiha Ye Huo was only as tall as Minato's waist.At this time, Ye Huo had already changed into Uchiha's clothes.Now is the time to earn the favor of the villagers.Naturally, the true identity must be revealed.He didn't want Uchiha to be isolated from the whole village.Repeat the same mistake of genocide.