
I am the King of the Undead (has now been moved)

Richard Cross, born as a bastard, went through many difficulties, but he didn't let that defeat him, being raised with the love of his mother, who kept him going forward. Time passes by, and now he's in his early twenties, with a great paid-off job, a lovely girlfriend. Living his life to the fullest, but it didn't last long... As young and promising as he can be, he lost his life in his own apartment at the hands of an assassin. But not being the end of his journey, he got a second chance to live, and experience the wonders like a Fantasy book But, lucky is not completely on his side, he's born as a bastard again. Nevertheless, he has a power bestowed upon him from birth, and he will make use of it to the fullest. Join Richard's journey to become stronger, to become the KING OF THE UNDEAD. ------------------------------------------------- Here my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Discord https://discord.gg/HcaG8GgQ3U Mattfuncool#0219

mattfuncool · Fantasy
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77 Chs

To give and to receive pleasure

Enidut Pathwarrior was placed against a wall by Loren where he has one hand on her breast as the other one was soon placed around her neck.

Of course the two of them have to play it safe and not awake Angelina who was still sleeping.

Loren moves the hand on her breast to slowly and gently move down her body letting Enidut Pathwarrior to feel it.

She breathes faster when Loren does that, enjoying it while Loren brings his face against her neck, giving a nice and lovely kiss.

While doing that his hand passes the stomach, he soon reaches to where he aims to get a good feel for her pussy.

"Oh my seem to what I feel is you getting really wet here tell me could it be your like this a lot to what I am doing to you."

"I do." Enidut Pathwarrior answers him so quickly without a second thought.

That causes Loren to smile, feeling great enjoyment in it and wondering if this is something he likes to do to a girl to see her so fragile in the palms of his hands.

As if he can do whatever he wants to Enidut Pathwarrior, but not without letting her feel that she is loved.

"Alright let me begin to be ready as I will not go easy on you." Loren tells her in her ear as he gently bit it.

Enidut Pathwarrior had to quickly put a hand of her mouth to cover it before she allowed a loud moan espace and woke up Angelina.

Loren starts rubbing her pussy making her feel the pleasure from it while he plays with the ear making it harder for the girl to hold back the moans.

Then an idea came to him as the hand around Enidut Pathwarrior neck was removed and pushed away her hand which was covering her mouth.

Loren had that hand of his two fingers put into her mouth.

"Suck on them." he tells Enidut Pathwarrior and she obeys.

Loren could feel her suck on those two fingers of his along the feeling of her tongue that he at times will make contact with them.

Now it was time for him to speed up his other hand as Loren rubbed her pussy even faster.

Enidut Pathwarrior couldn't keep up with sucking his two fingers while feeling the pleasure she was getting from Loren.

This went on for a few minutes when Loren noticed that her body was twitching, giving him the sign that she was close to climaxing soon.

"Seem your loving this my naughty dark elf, but remember this is also punishment."

Right when he said that Loren stopped and removed his hand that was placed on her pussy.

Enidut Pathwarrior saw that and quickly turned her head to face him.

"Why did you stop." she asks while being so close to cumming.

"I told you there was a punishment along with the pleasure, I was giving you as I will leave you like this denied of the climax you want."

Loren was about to stop right there and get dressed, but his arm was grabbed by Enidut Pathwarrior.

"Please do…. Leave me like this Loren." She begs him and Loren to take a good look at her.

He let out a sigh as Loren couldn't do it even though he does want to leave her this way for fun.

Yet seeing Enidut Pathwarrior giving him the sad eyes wanting badly for him to finish her.

"Oh alright, I finish you off my dear." right when he said that she no longer was sad, but had a big happy expression.

Loren began pushing her back against the wall while he kissed the girl and returned his hand down to her pussy.

Only this time he wasn't just going to rub it instead Loren opened Enidut Pathwarrior wet pussy lips and stuck a finger inside.

The feeling of her pussy inside was nicely warm and tight as he could feel the walls close onto his finger.

Nonetheless Loren began fingering her where she had to pull away from the kiss between them to moan. But she didn't let that moan out instead bit down one her lips.

Enidut Pathwarrior had a good amount of her straight to hold back her moans from coming out from her pussy being finger

Loren didn't like to do that to herself, so he brought himself close to her ear.

"Bite my shoulder do not worry about hurting me." he tells her which made the girl shocked to hear yet she does it.

Even if she doesn't want to hurt, she has no other choice and to grab him and bring his body closer to her so she can bite down on Loren's shoulder.

He didn't mind the pain of her doing that and kept on finger the girl spedding up along with adding another finger to increase the pleasure to bring her back to soon climaxing again.

"I am cum! Loren, I am going to be cumming from your fingers!."." Enidut Pathwarrior let him without caring this time of being loud.

Not prolonged she began to climax as her body twitched so hard and the girl's mouth opened wide with her tongue hanging to the side with drool coming down.

"Now that's a lovely face to see." Loren said laughing a little.

She cummed for at least a minute until finally resting her head on his shoulder she bit.

"That was... so good." Enidut Pathwarrior said breathing very heavily from the climax of her life.

"Well i am glad to hear that, I let you rest for a few minutes and then we can start our day together."

"No! Wait... I want to make you feel good just like me."

Loren thinks about it and notices that his cock was still raging hard in his underwear to where it was like the thing will break though.

He sees that it needs release and doing it himself will do the job, but it's better to have someone else help with that.

"Alright, but what you're going to do will require you to be on your knees."

"I am fine with that as it seems like it may be something I'll like."


"Come now princess Hannah there's no reason for you to be this way." the maid tells her.

She looks at her lying face flat on the bed still angry at Loren.

"I do not understand what happened, but surely your time with prince Loren couldn't have been that bad."

"He left me alone at the marketplace like it was nothing after our argument. Could you believe that Katelyn."

"I am a little lost here and what was the argument you two were having about, I mean what and how it started."

"Darwin Bradford."

Katelyn didn't say another word as completely understood right when she heard his name the girl didn't like the man either.

"Oh that would explain it and I take it the argument was about the man business."

"Yes and I hate him for that." Hannah said.

Katelyn sighs, feeling bad for her and trying to think of something to help cheer up.

"Maybe, I should go see Eiden." she said without a care.

"Oh nononono, that does not happen do you hear me Hannah, you're still working on those feelings for him going to make them strong Hannah please don't do that."

Hannah listens to her dear friend and she re-thinks about going to see Eiden.

"I guess you're right, I did promise that I will stay away from him."

"That is good to hear thank you, now how about we get you clean, pretty up and have a little breakfast then you can go see prince Loren while the two of you work things out what you think."

"I don't want to." Hannah answers her like a child.

Katelyn got angry which she then smack her on the ass hard while she was laying flat face forward on the bed.

Hannah cries out in pain from her ass getting smacked hard.

"Hey! That hurts Katelyn."

"That good! Now get out of your bed as we have work to do and you're going to go see Loren do you hear me."

Hannah didn't say a word back obeying her getting out of bed.

After some time Hannah got out of her room making her way to Loren's room along with Katelyn.

The both of them made it standing in front of his room door as Hannah looked at Katelyn and she singhal her to knock.

Hannah sighs, reaching to the door about to knock when she then hears a sound from the inside.

"What was that." Hannah said as she then without a second reach for the door handle.

Carefully opening the door to where she can get a good look inside.

Hannah's eyes opened wide in surprise to what she was seeing inside Loren's room.

"What are those two doing."