
I am The HERO I am The VILLAIN

"What was that? People cheering me as a hero for saving them? Well, I didn't plan on that." "What!? Those very people are also branding me a villain for the lives lost? Well, I didn't plan on that either." "That f*** survey really screwed me over. I'll definitely find that jerk responsible for this mess." "Mhm... What did you ask? So am I a villain or a hero?" "Well, it seems according to everyone," "I am The Hero, I am The Villain"  ------- Karl was never a heavy thinker, heavy worker, or heavy anything. All he ever wanted was to sit and relax for ages and he was doing that just fine until he answered some random questions online after completing a long novel. He didn't think too much about the survey and answered every question with whatever answers came to his mind. Suddenly the day after, he found himself in the very same world of the novel he finished. And he can't even take advantage of the future knowledge of the events as he was thrust 1000 years before the beginning of the plot. "What kind of shitty twist is this?" he screamed. Moreover, the real tragedy is that his physical abilities are worse than a 10-year-old as a gentle breeze could whisk him off and a mere sneeze could send him fly with his abilities being pretty much useless in a fight. But there's no one to blame for that except his lazy ass. If only he’d wished for cool stuff like Super Strength, Dragon Breath, or much better, a Nuclear Attack when the survey asked what abilities he would like to have. As humans worse than predators close in on him, he’s stuck with nothing but some lame abilities. —or so he thought. Little did he know that his powers far surpassed his initial understanding. As he delved deeper into their capabilities, he uncovered the unprecedented true potential of his abilities. And that’s how Karl’s seemingly lazy choices, transformed a vulnerable Prince into the most dreaded and dangerous entity, not only in the world of Nevora but also across the realms beyond imagination. ------ Author Contact Information: Email: KalamitiCker@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/t8ehdyCxXu

KalamitiCker · Fantasy
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22 Chs

An Endless Night

"After reviewing the information you shared, it appears that the likely culprit is that low-level thug Derek Altard, Lord John"

Hendrik expressed his opinion to John while the latter sat at his study table, his face still contorted in bitterness.

Hendrik is the retainer to the Lord of Red Hawk Town John Gray, faithfully working under his command for half a decade. 

Originating from a different region, he crossed paths with John during his visit to the capital of the Kingdom a few years back. Despite his commoner background, John recognized Hendrik's capabilities and promptly enlisted him into his service.

Hendrik has a knack for seizing opportunities, evident in his immediate acceptance of the job offer, even if it meant relocating far from the bustling capital to a less developed area.

The charm of better pay fueled his dedication, and he diligently carried out his duties ever since.

Hendrik was a 32-year-old man with dark brown hair and a neatly shaven face, who held the title of the most sought-after bachelor in Red Hawk Town.

His past was marked by tragedy when he saw his wife fall victim to a beast attack years prior in the capital city.

Since then, he had chosen solitude over remarriage, carrying the weight of loneliness while dedicating himself tirelessly to his Lord.

His days were consumed by relentless work, often leaving him with very little time at the end of the day to return to his own home.

Recognizing his dedication, John provided him with a separate quarter in his residence for those nights when work demanded more than daylight could offer.

And today was one such night.

As John relayed vague descriptions of the person he sought, Hendrik initially harbored doubts. However, upon learning that the individual had committed theft against their Lord, Hendrik's suspicions were confirmed.

"It's possible you may not recall him, Lord John. He hails from Norfall Town, west of our Red Hawk," Hendrik explained, recalling Derek's troubled history. 

"He is an outlaw who sought refuge here after some conflicts with the local gangs of Norfall. Since then, he's roamed our streets, involved in bullying and petty theft. He's evaded serious punishments thus far, as his antics weren't anything severe. So he often escaped with just a warning from our soldiers. His description matches the one you provided." Hendrik informed John, his tone reflecting with certainty.

John's voice boomed with anger, reverberating through the room.

"A warning? Who in the world do they think they are, giving warnings? Am I the lord here, or are they?" His infuriation was on the air, laced with a deep-seated distrust of those he deemed incompetent.

"Those scoundrels probably let him go after lining their pockets with a share of his stolen goods!" he spat out bitterly.

Hendrik, though tempted to explain that the lord never intervened in such matters and was only doing so now due to personal motives, wisely chose silence, understanding the importance of timing and discretion.

"Find that scoundrel immediately," John commanded, his tone brooking no argument. "I don't care how it's done. I want him located by tomorrow. Instruct the soldiers to search every nook and cranny, all the houses if necessary in this town. If they come up empty-handed, then they'll learn what a true warning from their lord means!"

The decision to inconvenience the entire town for one man seemed ill-advised, but he also knew that it was beyond his control.

Nonetheless, he resolved to employ his own methods to locate the fugitive.

"Is there anything specific we should be looking for among his belongings, my lord?" Hendrik inquired, seeking clarity.

"I'm not entirely certain," John admitted, his tone softening slightly.

"It appears to be a parchment of some kind. However, I don't want anyone to lay eyes on it, even if it is found. That's an order, understood?"

"Understood, my lord. I'll ensure the soldiers follow your instructions," Hendrik affirmed, his loyalty unwavering.

"And if you recover the parchment, dispose of the scoundrel. If not, ensure he remains unharmed until I can interrogate him myself," John concluded with a sense of finality.

"Yes, my lord," Hendrik replied, acknowledging the gravity of the task at hand.

 Hendrik respectfully bowed and turned to leave for his quarters, but a sudden recollection halted his steps.

He turned back to face John with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Lord John," Hendrik began tentatively, "the maid Patricia sought an audience with you earlier. However, following your instructions not to disturb you, I declined her request"

"Patricia?" John's brow furrowed in curiosity. "What brought her here at this hour?"

"It appears her son is missing, and she sought your aid in locating him. I informed her that I would relay the message to you," Hendrik explained.

"Her son?" John's tone held a mixture of surprise and indifference. "What business is it of mine? Am I her son's guardian or something?"

"Then I shall inform her that we cannot provide assistance, Good night my Lord," Hendrik replied, ready to depart. However, John halted him with a gesture.


After a few seconds of pondering, he replied,

"In case her son doesn't return by tomorrow, assign a soldier to assist in searching the boy. But prioritize the search of that guy, Derek," John instructed firmly. "If manpower becomes an issue, pull the soldier and assign him to find that low life. I want him found by all means. You may go now."

"Understood, my lord," Hendrik acknowledged before leaving the room.

As Hendrik left, John muttered to himself with an irritated expression,

"I remember Patria's boy was only 3 or 4 years younger than Dorian. Did some beast get to him? That's not possible. If there were any strange happenings, Jandar would have alerted me. Tch.. Tch.. Tch.. He seems as worthless as the youngest, not even able to find his way home. These days, the younger generation seems to lack resilience," he grumbled with a shake of his head.

With that, he turned his attention back to more pressing matters.

"Now, what if the item isn't recovered when that person returns?" Lost in thought, John's eyes showed a mix of concern and worry.

 The night dragged on endlessly, becoming a sleepless one for many.

John spent the whole night fearing the mysterious person's potential reaction to his failure, Hendrik meticulously planning his strategy to apprehend the thug Derek, Dorian rolling over his bed in despair over his father's harsh words, and Patricia consumed by worry, hoping for her son's safe return.

Yet, amidst these troubled souls, there was a young boy deep within the forest south of Red Hawk Town, perched on a massive tree, concealed behind layers of foliage, slumbering peacefully on a sturdy branch.

His serene expression suggested he was lost in a dream world, perhaps envisioning himself among heavenly beauties.

But if only he could see the creature moving towards him with its gaping maw capable of swallowing his entire head in one gulp.

Had he been awake, he would have likely left the world in a panic attack at the sight of this monstrous beast.

Some might consider him fortunate to meet his end while being unconscious, even if it meant becoming a snack of a beast.

However, the cruel reality was that according to the system, he would experience every excruciating moment of agony as he was being crunched at the teeth of the creature.

But he could have at least attempted to flee if he were awake, though it would have been a futile attempt.

Yet now, there was no option even for that.

As the mutated black panther-like beast with three amber-colored eyes on its forehead and six long beefy legs closed in on its possible dinner who willingly ventured into its nest, deep within the dark of the silent forest, there was another set of dark crimson eyes watching from the shadows, unseen and unknown to both the boy and his predator.

{So finally we are going into the action!!! 

Now before diving into the next chapters, throw some stones this way.


I meant the 'Power Stones' you heartless people...}

So finally we are going into the action!!!

Now before diving into the next chapters, throw some stones this way.


I meant the 'Power Stones' you heartless people...

KalamitiCkercreators' thoughts