

John Lewis always wanted to be a football player but he didn't had any talent for it. Because of that he dropped from Southampton Academy and didn't make as pro which he always regretted it. On 30 May 2022 he went out with his friends and got drunk on the way home he had an accident and when he open his eyes he went back more the 12 years where he still was 16 year old John. [Systen loading.....] [Conforming the host....]

legendary_2580 · Sports
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Chapter 2

After he saw everything his mother came once again he got up from his bed went outside ran straight to his mother and start crying.

When his mother saw this she asked"son what is going on why are you crying".

To whish he replied"mom nothing is going on I had just a nightmare and got scared.

Then he asked"mom where is dad?

She replied "he is at work doing double shift toady".

When he heard this he was so sad that he start crying again and promised himself that he was going to make a name for himself and make a lot of money because in 2022 an average player weekly salary was more then his father could make in a whole year.

Just as he was thinking of a way to improve himself he heart the cold voice he heard when he was at his room.

[Host to make you the goat of strikers I am here to help whenever you go to sleep your training will start there will be two main points.

1..When you train in your dream everything will be imprinted in your mind that you can apply in real world.

2..The second point will be experience that Host will be put in world class footballs body in his dream which will give you better vision and judgement of your game..]

When he heard this he was so surprised and thought that was impossible when everything was going his mother brought family dinner and his father came home as well.

When he saw his was smiling and eating at the same table as them they both were happy because when the academy informed them about there decision and they cannot sign him in there u18 squad they told him about it and shut himself in his room and stopped eating and drinking they were worried he will get sick because of that his father started working double shifts so he can send him to another academy even if he can't learn anything when he gets 18 years old he will understand that football was not for him.

When John saw his father then he said to his father hesitantly said to his father" dad stop working overtime from now on I still have one more month if I can change myself and my football this will be enough time".