
I am the God of Technology

Dante is a budding young man who has the dreams and hopes of entering society with his own skills, independent of the help of family and friends. As a small-time app developer, he eventually tries to jailbreak his new phone when a malfunction occurs, and his phone swallows him into a wormhole. On the other side, Dante appears in an alleyway of a bustling city... Avalon! This futuristic city leaves him dumbfounded until he is prompted by his phone which has now merged into his body that he can travel between two universes, Earth and the Eternal Universe. Can Dante achieve his dreams with the fortunate starting point granted to him? And how could the universe sit by and let him grow without challenging him at every step? ----------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/HU8GbjfTq2

Kotario · Sci-fi
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370 Chs

Hello Summoning World!

Well, Dante only inspected the world but did not enter right away. In truth, while he did consider the 'external' help type of power system, beast mastering or beast taming had different iterations.

There was the rank system of beast taming, where beasts were separated into stages and broke through each major stage in a similar manner to Eastern Fantasy martial arts or cultivation. Beasts of this system usually were Asian or oriental in nature and they possessed attributes.

Naturally, Dante least considered this system for his use because they were the most useless to him. Beasts of this system typically required a lot of time and work to manage, and although they sometimes fed power back to the beast master, it wasn't much.

Besides, elemental beasts were the most useless since Dante could cast any spell of any element himself, why would he need a beast to do it for him?