
Black Land Again

After Dante was done with the advanced training, he felt the difference much stronger now. His SDI had not increased by a single point, but it felt like his ability had increased comprehensively by more than ten times its previous value. 

It was simply the difference between giving a gun to a toddler and giving the same gun to a marksman soldier. The power was the same, but the skill and usage of this power was far different. 

Dante thanked the elder and left the training world today with a tired sigh. He rose from his bed and went to the bathroom to take a long soak in the Jacuzzi like tub while thinking about his visit to the Black Land today. 

Dante wandered how the teachers would react to his presence and he also wondered if he could advanced Quantum Entanglement to the D rank before the week came to an end. If he could raise it to the D rank in time, could he then rise to the C Rank?