
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 26

Shi Liao Liao found her bag in its original place. 

After glancing around to confirm no one was there, she unzipped it and suddenly tightened her grip on the bag's fabric.

[Maru, someone has been through my things.] Shi Liao Liao said firmly.

Maru was shocked: [What!?]

The little hamster peeked inside and indeed found signs of it being rummaged through. 

It seemed the person had tried to tidy up, but with little effect. 

Shi Liao Liao and Maru locked eyes.

The latter breathed a sigh of relief: [Good thing you were prepared in advance.]

Shi Liao Liao smirked and reached inside to feel the hidden compartment she had sewn, which no one could detect, as there were no visible signs of it being opened. 

She had placed several sanitary pads inside, just in case, and had stayed up late to sew the compartment.

"Careless.." Her eyes turned slightly cold.

She quickly went to the restroom to change to a fresh pad, and as she stepped out of the cubicle to wash her hands, she unexpectedly saw someone.

Gu Xuezhou stood there in clean clothes, seemingly having been standing there for a while.

"Shi Liao Liao, why aren't you in swimming class?"

She seemed to have completely forgotten their conflict and just looked quietly at Lele, her gaze intense.

Shi Liao Liao really couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

If Gu Xuezhou is really the female lead, then this world might as well be destroyed.

"Gu Xuezhou, just in case, I'd better make things clear to you." 

She wiped her fingers with a handkerchief, her expression extremely cold.

"Don't talk to me."

"From now on, you go your own way."

She lifted her foot and brushed past her.

"I'll go my invincible and wide bright, awesome, classy, and sunny path."

Gu Xuezhou stood still for a long time without moving.

If Shi Liao Liao were to look back at this moment, she would find Gu Xuezhou's expression now very complex.

Gu Xuezhou had a secret that she had never told anyone. 

That was her extremely sensitive sense of smell.

In the moment when Shi Liao Liao caught her, she keenly smelled a familiar bloody scent from her. 

This was the first time she doubted her own judgment, and even trembled as she searched Shi Liao Liao's bag, but found nothing.

But just when she comforted herself that maybe she was overthinking it, Shi Liao Liao appeared in the restroom. 

She didn't use the urinal, but walked out from one of the cubicles, carrying that faint scent she had smelled before, brushing past her.

Gu Xuezhou felt like she couldn't breathe. 

Her mind kept rejecting itself but then immediately convincing itself.

What if... men also have periods? 

But then thinking about that face with no overly sharp edges, but instead a delicate and unmanly appearance, it was like a bolt from the blue in her mind.

"Teacher, Yan... where's Gu Xuezhou?" Shi Liao Liao didn't see Gu Xuezhou after returning.

The teacher's attitude was completely different from before, smiling as he said, "Shi Liao Liao, your classmate has already left. He said for you to write a 3000-word self-criticism tonight and hand it to him tomorrow morning."

Shi Liao Liao took a sharp breath!

In a fit of anger—

Just one fit of anger...

Even the students who were usually troublemakers, prepared for collective criticism, ended up with no consequences.

Almost everyone realized... this was all thanks to Shi Liao Liao.

So much so that the next day, when Shi Liao Liao entered the classroom after staying up all night to write the self-criticism, she received unprecedented treatment.

"Good morning, Shi Liao Liao! Have you had breakfast?"

"Hey, Shi Liao Liao, do you want some chocolate? I put it on your desk."

"Bro! Let's play basketball after class!"

Three people in the room felt uneasy about this.

Yang Qingcheng, who skipped class for a day, Gu Xuezhou who disliked Shi Liao Liao, and Shi Liao Liao herself.

During lunch break, as Yang Qingcheng walked outside, he turned to stare at Shi Liao Liao, who was half a head shorter than him.

Shi Liao Liao turned around with a puzzled look, "What's wrong?"

Yang Qingcheng thought, let's see what charm you have.

"Not feeling well," he replied casually.

As they walked down the steps from the doorway, Shi Liao Liao unconsciously asked, "Where does it hurt?"

Impatiently, Yang Qingcheng said, "My chest hurts."

The next moment, a slender finger suddenly touched his chest, even daring to grab a handful.

She looked at him with an expressionless face and said, "Feels pretty comfortable."

What's bothering you, kid?

Yang Qingcheng: "..."

He was silent for a moment, then looked up—

Well, quite coincidentally, he met the gaze of Lu Yanzhou not far away, who was holding his chest and shining with an A-level badge in the light.

Yang Qingcheng felt a chill down his spine for no reason.

He quickly distanced himself from Shi Liao Liao.

"Shi Liao Liao, your master is waiting for you. I'm leaving," he said without looking back and walked away.

Shi Liao Liao hadn't even figured out what 'master' meant when she looked up and saw someone across the street, one arm holding a book, the other hand in his pocket, two long legs wrapped in a suit, looking very handsome. 

At this moment, a smile appeared on his clear and elegant face. 

When he saw her looking over, he raised his hand and beckoned to her.

Shi Liao Liao walked over with a look of despair on her face.

Beside Lu Yanzhou stood a tall person wearing an A-level badge on his chest.

As for his appearance: "I, Young Master Lu, have never seen an ugly person!"

Lu Yanzhou raised a slightly bent finger and tapped Shi Liao Liao's smooth forehead.

Shi Liao Liao, slow to react, covered her forehead, "Young Master?"

"Man, trying to get my attention with this little trick, huh?"

"I'm telling you, this won't work. I, Shi Liao Liao, am not that kind of person."

"Unless you secretly slip ten thousand yuan into my pocket."

Lu Yanzhou: ...

The person next to him took in Lu Yanzhou's expression.

The young servant may not have realized how conspicuous he was. 

He and Lu Yanzhou had just stood there, and he almost immediately saw Shi Liao Liao coming out of the classroom across the way.

He thought Lu Yanzhou was unhappy because his own servant had touched another man's chest (wait, why does that sound wrong?).

He jokingly said, "Don't be mad, Young Master Lu. With his looks, even if someone tried to stop him on purpose, it wouldn't stop some people from wanting a taste."

Shi Liao Liao asked in confusion, "Excuse me... taste what?"

The boy turned to look at her and gave her a clear smile.

"Eat you."

Shi Liao Liao didn't hesitate, "I'm poop."

The boy: "..."

Lu Yanzhou tilted his head, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Someone is about to own three sets of houses."

The slow-to-react boy looked at him blankly.

Lu Yanzhou tossed the car keys to Shi Liao Liao, glanced at the time on his wrist, and casually said, "Left atrium, right atrium."

"And your defense is broken."

The boy: "Lin Xiao, you..."

Shi Liao Liao: "Hahaha, I just can't stand this kind of humor!"

"Bring the car over, Bai Liye is still waiting for you."

Shi Liao Liao, who was about to turn around, paused with a puzzled expression.

"You're in contact with Bai Liye behind my back?!" 

No! You can't mess around with other girls before the female lead arrives!

Lu Yanzhou really wanted to remind her that he wasn't her private property.

With a slight smile, he gently said, "She organized a game and wants to find you."

Shi Liao Liao looked completely bewildered.

"What game, who can fart the smelliest under the blanket?"

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

The boy next to him put his arm around Lu Yanzhou's shoulder, grinned, and said meaningfully, "It's a little game for boys only."

"Just that..."

"The loser has to wear a maid outfit."