
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · TV
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48 Chs

"It's Over, Zod"

Zod lay on the ground, momentarily stunned by Superman's punch. Blood dripped from his mouth, but his resolve remained unbroken. With a growl, he forced himself to stand, his eyes blazing with renewed fury. He would not be defeated so easily.

Slowly, Zod began to remove his armor, piece by piece. As each segment fell away, his body absorbed the full rays of the sunlight, invigorating him with a new surge of strength. His muscles bulged, and his eyes glowed with an intense, fiery determination.

"This isn't over, Kal-El," Zod spat, his voice dripping with venom.

Superman watched warily as Zod shed his armor, realizing the General was drawing power from the sun. He braced himself for the renewed assault, his own strength bolstered by his sheer will to protect Earth.

With a roar, Zod launched himself at Superman with blinding speed. He delivered an earth-shattering punch that caught Superman off guard, sending him flying several miles across the city. Buildings crumbled and streets cracked under the force of his impact.

Superman crashed into the ground, creating a massive crater. He groaned in pain but quickly forced himself to his feet, his eyes blazing with power. He couldn't afford to let Zod continue his rampage.

Zod did not let Superman catch his breath. He flew at breakneck speed and punched him once again, sending Superman crashing into another building. Before Superman could recover, Zod was upon him, delivering punch after punch with relentless fury. Each blow felt like a sledgehammer, pushing Superman to his limits.

"You are weak, Kal-El!" Zod roared, his fists a blur of motion. "You will never defeat me!"

Superman struggled to block Zod's onslaught, his mind racing to find a way to turn the tide. Drawing on his inner reserves, he managed to catch one of Zod's punches. With a surge of strength, he blasted Zod with his heat vision, sending the General staggering back.

"You underestimate me, Zod," Superman said, his voice filled with resolve. "I will not let you destroy my home."

Zod's eyes narrowed, and he unleashed his own heat vision in retaliation. The two beams clashed in mid-air, creating a blinding explosion of energy that shook the battlefield. Both combatants strained against each other, their faces contorted with effort.

With a sudden burst of speed, Zod flew around the beam struggle, closing the distance between them. He tackled Superman at full force, sending them both hurtling through the air. They crashed into the ground, creating a massive shockwave that flattened everything in the vicinity.

Superman and Zod grappled, their superhuman strength matched evenly. They traded blows, each hit sending shockwaves that echoed for miles. Superman's punches were powerful, but Zod's raw, unrestrained fury made him a relentless opponent.

Zod grabbed Superman by the throat and flew upward at incredible speed, dragging him through the atmosphere. He hurled Superman into the upper stratosphere, then followed with a devastating double-fisted blow that sent Superman plummeting back to Earth.

As Superman fell, he twisted in mid-air and used his heat vision to slow his descent. He landed heavily but managed to stay on his feet. Zod was already descending upon him, fists blazing with energy. Superman countered with his freeze breath, encasing Zod in a thick layer of ice.

For a moment, it seemed like the tide had turned. But Zod, with a roar, shattered the ice with a powerful burst of energy, sending shards flying in all directions. He flew at Superman with renewed ferocity, their fists clashing once more.

The battle raged on, taking them through city streets, into the skies, and even into the ocean. Superman used every trick he knew: super-speed punches, heat vision, freeze breath, and his unmatched strength. Zod countered with his own array of powers, matching Superman blow for blow.

Superman grabbed Zod and threw him into the ocean. Zod rose out of the water, unleashing a massive wave that crashed against the city. Superman used his freeze breath to turn the wave into ice, preventing it from causing further destruction.

Zod flew at Superman, tackling him into the ground. They grappled, rolling and trading blows with relentless intensity. Zod's eyes glowed with malevolent energy, and he unleashed a point-blank blast of heat vision that sent Superman flying.

Superman crashed into a building, the impact shaking its foundations. He emerged from the rubble, his eyes blazing with determination. He flew at Zod, tackling him into the sky. They soared upward, punching and grappling, their fight reaching new heights of intensity.

As they ascended into the upper atmosphere, Superman unleashed a powerful punch that sent Zod reeling. Zod retaliated with a vicious uppercut, sending Superman spinning through the air. Superman righted himself and charged at Zod, his fists glowing with energy.

The two titans collided, their punches creating shockwaves that rippled through the atmosphere. They grappled, their strength evenly matched. Zod's face contorted with rage, while Superman's eyes burned with determination.

"You will not win, Zod," Superman said, his voice steady despite the strain.

Zod sneered, his grip tightening. "We shall see, Kal-El."

With a final burst of strength, Superman broke Zod's grip and delivered a devastating punch that sent the General hurtling back to Earth. Zod crashed into the ground, creating a massive crater. Superman followed, landing heavily but ready for the final confrontation.

Zod slowly rose from the crater, his eyes blazing with fury. "This isn't over, Kal-El."

Superman stood his ground, his fists clenched. "It ends now, Zod."

With a roar, Zod charged at Superman, his fists blazing with energy. Superman met him head-on, their punches creating shockwaves that shattered windows and shook buildings. The ground trembled under the force of their clash.

Superman ducked under one of Zod's punches and delivered a powerful uppercut that sent the General reeling. He followed with a series of rapid punches, each one driving Zod back. Zod fought back with equal ferocity, but Superman's determination was unyielding.

With a final, powerful punch, Superman sent Zod crashing to the ground. The General lay still, his body battered and broken. Superman stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion.

"It's over, Zod," Superman said, his voice filled with finality.