
I am the First

Would you trust a system that reincarnates a murderer in a new world? Well, Conor didn't care, he was the murderer. So what does that mean? if the system was willing to reincarnate Conor. How about the rest? The rapist, the drug dealer, the human trafficker, the pedophile, the priest, the worst of humankind. For what purpose? there has to be one. and even if there is a purpose would you care, given that you were forced a second chance of life?

TYR · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 21- Jacob vs Gob

I stood in a room of white. Today, I have experienced one thing after another. It wasn't that surprising, though. I was used to it at this point.

But I was irritated. I was just pushed around like I'm a doll. I was pushed into a room of pillars, and now I'm here, surrounded by white.

"Congratulations, you have completed the fire dungeon, one that many to come will die in. The system is pleased."




Book of Guidance 

Fire Attribute Reward

Gain 10 levels:

Level reward: +4 essence, +4 mana, +4 spiritual

Level 47 -> 57

A rush of energy spread throughout my body. It was intoxicating. Feeling the power running through me was too sweet; it felt like I was a god. God on earth.

There was no reward for my class, which was interesting. I thought my class would increase my attributes, but it didn't. The class seems to provide four unique skills, but I also feel like the class holds more than that.


Title - Dungeon Diver: Only a few have conquered a dungeon, and you are one of them. (You have a better sense of sensing other dungeons.)

Clothing of choice:

A list of clothes appeared, but I already knew what I wanted. I needed some pants; every day I was risking my future. Something interesting happened the moment I picked pants.

A message popped up:

Pants of Flame - Pants that can resist flames, an uncommon grade item designed to provide good circulation to the user's lower body. These pants also have dimensional pockets, a small feature for storing accessories.

Immediately, I put them on. As far as I was concerned, my lower body was now hairless, and I wasn't taking any chances anymore.

I then put my tent stone in my pockets, which was floating in the air,. Immediately, I knew that my pants could only hold a small number of items. The exact amount, I needed to test.

And then a plain black book appeared in front of me, the size of a textbook. I opened its cover gently. Words filled my head.

"If you have received the Book of Guidance, it means that you have conquered a dungeon. You are the first of your kind, and no one will be like you.

You are a primordial human. For that reason, it is your right to breed and protect. It is your right to claim what no one else has claimed before the gods, dragons, and Titans have awakened."

The words I heard felt like a warning about the gods, dragons, and Titans, but it felt more like an encouragement to conquer. But what does it mean when it says there will be no other like me? As far as I'm concerned, there are thousands like me, or so I would like to think.

Jacob is like me. One hit from his blue flame and I'm dead. It seems there are plenty out there like me. So it didn't make sense that there isn't anybody like me,

 but at the end of the day, I didn't pay it any mind.

Choose one of the skills or energies below:

Fire Mana: Normal fire that burns. The intensity increases with the amount of fire. Very easy to control. This flame slowly kills the user unless possessing a fire-related class. (Type of Mana: Fire Mana)

Semi-Eternal Flame: This flame is a downgraded version of the Eternal Flame. Its power lies not in its heat but in how long it burns.. (Skill)

Fallen Flame: Flames that fall from the sky. A guaranteed hit skill. With a greater amount of mana, the more lethal it is. This skill transforms pure mana into fire mana. It slowly kills the user. (Skill)

Lava: A combination of earth and fire mana. With this union, this mana burns and hits hard. This mana gives the best of both worlds: heat and strength. If you are not of the fire or earth class, it will slowly kill you. (Type of Mana: Earth and Fire)

Then immediately, I started to analyze. Skills and energy were two different things but were correlated. For example, with essence, I could use Recoil Punch, a technique where I load my arm with essence and punch. At the same time, I can surround my body with essence, which develops into a skill. But that skill can't use essence to do something else.

This is why I believe skills are a fixed way of using energy, while energy, on the other hand, doesn't limit anything. I ran my hand through my dreads.

My analysis seemed right, so it begs the question: what's better? Skill or energy. Jacob did say that skills let us achieve the impossible, meaning that skills use energy in ways I will never be able to.

But at the same time, it seems like skills are fixed; they don't achieve anything other than what they say they do. Energy utilization, however, is based on our creativity.

I stopped at the word, "creativity." That wasn't entirely true. There seem to be divisions in energy; for example, there is essence, which has a type of energy that is healing essence. So energy utilization is not only based on my creativity but also on the type of energy I have.

Then there seemed to be the harm of using an energy that doesn't belong to the class, which is interesting. So, the class offers more than just skills. I stopped for a second. I didn't have the word to describe class, then it hit me. The class offers protection from energy. How does it offer protection? I didn't know, but it will be interesting when I find out.

Fire mana as a reward was a no-go. Lava is a dual type of that; if I could separate them, I would have fire. How would I separate them? No clue. And Lava offered heat and strength.

Semi-Eternal Flame just burns for a long period of time. I always prefer to hit someone once and get it over with. No need for that. But maybe I need to make someone suffer for a long period of time.

Fallen Flame is tempting, but I already have a wide-range damage skill. I am still working on it, but with time, I can polish it into something great.

So I am left with Semi-Eternal Flame and Lava. I could even be Madara or Uchiha.

Lava mana acquired:

Then a disgusting heat appeared above my belly button. It felt like someone had put a hot iron right there. It was so intense that I sent healing essence towards it, and it backfired.

I stood up in pain. The pain was so real that I couldn't move. My body was in a state of shock. But then the pain died down, and I finally found where my core is located.

Race- Human: 51

Title - Primordial Human, Dungeon Diver

Class- Death scavenger

Health- 100/100


-Essence - 33:

——healing essence-(8)

-Mana- 19:

—— death mana 8

——Lava (8)

-Spiritual energy- 23:

——fire spiritual energy(6)


-Body- 31+26

-Core- 15 + 10


-fire resistance

Class skill: Heven, Essence Absorption 2 Faze 6, soul strike 1

Skills: Internal destruction level 18, Identify level 10, Quick Feet 15, body armour 7 Promise

Passive skills: Mortality Empathy level 4, Alert level 9

Bloodline: The bloodline of primordial Williams( Fear not, Death is not the end: 

The bloodline of Primordial Williams: Fear not Death, for Death is not the end. Williams are a human race that does not fear death. Recklessness is in their blood. But fear not, Williams are survivors. +14 body attributes, +8 core, +6 mind, + death skill, + healing essence, + fire spiritual energy.

death is a promise to all. And you have made you promise.T"Promise of Death," signifies your unwavering commitment to the inevitability of death. By embracing this fundamental truth, you have unlocked latent potential within yourself,

9 body attributes, 2 core attributes and 4 mind attributes . Bloodline skill: Promise

10 minutes until return to Plane 49.

I was hit with another surprise: where I was created/born had a name: Plane 49. Based on the number, there are other planes out there.

I sat on the white floor, relaxed. I looked at the state of my body. It was lean; I didn't have a single bit of fat on my body. There were just bones and muscle.

I didn't feel hungry, but I was hungry. The feeling was confusing. I also felt like I could eat an elephant as a joke, but I could really do it.

Other than that, I was okay. I was breathing, and nothing else mattered.


Then I was somewhere else. I was in a forest. This forest was different.

The once lush trees were no more. The trees around me were dying, withering away. Black water pushed against my foot, and then the smell hit.

It was disgusting, worse than sewage. But as everything was dying around me, it didn't seem to affect me; my health wasn't going down.

Then I heard movements in the water. I looked in that direction and saw a blur. Then another blur. Then six pairs of red eyes looked at me.

Then more appeared—thousands, I would have to say. The slashing and movement of water stopped. Dead silence.

Mission established: You have made a promise of death. Death never breaks its vow. Survive all the trials to come and fulfill all your promises. The system is watching.

First Trail: Survive the nest of six-eyed spiders.

Reward: 2+ attribute 

And I ran. I was running so fast it looked like I was flying through the swamp. Alert, I immediately slid across the water. A spider the size of a football, with six eyes, landed in front of me.

I pushed myself off the ground and slammed my fist into its face. My fist tore through its body, green blood splashing on me.

I didn't use essence because I wanted to conserve it. But I regretted it at that moment; their blood burned, burning right through my skin, exposing the flesh.

I continued with essence, building up a large amount of death mana. The largest I had ever done with the increase in my mana. It was something else.

The mist that started to surround my hand became unstable. With spiritual energy and my will, I shaped it into a ball with a touch of internal destruction.

I had created a bomb, a fucking bomb. I turned around, and thousands of spiders, almost like a wall, crept upon me.

I released my pink internal destruction. It got to work. It was like time froze. With quick steps, I jumped backward in fear of my own skill.

I did what any wise man would do: hide behind a tree trunk.

I didn't need to look to understand that my skill tore them apart. There was no explosion, nothing. The pink ball just tore through their weak outer shells like paper.

Level 51 -> 61

(4 essence, 4 mana, 4 spiritual energy)

A wave of energy rushed throughout my being, from my body to my core and mind. I immediately felt the difference.

Such a tiny sphere held so much power. It was intoxicating.

I dashed from the tree trunk and willed essence to surround my hand, shaped like a claw. I started to rip through the incoming spiders.

They fell apart like vegetables under a cutting knife. I tore through their bodies with ease; it was like they weren't even there.

6-eyed Spider Level 21

6-eyed Spider Level 21

I saw they were way weaker than me in terms of level. But they had the numbers and a weird green liquid.

I saw a spider flying through the air. I swatted it out of the air with the back of my hand. A fucking fly.

My body shook. I fell to my knees. To my surprise, green veins started to appear on my hands.

Hurriedly, I pushed healing essence to heal my wounds. It immediately took effect.

Then, the earth shook. The ground beneath started to break apart, and the black water that was once there disappeared. A high-pitched scream filled my ears.

Blood ran down my face. I jumped backward into the air. A massive leg pierced through the ground, coming for my body.

It was unbelievably fast.

I was hit. I flew further into the air, a hole in my hand. With body armour, essence surrounded my body. I crashed into the ground, creating a crater.

6-eyed Spider Level 89- Class: Breeder

A beast of a monster rose up from the ground. It was the mother of the six-eyed spiders. Its legs were as tall as the ancient trees in the forest. It let out a high-pitched sound.

The ground vibrated. Her eyes locked on me, filled with rage and intelligence.

"I will kill you." its high-pitched voice said.

A pointed leg came down. I threw myself to the side. The ground concaved inward, rocks and water flying everywhere. That was just her physical attribute.

Then a shockwave followed afterward. It pushed my body, and I lost balance in the air. I dropped and rolled. Dirt got on my face and in my mouth.

Immediately, I pushed my body off the ground. I needed to see what was happening. A giant ball of green liquid flew at me.

I willed my skill, a quick step, but tiny spiders crawled on my foot. I tried to shake them off, but it was no good; they trapped they trapped me well, really well.

I braced for impact, essence surrounding my body. Body armor. I willed the essence to condense and be harder. The light red essence started to change into a dark red aura.

Pov of Jacob

Somehow, I ended up near a goblin village. They were quite primitive, as expected. Ugly, cute green motherfuckers ran from hut to hut, playing with wooden swords.

The place was filthy. I looked around for Connor, but he was nowhere to be found. I didn't get any time to tell him thank you. 

I entered past the gate into the village, A baby goblin looked at me. We had a staring contest for a while. It walked towards me bravely, with no trace of fear in its eyes.

It raised its wooden sword and screamed, "Die!" in a playful way. The sword came down, which I held, but the unruly fire that surrounded my body burned it.

The goblin screamed, attracting all the attention. Then I heard footsteps, and before I knew it, a goblin had grabbed the handle of its sword.

My instincts screamed. I was hit into the air, flying out of their village into the trees. Fire blasted out of my feet, stopping my momentum.

My body dropped to the ground. I was injured. Then a wound opened above my eyes and chest.

Blood ran from my chest and eyes. I was cut. My mind registered what had happened. It was a delayed injury.

The cut wasn't a normal cut; it burned. How could a cut burn a man made out of fire? The temperature around me started to rise.

In the distance, a goblin jumped from tree to tree with ease. With delicate manipulation of essence, it caught up with Jacob. He stood on top of a tree.

Rage filled his eyes. An intruder had entered their village without anyone knowing, and it smelled familiar to the black hairless bear.

The goblin raised his sword. It shone in the sky, and when he brought it down, it boomed.

Everything in the path of the sword was cut: trees, rocks, and stones. The goblin jumped down from the tree and started walking towards the intruder in the clear path.

He rested his sword on his shoulder and slowly walked towards Jacob. "Today this intruder will die."

The moment I saw that, I knew this fucker was cocky. The way he looked at me, the way he put his sword on his shoulder, the way he walked—it was just the definition of cocky.

I got up with the wound above my eye and willed fire mana to surround my hands, then willed it to create a fire sword.

I dragged my sword across the ground, leaving a trail of flame behind it.

"This will be an interesting fight."

We stood a few meters from each other, around the same height; he was a bit smaller than me. As I studied him, I wondered if his armour would protect him from my fire.

A battle to the death took place in the ancient forest of Plane 49. A battle that would sow blood hatred for the descendants of Jacob and Gob.