
I am the First

Would you trust a system that reincarnates a murderer in a new world? Well, Conor didn't care, he was the murderer. So what does that mean? if the system was willing to reincarnate Conor. How about the rest? The rapist, the drug dealer, the human trafficker, the pedophile, the priest, the worst of humankind. For what purpose? there has to be one. and even if there is a purpose would you care, given that you were forced a second chance of life?

TYR · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 13: Two down, two left

I gaze at the naked female, she was the one that I came for, she was rape, I could see drips of blood down her leg. She shivers in fear, having difficulty breathing.

"Hey, run! Run far from here. I will hold them off for a few minutes," I said to her.

I open the door and walk out slowly, leaving trails of bloody footsteps behind me. Ogres of different sizes and shapes surround me. The sun shines in my eyes, but their massive forms quickly cast shadows.

Level 37 Guardian Ogre

Level 39 Strength Ogre

Level 38 Speed Ogre

Level 35 Warrior Ogre

They all wield massive axes, their blades smooth and reflecting light as they rest on their shoulders. They also wear helmets to protect their heads. This was going to be a hard fight.

Even though there are four of them, more are sure to come.

I stood between them and the girl. She ran like crazy, but they didn't even look at her. All eyes were on me.

I crack my neck. No words were exchanged between us; our actions were selfish. We are monsters, and only the strongest decide the rules.

The first ogre, a Warrior Ogre, slammed its axe at me. I spun out of the way, wrapping chains around its hand and pulling it down. The ogre tipped over.

I was about to finish him off, but the Speed Ogre arrived in a split second. Essence covered my hands as I grabbed his axe and brought it to the ground.

I heard a scream. I looked around, the girl was split in half. Fuck. I expected her not to survive, but still, fuck.

I poured essence into the axe, and it cracked to pieces. I moved onto the Warrior Ogre and destroyed his throat with internal destruction. He gasped for air.

Alert. I smiled. With a quick step, I was gone. He killed his own family.

"Brother!" the Speed Ogre cried out.

I swung the chain from the dead Warrior Ogre in mid-air. I landed a short distance from the Guardian Ogre who had killed his brother.

"Get over here!" I shouted. The Speed Ogre foot was wrapped by the chains. The massive beast landed on the ground, pulled through the mud.

I jumped into the air, ready to land a finishing blow on him. But I was slapped mid-air; the Speed Ogre's fist collided with my body.

I landed on a house, the impact alone destroying the roof. I pushed wood and leaves out of my way.

Alert, I ducked on the wooden floor. A massive axe flew right over me, possibly taking off some of my dreads. I dashed out of the house. Another axe came down, splitting the house in half.

With a double quick step, I arrived at the ears of the Guardian Ogre. My fist slammed into his ears with internal destruction. That had to do something—it dropped dead on the ground, mud splattering everywhere.

Two down, two left. I willed essence to cover my body, making sure to condense it as much as possible. Then I pushed it outward at the Strength Ogre.

It collided with its axe, creating a red sparks and a deafening sound that spread throughout the battlefield.

While he was pushed backward, I finished him with internal destruction.

The Speed Ogre just stood there, watching everything happen to his family. It trembled in fear.

I ran up to him, my hand reaching his face. I pushed the smallest amount of essence through the skill internal destruction. The palm of my hand touched his face, and the ogre died, falling forward.

That was a point-blank attack.

As it collided with the ground, more ogres arrived, all wielding massive axes. How did they get here without alerting me? I didn't know.

I was already in the next ogre's face. This time, I used a tiny bit of essence to coat my fingers. I ripped his throat out.

His fellow ogre slammed his weapon into its throat, beheading it, intending to kill me, but I was on its weapon with quick step.

It screamed as I jumped from his weapon to his face. It knew what was coming. I could feel his fear. I dug my hand into his eye and pulled it out. It screamed and punched itself, killing itself.

Bang! I was hit in the air. I spun and landed on the ground, creating a crater. I had already surrounded my legs with essence, blasting myself forward like a rocket.

I put everything into internal destruction and messed up an ogre's knee. It fell forward, holding it. I surrounded my hand in essence and burst its head, blood splattering everywhere.

The recoil sent my body flying backward. An ogre appeared beside me with a tree. I was a flying duck—bang! The tree crushed my body armour made of the essence.

I was hit into the ground, a pool of mud covering my body. I pushed myself off the ground with essence. I killed him with quick steps and internal destruction.

I landed, blood running down my face and nose. I tasted his blood as I had a standoff with the rest. It tasted like iron but a bit spicy.

I held out my palm, forming a black orb. It started to spin as I pushed all the mana I had into it. I had been thinking I needed three main skills: a long-range skill that can cover distance, a protection skill that can protect others, and a long-range skill that can cause mass destruction.

As the black orb started to shrink from being compressed, I used my skill of internal destruction on it. The black ball started to turn dark red.

Everything I did up to this moment was to test my control and the ability of essence. Essence seemed to dissipate as it left my body.

But mana was different. It seemed to thrive in the open and was happy to leave and cause destruction. However, mana was weak and didn't pack a punch like internal destruction. And it had to build up, so I came up with this crazy attack.

I then pushed it outward. To the naked eye, this ball of energy seemed innocent. It floated slowly as if guided towards the ogres.

It made contact with one of them. It screamed out as the ball expanded, bursting everything inside it into blood. The same ball caught the other ogres, leaving some of their arms missing.

In total, thirteen ogres were dead from one attack. 

A blue energy wave was produced by one of the ogres. The ogre swung its axe at me, but I wasn't in front of him, is he crazy —alert.

Even with body armour, a three-inch wound appeared on my side, and blood gushed out of it.

Then I felt an eye cast upon me, not from the ogre that wound me, from something else. I couldn't move and I was thrown to the ground. Pressure—someone had turned up the gravity.

Staggering backward, I held my wound. With healing essence, the bleeding stopped.

Something felt off- alert ran through my mind. I saw a hand in the air. It looked like mine. Was it?

I looked at my chest. My arm was gone, and blood sprayed out like crazy. Then the pain hit. I almost fainted, but I didn't scream.

I looked at the attacker. It was a smaller ogre, about ten feet tall, smiling. This motherfucker smiled.

I looked at the ogre again, this one was different. It had an iron axe with markings all over it.

The ogre slammed the axe into the ground, and another wave hit me.

I smiled at him. I guessed he wanted to stop this fight. He had lost too many men just to kill me.

I turned and walked away. Today's battle was a suicide mission from the start. It wasn't worth it; from the start, I was outgunned and outnumbered.

An angry ogre charged at me, swinging its tree. White flames hit him, and he stopped in mid-air. To others, it looked like his head was blown off.

His body dropped, lifeless.

I turned around and met the eyes of their leader, the guy with the axe.

"I am walking away, not because I lost. Nah. I'm walking away because I can. Prepare an army. It will be nothing. My name is Conor Williams, Primordial of Death. I will be back in seven days. That is a promise." I point at the 10-foot ogre with an axe that had markings on it.

- so for future chapters I will increase the length and improve grammar quality.

- there will also be more pov of other characters that will be important in the future, there interaction will be interesting.

- I will also create a discord on Monday, and a character chapter.

-And I’m not sure if you realize but Conor likes to explore. he likes to see things up to his face. He also likes to fight, and analyze things, like the system, his status, and other people skill set.

I tried to make it clear but not obvious where he is telling us.

thanks. until next time!!

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