
I am the First

Would you trust a system that reincarnates a murderer in a new world? Well, Conor didn't care, he was the murderer. So what does that mean? if the system was willing to reincarnate Conor. How about the rest? The rapist, the drug dealer, the human trafficker, the pedophile, the priest, the worst of humankind. For what purpose? there has to be one. and even if there is a purpose would you care, given that you were forced a second chance of life?

TYR · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 11-First born

My head hit the ground, and I lifted it upwards in pain. I breathed in and out, choking on my own blood. I wanted to cry. My head dropped to the ground, and I heard a squashing sound. It was my head colliding with a rough surface. I was bleeding from the back of my head.

My eyes were blurry. I couldn't see. Blood was in my eyes, and it burned. I couldn't wipe it away.

I lay there in this pitiful state. This is what I get for being kind.

"Ha ha haa, haaa fucking hell, who do they think they are to leave me to bleed out? Who do they think they are? Just wait, just fucking wait."

They left me to bleed out. After everything I did. That's what I get for helping her. I will have my revenge. I will have my revenge against you, Lightning Warrior. I will have my revenge against you, Goblin Knight. And you, Bear King. I will be back. Just wait. I will be back.

Health 9

Everything slowed down. Then it clicked: crying and feeling pity for myself won't help me. I used the healing essence. But it didn't work. This skill didn't come with an instinct on how to use it.

It wasn't like I was created with it or picked it in the beginning. This skill came purely from my bloodline. I had a basic understanding of bloodlines, but how would a bloodline create a skill? I didn't know how that made sense, but I needed it to work now.

I was trying to push myself recently but fuck. I was dying now. Did I want to die? No. So why wasn't I scared? Was it because I knew death was a new beginning? Would I be lucky to be reborn again? No, why? I didn't know why.

I smiled.

I searched my heart, looking for something, the healing essence, but it wasn't there. What should I do, I was running out of options, then I thought of the effects of healing and I push my essence throughout my body, and it started to change, The essence changed in my body. It was smoother, it held an intent, and it spread throughout my body. Then I was losing no more blood.

I closed my eyes, and I jumped out of the sleep I was falling into.

Health 20

I willed my tent to open up, but nothing happened. I stood up and looked around. It was right behind me, covered in blood.

I grabbed it and walked away from the blood. I leaned from left to right, stumbling upon rocks. I rolled down a somewhat valley. I was still surrounded by trees. The blood that covered me felt sticky and smelled like iron.

It was something that I was used to. I willed my tent to open and entered it. I dropped my tired body in the bath that was filled with water. It looked like water, but it was more than that. Then immediately, the healing effects started to take place.

The blood on my body started to wash away, and the wounds I had were closing.

I then looked at my notification.

Reward: 1 body attribute

Bloodline upgraded

Skill learned: Body Armored

Day 28

I was fully healed. I was fucking frustrated, and I didn't have weed. I sat on a branch, my legs dangling off. It was then I realized something yesterday.

My skill, Internal Destruction, was ineffective because my spiritual energy was low. I laughed at how unlucky I was. But never mind that. In one day, I faced two different opponents that had totally different skills from me.

One could seal all of my abilities, and another one that I could barely keep up with. As I thought about their abilities today, I wanted to test Body Armored and two of my other skills.

Beneath me stood an ogre. I was deeper in their territory. The reason I say that is because it was marked on the radar, and there were a lot of them, around a hundred or so.

As much as I was in their territory, there seemed to be some outcasts, or was he a guard? It didn't matter. This was in my favour, I wanted to test my skills before I saved that girl. I had a deep feeling it could help me.

Ogre: Level 31 - Strength Warrior.

I had been watching this Strength Warrior for a minute now, and it was clearly a Strength Warrior. He lifted ancient trees out of the ground with ease. It was building something; it already had two trees on the ground.

This ogre was wide open. It wasn't checking its surroundings or anything, or maybe it didn't have to.

I dropped from where I was and landed on its back. I put my hand on its head.

"Death Skill."

A dark mana surrounded my hand and started to spread towards the ogre's head. Nothing happened for 30 seconds until His head started to turn black.

He screamed out and started to beat his head, but I was prepared. A red armour covered my body.

Body Armor.

The ogre was hitting hard. It broke my armour, sending me into one of the trees. Bang. I ripped through it with my remaining armour.

Health 80.

The ogre cried out, hitting the back of its head, but nothing stopped the effect of the Death Skill that was spreading through his brain. His eyes rolled back, and he fell down with a huge bang.

Gain 1 level.

Level 26.

Something happened. The Death Skill did something to the ogre. I will have to test it more to see what.

I got up and then went to my next victim. I did the same process with another ogre. This time, before I attacked, I charged up death skill and then hit his knee. He screamed out in pain like the last ogre, and he broke his leg in the process. I was surprised at how they would go to such extreme extents to relieve themselves of that pain.

Gain 1 level.

Level 27.

I was feeling great. Finally, something was smooth. I was testing a new skill, and it worked perfectly. I couldn't complain. Even after this, I couldn't explain it. I may have to use Identify on it.

I travelled deeper into the ogre territory. All I saw were trees. I met another ogre, and I tried my skill on him. It didn't go as planned. Nothing happened. Not a thing. If it wasn't for my quick thinking of using Internal Damage, I would have been dead.

Gain 1 level.

Level 28.

I couldn't use that energy. I didn't know why. I didn't feel tired; I felt the opposite. I felt energetic. This was so confusing.

So I checked my status.

Level- 28

Race- Human

Title - Primordial Human,

Class- none

Health- 35/100


-Essence - 26:

---life essence-(8)

-Mana- 12:

---death mana (8)

-Spiritual energy- 16:

---fire spiritual energy(7)


-Body- 21+14

-Core- 15 + 8



-Internal destruction level 9

-Identify level 4

-Quick Feet 6

-Boxing skill 4

-body armour 1

-Death skill 1

Passive skills

-Empathy 1

-Alert level 5

Bloodline: The bloodline of primordial Williams( Fear not, Death is not the end: 

The bloodline of Primordial Williams: Fear not Death, for Death is not the end. Williams are a human race that does not fear death. Recklessness is in their blood. But fear not, Williams are survivors. +14 body attributes, +8 core, +6 mind, + death skill, + healing essence, + fire spiritual energy.

In the center of the ogre territory stood a tall house, surrounded by other houses made of wood. In front of that house stood two massive ogres, with warm clothing covering their legs and arms. Each warrior held an axe in their hands.

Inside that house stood a human-shaped ogre with teeth that curved upward outside of its mouth. This ogre was having the time of his life with a chained human woman, forcing himself on her as she screamed out in pain, begging him to stop.

But that just made him happier. He shouted and slapped her cheeks, pushing deeper into her. She tried to run, but she was chained up.

He continued to clap her cheeks for ten minutes. His dick was covered in her blood as he pulled out, looking at her with lust. But deep hatred was written on her face.

He turned around, naked, and looked at an ogre that was much larger than him, bowing.

"Put her with the others," he said as he grabbed his pants and shirt.

He then walked towards his throne, sat on it, and stared into the ogre's eyes, who had not yet followed his order.

"What is it, Firstborn?" he asked.

"Father Primordial, only one of the ogres returned and the human that had collided with died," he said, looking at his father.

" if the mission hadn't failed, I would have been fucking the sister of the lightning guild master by now, why are you telling me this?" Father Primordial asked.

"They orge that return with that female, said that someone interferes, and it believes that it's coming.

"Haha ha" the ogre primordial laughed, "who dares to enter my kingdom will not leave alive, many have tried before and many will fail, understand that child"