

[[ what would happen if someone have the ability to transmigrate to all anime worlds at will? ]] she's not got helps from a god or system that manage some character transferred to another world like a other story BECAUSE THIS GIRL HERSELF CAN DO THAT WITHOUT IT... “I am the author in my book” “no one can stop me!” she woke up that she was inside a space that was full of white walls. Inside the space that she was standing in look like a BOX. At the centre of the space, she noticed that a small box floating and slowly turning around like a globe. She approached it and placed her both hands above the white box. After a few seconds, the white box was glowing and keep brighter then the lights came out like a hologram. The sentences that were shown on the hologram is - 'WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD OF IMAGINATION' First chapter ‘HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD’…… *just to say that I'm not a native English speaker. And the use of words is just simple and not an expert of it. If you looking for good grammar or difficult words, you can comment on the suggestion and I will try to improve it from time to time. *the cover pic it's not mine so let me know if you are against it. *Each Volume have different stories. Kindly check on Auxiliary Section * Please consider supporting me through Buy Me Coffee > niikaz * Open to all opinions and will not delete any reviews and criticism, cause it will not affect me as I will keep writing the story. So, the change is whether You read it or not. *I will apologize in advance for not replying to any of your comments or reviews as I will spend all my time writing a story and keep writing it until I died.

NiikaZ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"thank god, there no undead this floor" Okada follow their senior behind.

Until they reach down the stairs, they saw the group of undead about 3 to 4. Takashi leads the team as he, Rei, Hisashi and Saeko open the path for others easily to get through.

Niikaz runs behind near to Kazu to keep him safe. Her hand kept shooting to the undead she spotted without giving their chance to attack.

"where is the shortcut near here?" Takashi asked.

"the front door is closest to the parking lot. After we pass through that bridge!" Takagi answered him while her index finger pointed to the bridge connected to other building in front of them.

"Rei, Hisashi!"

"got it!" as both of them understand Takashi's called, they open the big door at the same time.

Saeko and Takashi quickly jump toward undead smashing the head to pieces.

" looks like this place seems vacant. We should try to avoid fighting unless it is inevitable" Saeko said. She waved her wooden sword to side hard to get rid of the blood.

"yeah," said Takashi and the rest just nodded lightly.

Soon the some of the undead come from the other building toward them.

Hirano shoots at the undead from far, assist them as he could while keep reloading the nails. He stands beside Takagi, protects her unknowingly.

Okada stands near Saeko and Kazu assisting her in clearing the undead from the left side.

For the right side, Rei and Hirano keep the enemies far from the group.

The centre will be Marikawa, Takagi and Kazu try their best to match the pace of the others.

The front is Takashi and Hisashi open their path while belief in other to support them from the blind spot.

Niikaz at the last position. She is an all-rounder range type of attack. She prefers to avoid her fighting abilities seen by others. So without them realise it, the undead already down being shot by her.

She shoots the weapon specialised made by herself, to the undead without any noise out. Inside her gun never run out the ammo. Soon the bullet penetrates to their head and running out the speed, the bullet automatically vanishes without a trace. This is to keep others for investigated this weapon since this weapon is a different technology from this world.

After Niikaz's group successfully cross the bridge. They stopped moving as they hear a girl scream near stairs connected to the bridge. Without wasting much time, they to run toward where the voice came from.

"Takuzo!" one of the girls called.

"s-shit! Stay back, Naomi!" The boy seems to be Takuzo gave out cold sweat as three of them get surrounded by the undead.

But, one of the undead is about to attack him. Luckily the undead gets shot by Hirano from above while Takashi, rei, Saeko and Hisashi killed the rest.

Niikaz kept looking at the back from they came from. The undead slowly comes toward the group without the rest realise it.

(looks like I have to use that this time) she vanished the gun she held then start to lift both of her palm closer form a circle shape.

"Niikaz what are you trying to do?" Kazu saw her doing something while the others kept busy to help Takuzo's group.

Her palms start to appear a dim light forming a ball-shaped weapon.

"nn? This is a bomb, but it's not like the others bomb you know out there?" she shows him the small bomb with the size of her hand. There is a thin ring at the surrounded the ball. It's shaped almost like Saturn planet but in black form.

"b-bomb!? That's dangerous!" Kazu yelped.

"hehe watch this ~" She giggled as she slides her finger a bit at the centre of the bomb, makes it glowed a little before making a throw form.

"no, no, no!"

"heheheheh" she throws hard to the group of undead far from her.

Soon the bomb touched the ground, its explode splatter the small thick needles splatter around them. Its didn't give any sound, but the effect of it seems deadly as Kazu saw piles of the undead got pierce and make a hole at their bodies like a bee nest. The range of them bomb covering most of the undead near the bridge.

"w-Woah! T-that's really surprising, awesome and…and I don't know what to say anymore." He stunned with both eyes widen.

"see~, it does not even make a sound" Niikaz said it proudly.

After Takashi and the rest going down to save Takuzo, Naomi and Hirakawa. Niikaz and Kazu followed them act nothing happen before.

"you guys are late, Hisashi about to come up to check on you both" Takashi said to Niikaz.

"aah sorry, stuff happens. So let's go."

The come down the stairs until they reach the first floor. They stuck at there as they saw about hundreds of undead lurking around the ground floor.

Niikaz and Kazu stay behind with Takuzo's group guarding them. Making sure that no undead comes near them.

Niikaz notices the change from the original story, which is it should be another student with Takuzo's group. He is the one who caused the noise when they about to escape.

(hmm looks like he ]didn't make it, huh? Maybe me involved in this world cause it several scene change)

As she stares at Takuzo, after a few seconds, she realises something. Her eyes widen as she saw at Takuzo's weapon.

(isn't the original story he carries a bat? But why? Why he is carrying a long metal staff!!!?)

"umm excuse me, its there anything wrong?" Takuzo asked as he notices Niikaz keep staring hard at him.

"hm no…, its nothing" she answered softly.

"Niikaz, are you okay? You frowning" Kazu whispered.

She turns facing Kazu. He looks worried.

"what? Are you worrying about me? How sweet~" Niikaz tease him.

"ah-hah" he laughs awkwardly.

"what about you? Tired? That box is heavy, right?"

"hmm? Really? I don't think it's heavy though."

"wow! Supposedly that box weight around 10kg, and you keep holding it up until now" Niikaz amazed.

"?" Kazu tilted his head,

Soon, their conversation forced to end as they hear some loud noise from below. Niikaz saw Takashi is standing among the undead.

(oo this look like he was done throwing a shoe to distract them)

Hisashi and Rei opened the main door quietly. Not letting any sound out. Then, followed by others slowly moving outside this building.

Takuzo going down in a hurry, as he steps another one, his staff bend to the side and about to hit the stairs' holder.

1 inch to hit, Niikaz held the staff and lift far from it.

"careful, you about to make a noise by hitting it" Niikaz warned.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry" Takuzo flustered.

"it's okay just go, don't stop and careful with your staff."He nodded.

Soon, after everyone gets outside. They stop as they can't see the way to get through from all undead crawling around the building.

"no what?" Hisashi lost.

"tch," Takashi frowned.

As he about to step forward. He gets stopped by Niikaz as she held his arm.

"wait!... Let me handle this. You and Rei closed the gate behind slowly."

"Takuzo, Hisashi! Sorry but I need your stuff."

"what are you trying to do, Niikaz?" Takagi asked.

"I don't have time explain, just watch" She stared at Hisashi and Takuzo.

They give it to her without much say as they saw Niikaz seems serious about it.

She grabs the metal stick and great staff, heading toward the gate as she saw Rei and Takashi already closed it.

She slides the long staff between the gate's handle. Her palm glows a bit as the light gets absorbed inside the staff and spreading to the gate.

(with this, the gate will not be broken through by 'them', and I put soundproof too)

"Takagi-san which way the parking lot?"

" it's around that corner, soon you will arrive the parking lot but what are y –" she stopped talking as she understands what Niikaz about to do. As expected genius.

"everyone, after I make a signal, run quietly to the parking lot and do not stop, you hear me?"

She lifts up the metal stick higher ready to throw the metal oppositely. She used all her strength throw far away until it hit the car that was a park there.

The loud noise heard and alert the undead, walking toward the sound.

Takashi run followed by others until they reach the minibus at the parking lot.

"Sensei, the key!" Takashi called

"ah yes!" Marikawa unlocks the door and climbs inside the bus to the driver seat.

Okada, Kazu, Niikaz, Takuzo, Naomi, Takagi and Hirano move inside safely.

"Target? Check. Public safety? Check. Ready to rock and roll!" Hirano plays by himself. Seems he enjoyed the situation as he slides the window open.

"Oh, shut up already!" Takagi is pissed.

"They are all in, Takashi!" Hisashi called him through the window.

"Saeko-san, Rei, get inside first," Takashi said as he smashes one of the undead who notice the sound made by them.

"urgh, this is not like my car!" Marikawa starts the engine and checking the position of each part need for her to drive.

"sensei, let's go!" Okada shouted as he saw Takashi climb inside the bus.

When Takashi about to close the door, he notices the voice called him.

"Wait! Wait for us!" one of the students shouted at him.

"who's that?" Takashi asked as he saw they running to the bus.

"That's Shido. He teaches 3-A" Saeko answered.

Rei and Hisashi get irritated as they hear that name.

"We are ready to go!" Marikawa starts to take down the clutch.

"no, sensei hold on a bit" Takashi plead.

"I can't drive if there's too many of then bunched together!"

"Can't you just run them over?" Takashi asked

"if we do that with this bus, we will end up rolling over," Takagi said.

"Takashi! Don't save him!" Rei holds Takashi's arm as he about to get out.


"I agree with Rei that Shido is the worst human being! I'm really okay if we leave him to die out there." Hisashi said. He clenched his fist to hold off his anger.

Takashi widens his eye, shocked at Hisashi. It's rare to get Hisashi so pissed. If someone like Hisashi think people like that, means that person really the worst person on earth.

"ah! Nishinoya! Kazu, look! It's Nishinoya! Oooo I'm glad he saved" Okada waved a bit toward Nishinoya through the window.

Kazu put the box at one of the seats near him and quickly look at the window.

Niikaz who already sit at the front seat saw Nishinoya run toward them with Shido's group.

( I see, so the villain has appeared, huh! Hmmm? That's Nishinoya, I'm glad you still alive. Now, when I look at his face carefully, Nishinoya really has the same appearance as Takao from Kuroko No Basuke. Heehe really! What a coincidence. Eh, wait! Why he is at the back?!!!).

Soon, she realises that Nishinoya is at the last person. She quickly gets up and runs outside of the bus.

"Niikaz! Where are you going?" Kazu shout.

"oi, Niikaz!" Takashi shouted.

Niiikaz ignored his call and sprinting toward Nishinoya.

"Everyone, hurry! I guarantee you will make it out alive!"

"Okay, sensei!"

The sound comes from Shido's group, attract some of the undead and start walking toward him.

(Despite what I said, I wonder if they will even make it to the bus.)

Nishinoya, who is, at last, run with all his might. But, he accidentally trips his foot fell down the floor.

" sensei, I sprained my ankle. Help!" Nishinoya grabs Shido's left leg, plead him.

"Oya? Is that so? Then it's the end for you." He lifts one of his legs while he smiles toward him.

"sensei?" Nishinoya widens his eye. He saw Shido's leg aim toward his face and ready to kick.

Soon, as Shido's leg about to hit Nishinoya's face, his leg gets stopped by one of Niikaz's leg.

"what are you thinking you're doing to Kazu's friend?" said Niikaz with a lower voice as she gives him a death glare.

She chocked Shido's neck lift him up.

"w-who are you? How dare you do that to your teacher!?" Shido struggling as both of his hand trying to break off Niikaz's hand from him.

"Niikaz!" Nishinoya looks at her with teary eyes.

"You misunderstand! I'm about to save him, I swear!"

"you think I'm deaf and blind, huh?" she tightens the grip, make the Shido about to passed out before she released him to help Nishinoya get up.

"c-cough cough!" Shido fell down of his knees as he struggles to keep him from fainting.

"Next time, I will truly kill you! Got that!" She carries Nishinoya on her back and starts running to the bus.

(I have to calm down, it's not his time to die yet. Even his personality is shit!...urghh calm down. Calm me down!)

"wait for me!" Shido tries to get up and start running toward the bus.

After the bus's door closed by Niikaz. She put Nishinoya down at the first seat. While she sits beside Kazu in an opposite row near to the window.

"Sensei, let's go!" Takashi said as he checked everyone already inside the bus.

"Okay!" Marikawa pressed the gas hard, drive to the gate as she tries to avoid from run the undead over.

Soon, she saw the gate not far from her get swarmed by hundreds of undead.

"They are not human, they are not human!" she presses the gas as hard as she could break through them. She drives zig-zag shape to decrease the chance for the bus rolled over. Many undead gets to run into the bus, causing them to fall over and get crushed by the bus.

The bus keeps moving until it rams the gate hard. The bus drifted as it reaches around the corner and leaving the school heading to the city.

*Inside the bus after thing calmed down as second*

In the front seat, Nishinoya concurs both seats as he lay his sprained leg to ease down a bit. Behind him, Okada rested his head back and closed his eyes.

Opposite to that, Kazu and Niikaz sit together. The senior at the centre of the bus seat talking about something. While Shido's group is at the back.

"L-Looks like we made. Urgh, my heart still won't be calmed down." Okada felt relieved.

"Nishinoya, are you okay? Can you handle it? Marikawa – sensei is driving right now so we will treat as we stopped the bus somewhere safe." Kazu looks at him, worried.

"I'm can manage it just fine. So don't worry okay!" Nishinoya smile pain.

"Luckily Niikaz comes to save you. But Niikaz, how did you know that Nishinoya is about to fall over?" Okada asked.

"hmm? I don't know, I just run toward him without thinking and suddenly saw his trip, so I just help him out. That's all" Niikaz answered him, she tilted her head to try to act dumb.

"I-I see. Thank you for helping me out there. A-as for Shido-sensei….I really dislike him" He frowned.

"hmm? What do you mean? Nishinoya?" Kazu tilted his head.

"you know what, he about to kick me and try to leave me behind to get eaten by 'them'!"

"What!?" Okada joins the conversation.

"hmm!" he nodded a little and continued. "I have saved thanks to Niikaz, or else I will become one of them later". His body shivering.

"that son of-" Kazu about to get up to pounced at Shido but he gets stopped by Niikaz.

"why? Why did you stop me?"

"I know you are angry, but it's not the time to punch him. It will make more problem anyway, besides I'm already chocked his neck for you" Niikaz winked a bit.

Kazu shocked a bit.

"wow, Niikaz, you are really badass!" Okada praised.

"The city!" The conversation got interrupted by one of the students.

They can see that a lot of black smoke fades into the air. But the situation in the city itself was deserted, not a single soul was there. Almost looks like a ghost town. They passed through it and move along the coast.

"Look here!" The blond boy, Tsunoda, start to voice out. His appearance is like a delinquent as his hairstyle is shaved at both sides.

"we will never make it if we keep going! First off, why do we have to do whatever you guys planned to do? You all decided to go back to the city without asking us. Couldn't we just looked fo as a safe place inside the school?" he continued.

" that's right! We should find a place to hide like the convenience store we just passed by."

"then, why have you followed us? Just keep hiding at the school like you said before" Niikaz interrupt him monotones.

"Who says that?!" Tsunoda annoyed.

"Ni-Niikaz." Kazu's look at her worried.

"come on, get the hell out the bus and go back to the school!" Niikaz ignored him as she just looks the view outside the window.

"What do you say-"

As Tsunoda try to approach at Niikaz, Marikawa pressed the brake hard makes him stumble a bit.

She unfastens the belt and turns around facing him at the back.

" Enough! I can't concentrate on driving with all of you yelling!" Marikawa turned back in her, sitting at the driver's seat.

"what-the-hell?!" Tsunoda focused on her body as she slightly bent forward makes her boobs jiggling.

"then, what do you wish to do?" Saeko said to him.

"tch... I can't stand him!" He pointed toward Takashi.

"what the-" as Takashi about to stand, Hisashi stood first and blocked him for standing.

Hirano about to shoot him, but Takagi block him with her right hand.

"why? Do you have a problem with me? When did I ever say to you?" Takashi frowned.

"you!" When Tsunoda about to punch him, Hisashi blocked his arm and twisted it to side hard. Tsunoda screams in pain but not giving him a chance to fight back, Rei added by hit the staff to his stomach with all of her might.

Tsunoda coughs out and falls down to his knees.

"you suck!" Rei said in a low voice.

"Rei, stop. It's not worth talking to him." Hisashi said while glared at Tsunoda.

"Rei, Hisashi" Takashi called them as he smiled a bit.

After a while, Shido approaching them by step over Tsunoda, since he blocking away. He applause disgustingly *author also though that*

"Splendid work! Igou-kun, Miyamoto-san, that was some excellent teamwork. I'm really touched by your action to protect your friend. But, hmm..the the fact that this conflict arose simply proves what I stated earlier."

"hey, what does he mean by that?" Okada slowly bent toward Kazu and Nishinoya. He whispered softly.

"We really do need a leader – bla bla."

"you hear that?" Niikaz said


"I don't want him to be a leader, I hate him!" Nishinoya still has a grudge toward Shido.

"Nishinoya-kun, let me see your leg, it's look hurt" Marikawa get up from her seat. She checked Nishinoya's condition and start to treat him.

"Lucky it's not looking serious, you will be okay after rested for 5-6 days or maybe earlier than that."

"Thanks, sensei. But It will a problem from now on, right" Nishinoya said solemnly.

"don't worry, I will carry you. Leave it to me. Just focused on healing your leg." Kazu interrupts.

"yeah, Kazu's right. If he gets tired, I will take a turn to carry you on my back. Before, during an outbreak, I am also got injured and still manage to survive. Don't lose hope, you idiot! You will make Niikaz feel sad!" Okada scolded him.

"o-oooh! I'm sorry! I will work hard to heal it in 4- no, in 2 days!"

"no, that will be impossible, are you an idiot?" Okada said in monotones.

"what do you say!"

"haha, now, now calm down" Kazu lightly chuckled.

"what the good friend you have there" Marikawa giggled a bit, makes the Okada and Nishinoya blushed.

Niikaz just grins a bit. She opened the map and checked on the undead in 10 kilometres radius. She saw countless undead in this area, moving toward one way near the bridge. It seems they attract to sound coming from there.

(I see, maybe it's from the police and the crowd, no wonder it's vacant here.)

"what do you all say, everyone!"

(Looks like that Shido finish babbling) Niikaz ignored him.

Some of the students stand up and give applause. Most of them from Shido's group.

(so what are you gonna do, Shido? Looks like the result will be 10-11.) Niikaz smirked.

Takuzo and Naomi seem to support them because of Shido is the teacher.

"ahh~, sensei is sad. Why all of you did not vote for me? But you know, I'm the teacher here so hate it or not, you all will eventually have to listen to me" Shido twisted the situation.

"tch!" Niikaz clicked her tongue as she pissed off. Kazu tilted head as he noticed it.

Rei opens the bus door hard, leaving them behind as she protests it.

"Re-!" when Hisashi about to go to her, Takashi already run passed him.

He stops his intention as he already knows there is no need for him to do that. He stands at the door, look at them with mixed feeling.

Saeko, who notices his change expression, decides to stay silent.

"Rei! Oi wait a bit, will you!" Takashi grabs her hand, stop her for going any further.

"Screw it!, No way in hell am I going to be anywhere near him!" Rei shouted to him, while his hand to let go of her hand.

"ahh~, if you are saying that you can't get along, then we will just have to split up," Shido said pretending to be sad about that.

"what do you say?!" Hisashi feels like he wants to punch Shido but got stopped by Saeko with her hand softly touch his shoulder. He saw Saeko shook her head try to calm him down.

"You just have to put up with him until we get to the city. Besides, it's way too dangerous to –"

"That's why I said you will regret this!" Rei argues to him. Her eyes start to tear up.

"Look, now is not the –" Takashi tries his best to persuade her.

Meanwhile, Niikaz realises something move fast toward their location. She zooms in and opens the details on that Red dot. It looks like countless of a dot at the same place and blue dot starting to change to a red dot.

(It is almost like a…..Shit!) She gets up quickly, stands at the bus door.

"Takashi, Rei watch out!"

Soon as they hear, Niikaz's shout they look at something approaching them in high speed. As for Marikawa, she quickly goes back at the driver's seat. After a while, they already hear the bus and people shout inside it. Everything in havoc state. The driver bus can't control the wheel when some of the undead starts biting him and cram his flesh down. The bus got flipped forward after it's a clash with one of the car blocked the road.

"Takashi! Rei!" Hisashi get out, but Saeko stopped him

"Wait, Hisashi! It's dangerous!"

"but, Takashi and Rei still out there!"

The bus is about clash toward them. Takashi quickly grabs Rei escape from the bus. They slipped through a tunnel makes the bus stop in front of the tunnel as the bus can't get further.

"Takashi! Rei! Are you guys, okay?" Hisashi approaches the bus to try to find his friends. Not long after that, the undead start to break out walking toward him.

"yeah! Go to the police station! We will meet at the East Police Station." Takashi replied.

"on what time?" Hisashi shouted back, beneath his heart, he feels relieved both Rei and Takashi seems unharmed.

"7PM!, If it doesn't work out today, then we will try again tomorrow!" soon Takashi finishes said, the bus started breaking down and about to explode. The undead who earlier approaches him, fall down as the fire keep burning it.

" Marikawa – sensei, start your engine! We are ready to go" Niikaz said to her.

Hisashi got back inside the bus and closed the door. He faces to Marikawa telling her to go leave this place.

"Okay, I will turn back and find another route." Marikawa spins the wheel and drives through a different route.

Soon, the bus's oil leaking and start to explode.

"I hope they escape safely" Hisashi worried as he saw the fire from far.

"believe in them, you are his friend, right?" Saeko tries to calm him.

Hisashi starts to feel relieved. Weird, Saeko's words always calm him down.

"Thanks, Saeko." He is feeling grateful toward her.

"ahh~ I'm starting to feel hungry" Okada break the silence.

"ah! Now you say it, let's eat the food we brought before. Niikaz, Nishinoya, wait here. I will go get it for you."

"oh, thanks! Kazu." Nishinoya said.

Kazu moves at the seat behind Okada. When he about to take it, Shido approaches him.

"wow! You brought some food. You are not telling me to keep it just for you, right? Ahh~ you can't do that Kazu-kun, it will cause some student dissatisfied and will fight for it."

"n-no, it's not li –"

" I will handle it for you, don't worry, I will give all of you share equally." When Shido about to take the box, Niikaz stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Ni-Niikaz, right? What are you doing?" Shido gave out the cold sweat.

"it is 'you', telling me, what are you doing? Who says that you can take this food? Huh?" Niikaz glare at him.

"oi, you! Don't be selfish, will you? The food has to distribute equally! Who do you think you are? You are not a leader!" Tsunoda yelled.

"See?~ that's not good, I told you it will be dissatisfied from others." Shido smile. As he tries to let go his hand, Niikaz grabs him tightly, causing him pain.

"didn't I tell you? One more step, I will kill you." She gave him a death glare.

"eeek" Shido yelped like a dog. Even dog better than him.

"Niikaz, it's okay. Let go of his hand." Hisashi said.

Niikaz frowned at him disagree. But, Kazu touches her hand lightly give her a sign it's will be okay.

Niikaz nodded a little. She takes 3 loaves of bread and bottle and moves to the front. Leaving them to handle it.

"here" She gives the bread and mineral bottle to both Nishinoya and for Marikawa- sensei she opens the package first before giving it to her. This will make her easier to eat.

"Thanks, Niikaz!"

"sh-shaankyuu," Marikawa said while eating the bread Niikaz gave earlier.

Niikaz smiles at her and returns to her seat. She lifts both of her hands near her ears. After a while, the light glowed form a mini earphone. No ones notice it she covered both of her hand from it.

She commands the system in her mind, play one of her favourite songs back in her world called 'whos gonna save us – hyde'. She closed her eyes.

"Shido, we will keep this food. Since this is Niikaz's, to begin with. She is the one who told me to carry this back there. If was not for Niikaz, we will not get to eat now" Kazu calmly explain to him.

"that's true, from now on, if you want this food, simply tell us. It is up to our decision whether to give it or not." Hisashi added.

"w-what? I am a leader, I'm the one who responsible for keeping it. Don't you agree with everyone?" He turns back, starts to revoke.

"yeah! Who are you to begin with? You are not a leader!" Tsunoda yelled while the others supported.

"How shameless," Takagi said softly. She feeling disgusted toward Shido.

"then forget it!" Hisashi takes the box start move in front, placing it beside Marikawa. Kazu and Hisashi start to distribute among themselves.

"wha-what are you doing?" Shido said. Can't believe there is a student try to ignore him. Ignore the teacher?

"if you don't agree with the terms I'm proposed earlier then, there is no reason for us to give it to you." Kazu frowned.

(hmph! Serves you right!) Hirano smirked. He opens the packaged bread and eating it.

After a while, the students who supported Shido plead.




(fuck! How dare they do this to me!? I am a teacher you ungrateful brats!!!)

"fine, I will do what you say. Ah~ what am I doing, fight for bread. That was so immature of me.

Okay, okay you can keep it, I'm sorry trying to take it away from you~, don't be mad okay. I understand, after all, you guys just kids. It feels like I'm taking your toys." sarcasm.

Kazu and the rested start to pissed off. Still, Kazu gives it to them while holding his anger.

They arrived on the main road. Countless the car in there lining to leave the place. At the front, the police try to keep order control.

"it's dangerous outside! Please remain inside your car under any circumstances!" One of the police keeps repeating the command while the others ready to open the trigger. Ready to shoot those who seem to look like an undead.

"we progress at roughly one kilometre an hour," Saeko said.

"can we make it to the bridge?" Okada asked Kazu.

"who knows."

"I hope we will make it over by morning," Nishinoya said.

"that will be impossible if we look at the situation given" Takagi added.

Suddenly Hirano interrupts her as his stomach growl.

"Oh, shut up! Are you still hungry? You just ate earlier!"

"y-yeah but I am still hungry~" He unites both his index finger together.

"that's why you are fat!"

"hahaha, here you go." Hisashi give the bread to him

"eh, it is okay?"

"it's alright, there is still plenty of food. It can hold for two days." Hisashi smiled at him.

"umm senpai, you can share with me too if you are still hungry," Okada said.

"aha~ thank you" Hirano feeling grateful.

After a while, Niikaz approach Marikawa.

"sensei, are you okay? If your back feeling sore, I will massage you a bit."

"eh! Really? Thank you Niikaz, now that you said it, it feels a little sore at my shoulders~."

(isn't because of you giant boobs at fault right?) Nishinoya and Okada thought at the same time.

Niikaz's palm glow almost covered all part of her both palm. She pressed to both of Marikawa's shoulder.

"ahnnn, that-is g-great, nnn, ahnnn, you are really good~ohh~ no-not too hard Niikaz, an ahhnnn!"

(ero!) Nishinoya and Okada get a nosebleed as the blood keep flowing like a fountain.

"wah!! Are you both okay! Hang in there!" Kazu yelled.

( what an idiot) Takagi and Niikaz said in her mind while Saeko looks at them with half eyes opened.

Takagi notices Hirano not bothered by that, He keeps glaring at outside through the window.

"submachine gun?, maybe Shipka SMG 9X19mm or maybe 18mm? " Hirano muttered softly. Feeling weird as she calls him.


[Bang! Bang!] Sounds like undead get shot from the outside. That causing Hirakawa and Taniuchi scream in frightened.

"It's fine, we are safe in here. It~is~fine~" Shido calmed two of them while embracing them lightly.

"Sensei." Hirakawa looks at him flustered. She calms down a bit as Shido keep hugging them while repeating the phrase.

Saeko, Hisashi and the rest look at him with suspicious eyes.

"that Shido, he plans on something," Okada muttered. Act like a detective.

"Tell me something I don't know" Kazu frowned.

"I wish we can split up, it makes me puke by looking at him." Nishinoya scowl.

"I know we all hate him, let's make a plan later with seniors, I bet they feel the same way too," Niikaz suggested.

They nodded. "be patient as the time come. Nishinoya, you focused on healing that leg. I think you will able to walk soon enough." Niikaz said that. She touches his sprained ankle and rubs it softly as her glow like when she massage Marikawa's shoulder.

Nishinoya blushes a little, as she bent forward, he about takes peek through her chest but gets block by Kazu's faced. Kazu frowned at Nishinoya jealousy.

"oi, Kazu you are blocking me!" Nishinoya snarled.

"Niikaz, you don't need to do that. He only has a light sprained ankle. He will be okay after a while. Ignored him."

"ah. It's that so?" Niikaz titled her head and quickly back to her seat.

(Kazu you bastard!) Nishinoya makes an angry face to him.

(idiot-pervert.) Look at him monotones with half eyes open.

It's like there an electric circuit fusing together when Kazu and Nishinoya glare at each other.

Through the back mirror, Niikaz take glanced toward Yamada, Takuzo and Naomi. They seem knowing each other. She can see that they are worried about something. Probably their parents' well-being.

Yeah, it can't be helped. In this world where everything went to chaos in a single day, nobody can guess whether their parents are at a safe place or already become….one of THEM.