

Kitchen, Green Kite Orphanage, Sakura City.

Four women could be seen working on the dinner that would be served that night.

Because many people were eating in the orphanage every meal, these 4 women had the tiring job of cooking three times per day.

But the curious thing was that only three of them were cooks hired to make the food for the children.

The fourth one was the matron of the orphanage.

Matron May, or as the children called her, Mother May, was the boss of the orphanage.

She was 59 years old, and it was under her direction that the Green Kite Orphanage flourished.

She was also an orphan who grew up in this orphanage, but during her time, when she was growing up, the orphanage was in a much worse state.

Even though it was not as bad, still the children did not have the comfortable lives they currently had.

When she was only a teenager, May promised to change the orphanage for the better.