
Last Day of Autumn

Monday, December 14th.

The last of the Autumn arrived, and with it, the decrease in the temperature.

It seemed as though yesterday's sunset marked the last moments of warmth in Elffire City before the start of Winter.

The last of Autumn.

It's the last day of Autumn,

leaves, the color of fire,

landing at my feet.

It's the last day of Autumn, leaves plucked from their branches, by the hands of time.

It's the last day of Autumn, leaves spiraling down, to their forever resting place.

It's the last day of Autumn, leaves no longer color the trees, they're bare.

It's the last day of Autumn, leaves being forced to shrivel, by the incoming cold.

It's the last day of Autumn, and leaves preparing to be covered by a freezing white blanket.

It's the first day of Winter and everything is white.

The sky was covered in dark clouds as the citizens of Elffire City woke up on that Monday.