
Important Discusssions On the Way Back to Elffire City

Yamada Manor, Musdurn Mountain, Torringgar Mountain Range.

The sky was already dark with the coming of the night when Theo and the others arrived from their snowboarding and skiing adventure.

Although they were tired from spending the whole day snowboarding and skiing, they didn't waste time before immediately getting their things ready to head back to Elffire City.

They wanted to go back to their warm house where they could rest and have a cozy night at home.

That's why at certain moments, everyone was busy as they gathered all their luggage back to the cars.

Theo would give a lift back to the city for Umaru, Carolla, and Vivian. Consequently, he was busy as he tried to organize the three girls' luggage with his and Aurora's luggage. Their luck was that his Jeep was big enough to fit everyone.

The girls had come with a driver from their families, but their parents asked Theo to bring them back. So, he couldn't deny such a simple request.