
Chapter 8: Evolution

I woke up early the next day. Well, actually, I hadn't slept at all. For some reason, exhaustion didn't affect me.

I felt like sleeping, but I didn't see it as a real need. Maybe there's something to it, or maybe it's just the trauma from the day before.

The Serene Mind ability was, in fact, dangerous. As it activated on its own, I didn't have real control. It could save my life, but the consequences could also be severe.

Because of this ability, I killed two of my subordinates without thinking twice. I had never killed anyone before. Hunting a rabbit was one thing, killing a servant... that was a completely different thing.

The ability made me think rationally; that was fine, but maybe one day I wouldn't want to act that way. It led me to make logical decisions that weren't connected to my feelings, and that was very dangerous.

Too dangerous to act lightly.

I sighed and began to connect the dots. The ability didn't activate randomly. There was some trigger, and I needed to figure out what it was.

In the situation, I was in deep despair. My actions and mind were confused and illogical. There was no way I could decide how to act.

Maybe that's the trigger: despair, anguish, and torment.

If I get myself into another situation where I don't know how to act, it could activate again.

I hope I'm ready this time...

Again, I sighed. However, I decided not to dwell on it any longer. I spent the entire night trying to get my head straight, and it wouldn't be at that moment that I could.

I just need to keep in mind that I'm in another world now, so dangers haunt me and those around me.

I'll continue with the plan to investigate the surroundings, increase my strength, and find out what I can about this new world.

This will be my short-term goal... and then I'll see what I'll do.

I got up from the throne and went down to the first floor. Respecting my isolation, no one had appeared in the throne room or disturbed me during the night, so I didn't know what was going on.

When I arrived on the first floor, I came across a confusing and funny scene, by the way. The first summoned goblin took on a leadership role and ordered the others to set up a makeshift camp.

Apparently, his intelligence had increased a bit since he was born. And he also had the skeleton as a partner who was more than three times stronger than the Goblins, so none of the creatures would complain.

As soon as I appeared, all the goblins were paralyzed. Some were still scared from the day before, but most had a huge respect for me.

Despite being dumb as a rock, they still have loyalty.

Come to think of it, they really needed a leader. I couldn't take care of everything alone, so appointing someone as a leader might be a good idea.

But this could also bring me serious problems. Giving someone a position of power could create lustful thoughts, which would also create chaos.

So the best choice really would be to name that little goblin.

"You, come here" I called the first goblin. He came over quickly and lowered his head, indicating submission. - From now on, your name is Glenn.

A common name, but I thought it suited him quite well. Its meaning denoted from Celtic, and meant: Isolated Valley of Forests.

It was too beautiful a name for a simple goblin.


[You Named a Monster]

[The Goblin will be named: Glenn]


Ah! But of course, I hadn't forgotten about that little detail. Naming a monster wasn't such a simple task...

I felt the energy leaking out of my body and entering the little one's body. He began to absorb it endlessly, like a black hole sucking in light.

Then, when he finished absorbing everything, his body began to change. He grew beyond my own size.

His spine straightened, his arms grew along with a pair of extra fingers on his hands, his face began to take on a more human shape, and blackish-green hair sprouted from his head.

Now, he looked like an ordinary young human, with slightly more prominent teeth, slightly sharper ears, and, of course, green skin.


[Goblin Glenn reached the Maximum Level of the Race]

[Excess energy will be converted!]

[Goblin Evolved into Hobgoblin]

[Racial Evolution Completed]


Suddenly, my breathing became heavy, and I fell to my knees. The monster in front of me gave me a strange look, and I realized that I had made a mistake.

Monsters had two ways of evolving: evolution by Grade and Rarity.

Grade evolution did not modify their species but made them a more powerful form.

Rarity evolution modified the monster's species, raising it to a different category.

For both, it was necessary to reach the maximum level and break a barrier, or by special methods, such as naming or giving them a badge, with a Grade rise being much more common and easy than a Rarity rise.

Named monsters were always naturally stronger and more talented than the unnamed ones. In Vangloria, most floor bosses and region bosses had names.

However, there were two problems with naming: all of my energy was sucked up in the process, and there was a chance the monster would become stronger than me.

If he decided to attack me, I would be done for.

Luckily, the strange face he gave me displayed only confusion. As soon as he came to, he ran to assist me.

"M-master, are you okay?!" he exclaimed, nervous, for these were his first meaningful words.

"I'm fine. Congratulations, Glenn."

He tried to help me up, but I was more interested in his information.


Name: Glenn

Race: Hobgoblin | Level 1/20

Rarity: Uncommon | Grade: 1

Badge: Bestial


Strength: 4/19 | Speed 4/18 | Endurance 5/19

Dexterity: 6/21 | Intelligence 7/26 | Mana 1/22





Enhanced Intelligence | Reproduction | Calm Mind


Magical Talent


When he finished helping me, he noticed that I had called him by name, and he glowed for a moment. He was contemplative and emotional.

Tears sprang up at the corner of his eye, but he held them very well, returning to worry about my health.

"Master, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this! I swear allegiance to you and promise to serve you for the rest of my life." He knelt in front of me.

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Very well. I accept your loyalty." At this moment, I noticed something. I had already noticed this with the skeleton before, but now it seemed a bit clearer. "Aren't you too tall?"

"Huh? What do you mean, Master?"

He was about 10 centimeters taller than me.

Am I going crazy?

"It's nothing. It must be just in my head," I decided to ignore it for now. "Well, carry on with your work. I wish for you to use this Glade as your home. I give you the right to command all here."

"Thank you, master! I will try to live up to your expectations!"

Suddenly, he ran off, returning to work. I felt a little happy as I could finally talk to someone, but his personality was a little strange.

Isn't he too enthusiastic?

Well, not everything could be perfect.

Oh, damn it! I forgot to ask where the Rabbit and the White Wolf were.

I had forgotten about that. Before all the commotion happened, that rabbit had been captured and brought to the Dungeon with me. He was the key to figuring out how Horned Rabbits could be so strong.

Suddenly, I felt a presence watching me from behind. Turning around, I faced the pile of bones that looked straight into my eyes.

"Hm? Do you know where the white wolf and the rabbit are?"

The skeleton nodded and rattled its bones with excitement. It then ran off into the forest, and I followed closely behind.

After a short walk of no more than ten minutes, I found the white wolf lying near a tree trunk.

His wounds were slowly healing, but he looked much better. As soon as he saw me, he howled in joy. He seemed to want to jump, like a dog, on me, his owner, but his submission still held him back.

"You can come. You deserve it," and with that, he didn't hesitate.

He jumped towards me, almost knocking me over, and began to nuzzle me incessantly. He had followed my orders the day before, killing the treacherous goblin without a second thought.

This showed his loyalty and strength; he had a true air of perseverance and power. Because of this, he immediately gained my respect.

"Okay, that's enough. Where's the rabbit?" I asked.

The white wolf let go of me and walked over to the trunk. Approaching it, he seemed to point with his eyes. I went closer and could see the rabbit trapped in a hole under the trunk.

The white wolf had done a great job, so I stroked his milk-colored fur, thanking him for his good service. Then I looked at the hole, and my eyes met with the rabbit's.

The little creature seemed to sense my anger and resentment. He trembled and kept his frightened eyes fixed on me, fearing the worst that was yet to come.

However, after the events, I realized that rationality was crucial, so I made the decision not to kill him, for now...

I pushed the trunk to the side. At this point, the little one took a limping step back; he was still injured. Without hesitation, I quickly grabbed him and proclaimed:


[Successful Taming]

[Tamed Horned Rabbit]

At that moment, it became possible to see its statistics screen...


Name: None

Race: Horned Rabbit | Level 10/10

Rarity: Common | Grade: 1

Emblem: Bestial


Strength: 8/9 | Speed 8/10 | Stamina 8/9

Dexterity: 10/11 | Intelligence 7/7 | Mana 9/9



Three-Dimensional Maneuver


Enhanced Senses

Calm Mind



The first thought that passed through my mind was...

Too high.

Those statistics almost maxed out, the level already reaching the maximum, and the reproduction ability at level 6 did not match the statistics of a normal Horned Rabbit.

It also had two uncommon rarity abilities. Enhanced Senses and Three-Dimensional Maneuver.

Respectively, one allowed the user to have a sort of third eye that assisted, greatly, in combat and the other allowed movement in three dimensions.

The rabbit could literally jump in the air and see attacks from places that should be blind spots.

In addition, the Reproduction ability was a common trait unique to Bestial monsters. Basically, it increased their birth rate and allowed them to mate with any other race, but of course only the male parent with the ability would pass on the genes to the offspring.

The child would not take any of the mother's characteristics. Basically, a sort of asexual reproduction with organisms of other species.

A true invasion. Something that represented well the concept of Bestial.

However, the level of the ability was extremely high by standards and was classified as a Special.

And, strangely, now it was crossed out, as if it was inactive. I have never seen anything like this before.

Even in Vanglory, during the time I was interested in conducting such experiments, I never saw such a thing happen.

"If a simple rabbit like you possesses a skill of this level, then others must have it too..." Thinking about it was dangerous. Monsters with the ability to reproduce infinitely, devouring and destroying everything in their path. It didn't seem like something fun to watch.

"Perhaps an Event will arise from this..." When I was lost in thought, pondering on what was happening, a bad feeling overcame me.

The hair on my arm stood on end and a discomfort penetrated my entire body, in addition to that immediate feeling of concern. It was a strange feeling, but somehow, I managed to understand the reason.

Then, a message appeared.


[Invasion in progress]

[Access to status screen] blocked

[First Floor: Nameless] Invaded

[Eliminate or Expel the invader to receive rewards]
