
I Am the Devil King (Baldsan)

In a world of swords and magic, a world in which wit comes second and pure power comes first, what will happen if an entity who have the ability to destroy the world and at the same time make it rotate in the palm of his hands, existed? Come and watch the story of the Calamitous Manipulator as he make the world dance to his desires at the same time unravel the mysteries of his long slumber

Baldsan · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 23: Guinevere's Request

I looked at the two couple in front of me that are currently flirting, though I said that they are flirting, the guy, Vega is being squeezed to death by his own wife, the Herculean Beauty Altair and Altair seem to be oblivious about this fact and continued to bear hug Vega with emmense strenght.

I then suddenly thought, Vega have a very severe case of anger issue and will snap out of almost everything, even now that he is being trained by the always calm Chris, he is is still having difficulty in controlling it at most occasion, or well everytime I am watching their training sessions.

However, one thing that I notice is that, he is really in love with his wife and have a really soft spot to her that he can't be mad at her no matter what kind of absurd things is to happen to him because of her, it was even to the point that he suddenly resembled a melting tsundere from a rom-com show that is in the verge of admitting his feelings but suddenly saw the person he loves with another man and it was very suitable for him because he was very high strung and the gap makes it even better and seeing that Altair have a somewhat dominant nature that she is not aware of... Then who's in the top of the bed?

I immediately imagined Vega in the bottom panting while Altair is pouncing and jumping around his crotch, in which I immediately erased as it was of no relevance of this day's aim of traveling to the Forest of Idun.

Thinking that I was enjoying this flirtatious yet painful scene in front of me, I snapped back to reality and immediately made a cough and cleared my throat, the two of them...or well, Altair immediately stopped hugging (strangling) Vega that have foams in his mouth and his eyes rolled up and only its whites can be seen.

I looked at him pitifully as I immediately went back to look at Altair who is also making side glances towards Vega, though instead of worry, he seem confused and is probably asking "Why is his eyes rolled up?" To herself as she just choose to ignore it and looked at me straight in the eye.

I looked at her silver eyes that is glimmering and shining with excitement as she look at me with the utmost anticipation a child have when a new toy was given to him or her and the only difference is that Altair is not a child anymore. Seems like she's looking forward to her new weapon.

I can only smile an awkward one at this as I immediately give an order.

"Altair,wait here for someone, That someone is a fifty meter tall Lion, his name is Leon and he will be our ride for today's adventure, do not forget to show respect okay? He's an oldy already after all. I just have to say my farewell to my family."

I made a smile as I immediately went to walk inside my palace leaving the passed out Vega and the excited Altair behind.

"Well, that sounds like a death flag, but yes, understood."

I ignored her remark as I entered my palace, what I need to do is like I said earlier. I have to say goodbyes to my family, though please don't misunderstand and think of it as a death flag.

I mean, yes Arachne is strong so much that she is as strong as me and that was really impressive, however the difference between me and her that gives me the advantage is that we have contradicting fighting style.

Her fighting style is about the aspects of her being a spider, meaning threads, her limbs and her deadly poison and that was all with the little addition of hyper regeneration.

She cannot use other magic or abilities beside those four things making her a deadly opponent because she is already the master of the masters in terms of this abilities but she also have a glaring weakness of lack of versatility meaning that she will not have any trump cards beside the three principles and can easily be outdone (by me, atleast) after her mastery of her unique fighting style was overcame.

However, I am different and have a huge amount of trump cards and abilities that I will not be revealing now, but you can just say that I have a little upper hand here, oh, but don't get me wrong, I do have the upper hand but that doesn't mean that this future battle will be a money in the bag.

Her poison is so potent and strong that it can affect even me who have a good amount of confidence in my vitality and pretty much immune to almost all types of poisons discovered by the world, but not like I don't have many ways around her lethality, so yeah, this battle will have many stakes but the worst case scenario that I can predict with all the existing variables involved and the variables that is not involved but may possibly arise that was calculated by yours truly is a draw in which me and her having severe damages on our bodies and we have to be treated by Idun for a week atleast, because surely a draw between two Ruler Class individuals will have a huge price to pay for both of the Rulers.

Well, anyway, like I was saying, this is not a death flag and I don't even know how I ended up presenting that long shit of a monologue just to ascertain that I am not dying yet. I still have many wives to seduce so I cannot perish yet, and besides fun times is about to start.

Or who knows, the fun may already be started and I just have no idea about it in the first place.

Thinking about those things I continued to walk towards the corridor leading to the rooms area of my palace as I was suddenly greeted by Juliet who is trying to push Igraine back as Igraine won't even budge and is pushing her to what it seem to tell me something.

Juliet have a little rosy colored cheeks and it seems like she is blushing on what Igraine is pushing her to do.

From the moment Igraine officially went back into my side, Igraine apologized to Juliet a few days after, for Igraine seem to gain some unhealthy amount of pride and finds it hard to apologize to someone, well, because of Juliet's gentle personality and her being grateful that because she was used and manipulated as a "gift" for me, she get to know the real me and not just how the books perceive and portrays me, she forgave my daughter and now they became good friends without any ulterior motives between either the two of them.

Though it is weird that the future wife of mine is my daughter's friend, well atleast they became good friends.

"I-Igraine-san! It's embarrassing! I can't do that!"

"It will be fine, just say it!"



They were bickering about something that doesn't make sense for me because all I could hear and understand is "No" and "Yes" so I took the initiative to talk as I cleared my throat making them look at me and stop their bickering.

"Hello ladies, what's the ruckus is all about?"

I made a small smile in my face and Igraine just nudged Juliet in the back as Juliet was slightly pushed forward, she momentarily looked at Igraine and looked at me with her face as red as a tomato.

"Uh... Eh..."

Juliet looked at Igraine with her face still red with uncertainty but Igraine just encouraged her with a few wave of her hand.

Juliet then, seeing her friend's encouragement slowly came towards me, when she is near enough her breast pushed and slumped into my chest causing my blood to roll into my whole body like crazy, but I have enough self control not to have a boner at this wholesome moment so I just waited for her to do her thing as she wrapped her arms into me and then looked up into me, her white eyes glimmered a hint of embarrassment but overflows with worry.

"Uh... I heard that Arachne-sama is strong... So I just want say ... Please be careful and come back safely..."

I see, then why do you need to hug me?

Well, of course I cannot say that for she seem to muster all her courage just to do so and I am pretty sure that it's Igraine who thought her something like this as I can see her in front of me making a satisfied grin and a thumbs up in front of me.

I knew it.

Did this little brat got confident, or just became shameless in my absence?

I ignored the annoying grin of my daughter as I also wrapped my arms around her waist as I make my cheek touch her cheek a bit as I whispered.

"Don't worry, I will."

I always do this to her since she started to open up to me, and it seems like the fact that our faces are rubbing against each other makes her embarrassed, and without fail, she did.

She turned red in embarrassment because of my action as I make a mischievous grin in front of her reddening face as she started to cover her face and then ran away with a "WAAAH!" sound that echoes throughout the corridor.

I just stared at her back as I made a faint smile as Igraine stared at me with her void filled eyes, but for some reason I'm getting annoyed instead of being engrossed in the void.

I raised my brow as I asked.

"... What?"

She just let out a sigh as she shrugged her shoulders, is my daughter really this annoying before? It seem like, I like the shy and always bashful Igraine than this one. However, As I was thinking about those things she suddenly kissed me in the cheek and hugged me like how Juliet did.

"Papa, Arachne-sama is quite strong you know... So, seriously, please be careful..."

Papa she said...

"Yes, of course I will, when did I became careless? Do you know who your father is?"

I said with a confident smile on my face as she looked up to me while her chin is resting on my chest.

"One of the Rulers that got sealed by Pandora because of carelessness."


She doesn't really have to say that, but then she immediately let go of me and confidently walked out of my way into the room area of my palace, though I can sense some worry on her attitude, I ignored it, for it is just normal for a family member to worry about another member.

I also walked quite hurriedly as I immediately met with Guinevere, however her usual motherly aura is nowhere to be seen and a very rare or perhaps that very first worried look on the face of the Chaos Bringer was seen instead.


I looked at her confused... Not, it seems like she is worried about me actually hurting Arachne, but well, she have to voice it out to me personally.

"Loki... What will you do when you fail to stop Arachne?"

She have a grim look on her face as she asked me, I looked at her while making a smile.

"I will not fail Guinevere... Not this time around."

I said as another wave of nostalgia hit me in the face as I remember all the faces of my deceased wives whom I failed to protect.

"Why are you so worried about that? Idun is the master magician of the Seven Rulers you know? And she just said that she already knew how to undo Arachne's curse."

Guinevere once again looked at me with locked brows as worry is evident on his face.

"Loki, you know that I know you well, I an your former master and your second spouse. I also know that you will do everything to seek your goal... Even... Even if it means sacrificing a friend... Or a lover..."

That statement made my eyebrow twitch as I grabbed her shoulders and look at her with stern face that shows how serious I am.

"Guinevere, I will just tell you this, I will not let myself choose between the two of them, I will never choose one of them because I will be sure to save both of them. Naive as it may be, I promise in the name of the King of the Devils, that I will bring back Arachne here and make Idun stand up from her slumber once again and build the nation she wants for her race for so long."

I said making Guinevere's eyes looks like it was about to come out to her sockets, this may be the first time I said something so too optimistic... Or perhaps will also be the last, either way she was relieved by her husband's words as she grabbed my cheeks and put her lips into mine.

We immediately separated our kiss as she say.

"Take care then... And please... Please bring back Arachne here and make her break free from her shackles called fate."

I made a confident smile as I said simple words.

"But I will."

Saying those words, I looked at the direction of the sky, the ceiling in short as another smile appearance on my face.

As fast as always, huh?

It seems like Leon finally arrived.