
- Expanding the front line Declaration of war-

America White House Oval Office

"Mr. President! We're in trouble!"

Two hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the White House was in a state of panic. With the destruction of the Pacific Fleet and the fall of Midway and other islands, the president was unsure whether to continue the fight.

"I never thought the Japs would go to such lengths...Hey, can we fight back?"

"We have lost control of the seas. I think it would be best to avoid committing any more forces."

"Okay. Then, recall all troops currently in Europe. We don't have time to worry about the European front!"

Berlin, Germany

Hitler's German army was filled with joy.

"Your Excellency, President! I speak to you!"

"What is it, Gepperts?"

"The American forces that have been obstructing us up until now have begun to withdraw."

"What? Is that for real?!"

"Yes. It seems that our ally, the Empire of Japan, has dealt a major blow to America."

"With nothing in our way, now is our chance to win! Plan an air raid on the British mainland, then an attack on the Soviet Union."

Tokyo, Japan

"Admiral Yamamoto, it appears that America is withdrawing its forces from the European front and will be counterattacking us."

Why?! Why don't you propose a ceasefire?! This will prolong the war. Ending the war in the short term was our top priority.

"Okay. First, strengthen your defenses. Then, proceed with the development of radar and new fighter planes. Our next target is Hawaii."

America's industrial power cannot be underestimated. They will soon gather their forces and come against us. Japan has no choice but to confront America with quality rather than quantity. Another thing that worries me is...Nazi Germany...please don't do anything strange.

Two months later

Germany (Poland) Bialystok

"Today is the glory day of Nazi Germany! We are launching an attack on the Soviet Union! We are a great people and we will crush the Communists!"

Germany declares war on the Soviet Union

"Director, the situation is dire. Germany has invaded the Soviet Union, and large-scale battles are taking place all over the country! Furthermore, as a result, the Soviet Union has declared war on us, an ally of ours! The enemy has invaded Manchuria, and the Kwantung Army is currently intercepting them, but if things continue as they are, Manchuria will be in danger."

Finally, the worst-case scenario occurred.