
I am the Calamity

In the year 3023, humanity was wiped out by a catastrophic event that left the world barren and desolate. For eight hundred years, the earth remained uninhabited, and nature took over, reclaiming the land that once belonged to humans. But deep in the ruins of what used to be a great city, a small group of people survived. They had managed to build a community and, over time, developed a unique way of surviving in this new world.

Puppet_i0p · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Flame

"Come on, let's move faster!" cried a young girl as she ran ahead of her group. "I want to see the ruins before it gets dark."

The others, a group of men and women ranging from ages 20 to 50, followed her at a slower pace, shaking their heads and exchanging glances.

"Ava, you need to slow down. You're going to hurt yourself," said one of the older men.

"I'll be fine," Ava replied, her eyes never leaving the towering structures ahead of her. "I just can't wait to see what's inside."

As they approached the ruins, Ava could feel her heart racing with excitement. She had heard stories of the old world, of the great cities and the powerful people who had once lived there. She had always been fascinated by the idea of what lay inside those ancient walls. of course, her main priority was herbs for her dad, but he never said she couldn't enjoy herself while she was out.

As they entered the ruins, Ava's eyes widened with wonder. The buildings were tall and imposing, their broken windows and crumbling walls a testament to the passage of time. It was as if the world had simply moved on, leaving these once-great structures to crumble into dust.

The group walked in silence, the only sounds the crunching of debris beneath their feet and the occasional rustle of wildlife in the overgrown foliage. Ava led the way, darting from one building to the next, peering inside each one with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"Whoa, look at this!" Ava exclaimed as she entered a massive hall with tall pillars and elaborate carvings on the walls. "What do you think this was used for?"

"I'm not sure," replied one of the men. "Perhaps it was a meeting place for important people."

Ava nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She imagined herself as one of those important people, sitting at the head of a long table and making decisions that would shape the world.

They explored the ruins for hours, marveling at the ancient technology and architecture. They found a room with a large screen, and although it was cracked and broken, it still lit up when they touched it. They also found a room with an old computer, and while they couldn't get it to turn on, they marveled at the buttons and the clunky keyboard.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the group decided to head back to their settlement. Ava was disappointed that they had to leave, but she knew that they had already spent too long out here.

"We should head back," said one of the women. "We don't want to be out here after dark."

Ava groaned, but knew that they were right. She had pushed herself and the group hard enough for one day.

As they turned to leave, Ava heard a whisper on the wind, a voice that seemed to be calling to her from the depths of the ruins.

"Ava... Ava, come closer."

She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. Was she imagining things? Or was someone, or something, really trying to contact her?

"Ava, what's wrong?" asked one of the women, noticing her hesitation.

Ava shook her head, trying to shake off the feeling. "I... I thought I heard something."

"you're probably just tired from all the running around today, you're still young,"

nodding in agreement Ava continued her departure from the ruins however the voice had other ideas, suddenly Ava felt a massive force upon her frail body

Ava's eyes widened as she heard the voice calling out to her. turning towards it, Ava noticed a Cavern previously not there. She stepped forward, the voice drawing her in. The others called out to her, their voices worried.

"Ava, don't go in there, it's too dangerous!" shouted Jeanne, the leader of the group.

But Ava couldn't resist the pull of the voice. She had to know what was calling to her. She turned back to the others and said, "I'll be back soon. Don't worry."

She ran towards the cave, the voice growing louder with every step. When she entered the cave, she immediately felt a chill run down her spine. The walls were slick with moisture and the air was thick with an eerie silence, the only noise breaking it being the wild voice. her heart pounding in her chest as she ventured deeper into the darkness.

As she went deeper into the cave, the roar grew louder until she came across a small chamber tucked away in a corner of the cave. She stepped inside and saw a small flame flickering in the shadows.

"Ava, get out of there!" one of the men shouted from outside the cave.

But Ava ignored him, her eyes locked on the flame. As she approached it, the flame grew brighter and the voice became clearer.

"You have been chosen, Ava," said the flame. "You possess a great power within you, a power that can change the world."

Ava was hesitant. She knew that this was dangerous, but at the same time, she couldn't deny the thrill of the power it promised.

"What power?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"The power of magic, the power of demons and angels, the power to bend the very laws of the world as you see fit" replied the flame. "If you agree to our contract, I will grant you the ability to wield this gift. You will become one of the most powerful beings in this world."

Ava was silent for a moment, considering the offer. She knew that it was dangerous, but she also knew that the world needed someone who could bring about change. And if that meant communicating with a mysterious flame, then so be it.

But then she thought of the others waiting for her outside the cave, and the worry she saw in their eyes when she ran off. She couldn't just abandon them and risk her own life. Ava was content, there was no need for her to accept this deal.

"Thank you for the offer," she said, her voice firm. "But I'm not ready to risk everything just because a candle told me to."

The flame flickered and grew brighter, sending a wave of heat over her, but Ava stood her ground. She turned and left the chamber, the voice fading as she left the cave. When she emerged from the cave, the others rushed to her side, asking if she was okay.

"I'm fine," she said, a small smile on her face. "I just heard a strange noise and had to investigate. Nothing to worry about."

But deep down, she knew that there was something more to the cave and the mysterious flame she encountered. hopefully this would be the end of it.