
I am the Calamity

In the year 3023, humanity was wiped out by a catastrophic event that left the world barren and desolate. For eight hundred years, the earth remained uninhabited, and nature took over, reclaiming the land that once belonged to humans. But deep in the ruins of what used to be a great city, a small group of people survived. They had managed to build a community and, over time, developed a unique way of surviving in this new world.

Puppet_i0p · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Ava had found him, she was beginning to lose hope by staying at this old crockety town, so far from any kind of civilisation, but alas, she watched as the prince was taken and escorted by his guards into the cleverly disguised carriage.

The only thing that concerned her was the lack of a guard, apparently, when the current king went across the black desert, he had a small army with him, at least fifty soldiers, that means, that all three of the soldiers with Tobias are elites.

"i expect at least two of them to be capable of synthesis..." whispered Jerzar into avas ear, its scratchy voice resembled charcoal.

no longer surprised by the constant companion within her head, Ava merely questioned what a synthesis was.

"...when you use my flames as a weapon, you're allowing my concentrated energy to use your body as a medium, and therefore you can use a synthesis with my assistance, without the help of a spirit or demon, other users must be able to call upon the weaker energies around them and then temper the forces within their own body," summarised Jerzar

"to continue this, each individual's unique way they "temper" the energies will result in effects, Jeanne for example, had the ability to corrode and age anything his blade made contact with, unfortunately, his synthesis was limited by his range, others will not have that problem." warned Jerzar

"...can i beat them?" asked Ava, who was less concerned on these unique abilities and more focused on her original goal, revenge.

"it doesn't matter how quickly they can temper the energies inside of them, or how strong a synthesis, a human will never close the gap between a demon and a mortal,"

"that's all that matters," responded Ava, nonchalantly as she followed the carriage on foot, with clear disregard for the injuries and scars that littered her bear feet.