
POV Isabella POV Isabella

I can't believe that Jeffery Clifford has become the world most richest billionaire and who invest billions of dollars every single month.

I feel so jealous because my company isn't that popular and i haven't invest that kind of money he makes.

so,I think is high time I find the secret behind his Rich's and company.

picking my phone,I dail miss Isabella.


her Melody voice greeted me.

" Miss Bella I need you in my office right now. leave whatever you are doing.

' alright sir . on my way" "good"

I said and hang up.

" Isabella she can do whatever I want. she want to please me right? have a difficult job for you" I mutter and turn myself around in the black swivel chair, backing the door of the entrance to my office.

two minutes later I heard the door open and the footsteps of someone, entering.

the person close the door and come near.

" can't you knock?" I asked still backing the person.

" sorry sir I --------- em my mind didn't go. "hmmm?"

I said and turn to face my beautiful worker, Bella who is standing five feet away from the table.

" Bella what are you thinking before coming here? or , do you now have a boyfriend?"

I asked still staring at her.

' no sir . I don't have a serious boyfriend that I will think about"

she answered facing the floor.

I just stare at her, smirking. so innocent"

I said in mind.

" okay I have something that you can please me with; her head snap up and stare at me blinking.

I rolled my eyes and called." Isabella, what are you thinking ? not sex for God sake"

"Isabella smile.

" well, the job I want you to do for me is to go and apply as a secretary in BLUE SKY. company as a secret agent". I said to her.

Isabella eyes widen at the mention of the famous and richest company in Switzerland

" what?" she mutter in shock .

" yes so, be ready. you can now go". I said to her and she frown but leave the office in silent.

I smile at the closing door and said. " you want to please me, Isabella. I chuckle and continue with my work.