
I am the bone of my sword in this new world.

Due to some strange reason, shirou the vessel of muramasa finds himself in a very unfamiliar place. Filled with unfamiliar dark monsters and hidden conflict. Watch shirou adventure this new world. Along with his swords

Vortex_Luminos · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Trouble? [Updated]

Hello there author here. I changed some stuff at the roof top battle. Reason being that it didn't feel right to me. Anyways read the changes I made at the rooftop scene.


As I was looking at the red hooded girl carrying a giant weapon. Some gangster looking men with black and red suits got out of the store with their weapons out. Soon the men charged at the girl who responded by twirling her scythe around at striking them.

Unfortunately some of the men sneak attack the girl while she was fighting the others.

Seeing this I pulled out my katana and dashed towards.

One of them was about to deliver a sword strike towards the girl. But I intervened and block the sword and delivered one back knocking him really far and knocking him out.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yes, Thanks the support."

I nodded then proceeded to take care of the gangsters on my part while the girl does the same while firing a sniper rifle to propel herself around. 'Interesting weapon.' I thought to myself as I finish the gangsters on my part.

After taking care of the gangsters. A orange haires man wearing a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band exits the store.

"You were worth every cent, truly you were" the man said. As he looked at the girl and me.

"Well red's I think we can all say that its been an eventful evening and as much as I want to stick around." raising his cain a small target scope popped up. "I'm afraid this is where we part ways" as he said that he fired a blast from his cane.

The girl fired her scythe downward launching herself up to dodge. Instead of dodging the blocked it by swinging at it. The blast exploded creating a small dust cloud slightly obscuring my view.

As the dust clears the man was no longer there. Looking around I saw him climbing a ladder to the top of a building.

"You okay if we go after him." The girl asked. The owner nodded as she follows the gangster. Following behind, Enhancing my body I jumped on the buildings roof. following along the red hooded girl launched herself up the building with her scythe sniper.

"Hey!" The red headed girl said.

"Persistent" The gangster said. Soon an aircraft suddenly appears. Seeing the aircraft I immediately dashed forward.

"No you don't!" Trying to stop him from escaping I charged at him.

Seeing me trying to stop him he fires to halt my attempt. As he was shooting at me he got on the aircraft and soon distance himself from the building.

"End of the line red's!" He said as he throws a dust crystal at us and fires at it. Seeing this I prepare to project a shield. But was stopped when someone else intervened and blocked the blast instead.

When the smoke cleared I saw a women standing there. She had light blonde hair, tied back into a bun with a curl hanging down on the right side of her face and Bright green eyes. And there seems to be a glyph of some sort infront of her. 'She looks like a professor.'

Adjusting her glasses the woman begins to fire some purple attacks at the aircraft. The woman then summoned an ice storm above the bullhead pelting it with ice shards.

Looking at the scene I couldn't help but be amazed.

Suddenly a woman wearing a red dress appeared on the aircraft. The woman in red lit up her dress and then begins to blast fire balls at the the blonde woman. Who blocks it by summoning a glyph.

Suddenly beneath the blonde woman an explosion erupted. Dodging it the blonde woman then gathered a damaged debris and formed them into a spear she then launched towards the aircraft.

The woman in red begins blasting a spear. But spear kept reforming.

The aircraft tilted to deflect the attack. The spear then disperse into multiple attacks which kept its attacks on the aircraft.

Suddenly the woman in red unleashed a burst of fire destroying all the debris.

As I was looking at the fight the red hooded girl beside me begins to fire her weapon at the woman in red. Seeing that the bullets were blocked by her hand. I projected a bow and an arrow. As I pulled back the string I gathered energy on the arrow and aimed at the woman.

Sensing something dangerous the woman tries to unleash a powerful attack. Not giving her a chance to do so I fired my bow.

As the arrow traveled towards her she immediately stopped her attack and focused on defending herself. As she summoned a shield made out of fire. As the arrow impacted the shield a blast erupted shaking the aircraft and knocking the woman back.

Seeing that this was getting dangerous the gangster immediately focused on escaping. Seeing this I immediately pulled back my bow and prepared to shoot again this time aiming for the wings.

As I was about to fire another arrow the gangster. Threw out multiple dust crystals of different kinds at us and fired at them. Creating a massive elemental explosion. As the explosion came up I jumped back dodging the blast. Using the explosion the aircraft immediately escaped.

As the explosion and dust cleared I see the the aircraft no longer there. I sighed and cancel my projection and sheath my katana.

Suddenly the red hooded girl next to me came up to the blonde woman.

"Your a huntress." The girl said "Can I have your autograph."

Looking at them I thought to myself. "So she's a huntress, with the skill she displayed it isn't hard to believe."

I begin to leave the top of the building and head home. But suddenly stopped when I was lifted into the air. 'Huh? Whats going on?'

Looking at the woman I saw she had a stern look on her face.

"You two are in big trouble." as she said that I thought to myself 'Why?'


'How did I get in this situation?' I thought to myself as I was sitting inside a dark interrogation room behind a table with the red hooded girl next to me and the blonde lady infront giving a scolding both of us.

"I hope both of you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly. Both of you put yourselves and others in great danger." The blonde woman said.

"They started it." I nodded my head to what the girl said.

"If it were up to me both of you would be sent home with a pat on the back."

"And a slap of the wrist." As she said that she hit the table with her riding crop. Which made me and the girl to flinch.

"But... there is someone here who would like to meet both of you." As she said that a man with gray hair appeared in the darkness of the door in the room. Walking in with a mug on his left hand and a plate full of cookies on his right.

"Ruby Rose... You... Have silver eyes." The man said.


Looking at the man I subconsciously put up my guard. 'This guy gives me merlin vibes with a hint of da vinci.' which now that I think about it is a terrifying combination.

"So, where did you learn to do this?" he said as he showed a video of the girl fighting of the gangsters with me in the background doing the same.

"S-Signal academy."

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever design?" The man asked. I couldn't help but question that as well 'What kind of school allows people these kinds of weapons? I know they are taught to be huntsman and use weapons. But I didn' t think they would teach them to use such a dangerous weapon.'

"Well one teacher in particular." the girl said. I begin to question these academies again.

'Was her teacher drunk or just didn't care?'

"I see." He then placed the plate of cookies on the table. The girl then begins to devour the cookies at great speed.

Seeing the speed that the cookies were being eaten I couldn't help but be reminded of a certain bunch of hungry lions.

"It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before, a dusty old crow."

"Thash muh unkul!" the girl responded with a stuffed mouth. Swallowing the cookies the girl repeated with a now not stuffed mouth. "Sorry, thats my uncle crow."

"He's a teacher at signal, I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now I'm all like-" the girl then proceeded to make karate poses while making sounds that didn't help make it any less embarrassing to look at.

I cringed at seeing this and looked away.

"So I've noticed." He said as he placed his mug on the table.

"And what is an adorable girl such as yourself, doing in a school designed to train warriors."

"Well I want to be a huntress."

"You want to slay monsters?" The man asked.

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

"I only have 2 more years of training left at signal and then I'm going to apply to beacon."

"You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a huntress, and I am trying to become a huntress cause I wanna help people, my parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it! and hehe, I mean the police are alright, but huntsman and huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting, and really, gosh, you know!"





"Do the 2 of you know who I am?" The man asked.

I shook my head.

"You're professor Ozpin. Your the headmaster of beacon." The red hooded girl answered.



"Nice to meet you."

The man return his attention to the girl.

"You want to come to my school?" The man asked.

"More than anything." The girl answered.

Than man then looked towards the blonde lady who just turned her head the other way.

"Well okay." The man said. As the girl glees in joy.

"Really?!, Oh thank you so much!" the girl exclaimed in utter joy.

"Okay then can I ask you to wait outside for a while Ms, Rose I want to have a chat with the young man here." The man said. The girl nodded then exited the room. Turning back his attention towards me.

"Would it be okay if you stay for a bit I want to ask you some questions?" The man asked.

Suspicious for a moment I nodded my head. "Sure."

"Well, before I ask let me introduce myself first."

"I am professor Ozpin the headmaster of beacon academy."

As he introduced himself the man then pulled out a different video showcasing me fighting the gangsters.

"You're very skilled mr Emiya, your skills might even be on par with an official huntsman?" The man said.

"If isn't rude, may ask who taught you?"

For a moment I pondered how I should answer. Then came to one.

"I'm mostly self taught but I was taught how to use my blade from a relative of mine."

'Which isn't a lie since Throughout my journey I trained by myself most of the time and I did get some help from muramasa.'

"I see. May I ask? was this relative of yours a swordsman?"

I shook my head. "Not exactly but he is skilled with a blade."

"Oh, Can I ask what was his profession is then?"

"He was blacksmith." As I said that. Suprise covered the faces of the headmaster and the woman.

"Interesting." The man said."with the skills you shown I never would have guessed that a blacksmith taught you such skill with a blade he must be skilled."

I nodded my head.

After a while the headmaster was in his thoughts. "Mmm... Mr. Emiya ."


"Would you like to attend beacon as well?" The headmaster asked.

"Huh?, you want me to attend your academy?" The man nodded.

"If you want."

I was suprised at the proposal. 'Should I accept. I know I look like my teens but I'm a pseudo-servant that lived and died.' after thinking for a while I came to a decision.

"I accept."


Author notes

Sorry but gonna end this on a cliffhanger again.

The chapter is just too long for me. Don't worry I'll be writing the second part soon.

Thanks for reading.