
I Am the Archmage

In a fantastical realm of magic and blades, Wu Lai, an ordinary high school student, roams freely, subduing mighty magical beasts and captivating top-tier beauties. The name of the "Demon God King" resonates through the annals of eternity. Yet, when confronted with the portal leading back home, he stands at a crossroads, contemplating where his path shall lead.

Ceasar_Roll · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 31

I proudly embraced Yuyi and said, "Yuyi is not only an angel but also one of the highest-ranking 'Seraphim.' However, now she is just my woman. What do you think? Yuyi has lived for tens of thousands of years, and yet, here she is, following me."

Regarding the incredible events happening to me, Clear Shadow was already accustomed to the extraordinary. She softly spoke, "Angels possess eternal life and youth. I, on the other hand, am just a human. One day, my beauty will fade, and then..."

Upon hearing her words, I also realized the issue I had been neglecting: Ayu, Xianong is a demon, Yuyi is an angel, both with eternal life. Meanwhile, despite my unparalleled magical prowess, I am ultimately just a human...

I sighed, "Clear Shadow, you will age, and so will I."

Suddenly, Yuyi said, "No, master, you won't age. Now that you possess the qualities of both angel and demon, becoming an unprecedented and powerful unique existence, even if angels and demons were to become extinct, you would still thrive. Moreover... based on my observations, after Liwei and you... after you two harmonized, the aura within her also changed, gaining eternal life like us."

Naturally, I was both surprised and delighted. Eternal and limitless life! This was a tremendous stroke of luck. Could I really be this fortunate?

I smiled at Clear Shadow, "Now you understand, as long as you become my woman, not only will you not age, but we can also become an everlasting pair of divine companions. Come, give me a kiss."

I reached out to embrace her, but Clear Shadow dodged and said, "Who promised to be your woman? Don't be shameless with your big talk."

Understanding the temperament of a girl like her, who had been cultivating as a talented and beautiful sorceress since childhood, I could guess her thoughts. However, for such a talented and beautiful mage, it's best not to rush things too much. Lightning-fast, after planting a kiss on her rosy cheek, I retreated to Yuyi's side, saying to the blushing and shy beauty, "Consider yourself spared this time. Next time, I won't let you off so easily."

As soon as I finished speaking, I used the "Spatial Transfer" magic, embracing Yuyi's delicate body, and directly returned to my room.

The much-anticipated "Interethnic Combat Magic Grand Assembly" had finally begun. Two massive ice platforms, one for combat and the other for magic, now appeared on the snowy and crystal-clear ice field, shining brilliantly under the sun, presenting a stunning spectacle.

Princess Fiona and Park had left us and joined the delegation of the Leinhardt Kingdom. I and Yaye signed up for the magic competition, while Xianong and Liwei participated in the combat competition, preparing to show their skills.

Although Princess Olena's magical power was not weak, she was a pure light-element mage with no offensive capabilities, so she did not register for the competition.

Under the protection of fully armed dragon knights, we arrived at the venue of the grand assembly. The breathtaking beauty of Yaye and the imposing aura of the dragon knights attracted the attention of many.

Among the participating races, some had forms similar to humans, while others were pure monsters. If I hadn't been to the demon realm, I might have been shocked.

What surprised me was that I actually saw the long-lost old guys, Yulis and Linka. They, along with four other old guys about the same age, and the enchanting beauty Clear Shadow, were sitting together. I suppose these were the seven great mages of the Holy Demon Continent.

Meeting my gaze, Clear Shadow revealed a shy expression and looked at me affectionately. Yulis and Linka, on the other hand, grinned and waved for me to come over.

I held the delicate hands of Liwei and Yaye, gestured to Xianong, and, in the next moment, appeared in front of their seats.

Yulis, Linka, and Clear Shadow knew about my abilities, but the other four great mages were astonished. They had never seen anyone easily perform "Spatial Transfer" like this.

With a flicker, Xianong, at an almost invisible super speed, appeared behind me. The transition from extreme motion to extreme stillness in her movements left the great mages stunned.

Liwei called out, "Father," happily approaching and clinging to Yulis' arm. Yulis was very pleased and patted his precious daughter's fragrant shoulder. Then his gaze turned to Yaye and Xianong, who were leaning on me with their delicate bodies.

Liwei smiled, "Father, they are Yaye and Xianong, both good friends of your daughter."

From Yaye, Yulis immediately sensed an extremely powerful dark aura, while Xianong's extraordinary martial skills were something he had never seen before. Now hearing his daughter say that they were...

I laughed, "Teacher, long time no see. I bring greetings from your students with my lovely companions."

Yulis grabbed my collar, saying solemnly, "Wu Lai, how many women you have, I won't mind. But you must not mistreat Liwei. I can tell that her heart is completely on you. Otherwise, with her proud and arrogant temperament, she would never allow you to have other women, let alone be called sisters."

Linka also stepped forward, patting me, "Kid, you've got a good deal. With so many beautiful women favoring you, even the old man wants to be young again. By the way, is Chirp Chirp Bird doing well?"

He had been holding a grudge against me for taming Chirp Chirp.

At the mention of Chirp Chirp, they all simultaneously looked at the jet-black armguard on Xianong's left arm. A shocked expression appeared on their faces, pointing and saying, "This... this is the 'Demon Fist Battle Armor,' a legendary treasure from the Demon Realm. How did you..."

Simultaneously, the seven great mages were amazed. Clear Shadow remembered the ever-changing posture of Xianong's armor during their fight. Indeed, it was the legendary "Demon Fist Battle Armor." However, seeing the "Seraphim" follow me as a maid, and with such a formidable expert from the Demon Realm by my side, she wasn't too surprised.

I observed Yulis and Linka looking at Shanon with both surprise and fear. Intending to tease their curiosity, I said, "Alright, the ceremony is about to begin. Let's talk later. Shanon will also participate in the martial arts competition. You can enjoy her skills then. Xiao Ya, let's go."

As the words faded, we vanished into thin air, leaving the great magicians in astonishment. The formidable warriors who faced her in battle...

They simultaneously directed their gazes towards the warriors eagerly participating in the martial arts competition below. In their hearts, they secretly mourned for those combatants.

As soon as I returned to the seat of the Babnica Kingdom, Princess Orlina approached, expressing a hint of grievance. "You disappeared without a word, making me worry. Don't do this next time."

From her eyes, I recognized a familiar gleam that I often saw in the eyes of Ya and Yuyi. Naturally, I knew what it represented, and my heart couldn't help but stir.

Princess Orlina was one of the top ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent, not inferior to Ice Clear Shadow in natural charm. Such a rare beauty had seemingly developed feelings for me unknowingly. This delightful situation was something any man wouldn't pass up. However, my primary focus was still on Ice Clear Shadow at the moment. I needed to proceed cautiously with this proud and enchanting princess. Nevertheless, I wouldn't miss out on this tempting opportunity; just a little delayed.

I smiled and bowed, saying, "Yulis and Linka, the teachers (I had never formally addressed them as 'teachers' before) are judges in the competition. As a student, I naturally have to greet them. Princess, next time, I'll remember to inform you."

Princess Orlina bit her red lips lightly and said, "Don't call me Princess anymore. Just call me Nana. That's how my father has always addressed me."

With these words, a blush appeared on her rosy cheeks, and she hurriedly left.

From behind, Ya embraced my neck, and coquettishly said, "Master, another one."

I smiled in satisfaction, gave her silky hand a pat, and walked to my seat. Ya and Yuyi sat on my left and right, while Shanon stood gracefully behind me, as she always did.

Magical fireworks ascended into the sky, exploding into beautiful patterns and mysterious symbols. The "Intertribal Martial Arts Magic Tournament" had officially begun.

The exquisite and beautiful Snow Queen appeared on a pristine ice pillar between the two ice platforms. The seven great magicians and twelve knights, clad in various armors, were positioned on the two ice platforms.

The twelve warriors were the nine "Holy Knights" and three "Great Swordsmen" of the Holy Demon Continent, serving as judges for the martial arts competition.

On these two ice platforms, the most renowned magicians, knights, and swordsmen of the Holy Demon Continent had gathered. This indicated the grandeur and significance of the "Intertribal Martial Arts Magic Tournament."

The clear and melodious voice of the Snow Queen spread magical energy across the entire venue. "Ladies and gentlemen, the 'Intertribal Martial Arts Magic Tournament' is officially commencing. The champions of both the magical and martial arts competitions will receive the treasures 'Crystal Heart' and 'Ice Crystal Sword.' Please adhere to the rules of the tournament for a fair competition."

She signaled the seven great magicians and knights on the ice platforms, saying, "Esteemed predecessors, who have graciously agreed to be judges for the tournament, I express my gratitude."

One of the seven great magicians stepped forward and declared, "Powerful barriers have been set up on both ice platforms. During the competition, magic and true strength will be confined within these barriers and will not affect the surroundings. Please rest assured."

This magician was the most adept at barrier magic among the seven, and it was said that no one had ever broken his set barriers.

Almost as if to demonstrate, after his announcement, he raised his hand and released a fireball. The fireball, about to leave the ice platform, was stopped by an invisible energy wall, bursting into sparks. However, not a trace leaked outside.

Ya scornfully snorted, saying, "This level of barrier is considered powerful? A 'Dark Blast Cannon' could easily break through."

Liyiya chuckled and said, "For Sister Night, the Demon Princess, maybe. But for humans, this is a very sturdy barrier."

At this point, the competition had already begun. The announcer on one of the martial arts platforms declared, "Representatives from the Babnica Kingdom and the Orc Tribe, please come forward."

Liyiya was about to get up, but I patted her jade hand and said, "Wait a moment. Let Shanon go first in this round. Let's give these knight experts a surprise."

Shanon, standing behind me, approached the martial arts platform. The representatives, including an imposing bear-man warrior, took their positions. The bear-man warrior spoke in a hoarse and unpleasant voice, "Little girl, you should surrender and leave the stage. I don't want to be ridiculed for bullying the small."

Shanon replied coldly, "Less nonsense. Fight or yield, your choice."

Her voice was crisp, clear, and extremely pleasant.

Warriors of the orc race excelled in using weapons for physical attacks, making them the most powerful in close-quarters combat. Besides, they all possessed innate divine strength. This bear-man warrior was one of the best, but their intellect was usually straightforward and couldn't withstand provocation or stimulation.

As expected, Shanon had ignited his anger. He roared and charged forward, swinging his huge axe directly at Shanon's delicate figure.

Shanon remained motionless, not even changing her armor. As the giant axe was about to strike her, her slender body swayed like lightning, leaping like a flash of light. She landed a punch on the bear-man warrior's chest, then gracefully landed three yards away, resuming her still stance.

The bear-man warrior's giant axe cleaved the ice platform, creating a massive crack. It seemed like the martial arts platform was about to shatter.

The giant axe shattered the ice, creating a huge crack in the platform. However, the bear-man warrior could no longer swing it. Shanon's simple punch had shattered the meridians throughout his body, far exceeding his resistance (the orcs in the Demon Realm are quite strong), unable even to withstand the "Pulse-Shattering Fist."

Blood flowed from the bear-man warrior's seven orifices, and he fell heavily onto the ice platform.

Shanon had won without killing him.

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