
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Surrender Your Souls

Initially, they believed this to be the location of the energy burst, under the assumption that the 'Extraterrestrial Being,' having been trapped in the secret realm for so long, must have perished, thus enabling them to search for treasure.

To their astonishment, no treasure was unearthed. Instead, the Extraterrestrial Being reemerged, exuding an even more formidable aura than before! Everyone was left dumbfounded! Even leaders of various countries were struck with disbelief! Particularly the leader of the United States, who sat on the sofa, his gaze vacant!

Peering through the kilometer-long crevice, he glimpsed into the secret realm. There, no divine light shone. No trace of the Vatican was found. It was chaos, a wreckage, with even the ground upturned!

Struggling to maintain composure, the leader of the United States clenched his jaw and reached for the communicator. "Hurry, tell the American superhumans to withdraw, immediately!"


Outside the Rocky Mountains, observing these superhumans, Lithos remained unfazed. Having foreseen this, there was no surprise. Surveying the seemingly petrified group, Lithos exhaled softly. His eyes traversed each individual, his voice resonating deep and commanding.

"Have you pondered the previous matter?"


Those who dared not meet his gaze or utter a word felt as if needles pierced their eyes. Many here were unaware of Lithos' plan to usher the world into a new era atop the Pacific Ocean, hence they were uncertain how to react. Only a handful, dispatched by world leaders or influential figures, possessed some insider knowledge, now trembling and rendered speechless.

In that moment, teeth were gritted, and curses against the United States resounded internally. What chaos they had sown, how many had they misled!


"No response," Lithos murmured faintly, the flames enveloping him slowly intensifying, the weight of oppression mounting...

Lithos was not jesting. His lack of foundation and allies had left him vulnerable to ambush and siege. Amidst the vast cosmos, only a select few were true allies. He craved a base, he craved followers. Earth held profound secrets and a deep connection to him, making it the ideal foundation. Thus, it was time to assert control over the entire planet.

Raising his gaze slightly, dozens of flames ignited in the air!

"Ah!" "No!" "Help!" These were the cries of the dozens of superhumans attempting to flee, but within Lithos' flames, they could only groan briefly before disintegrating into nothingness, leaving behind naught but ashes!

"Shall I release you?" Lithos' indifferent query echoed far and wide. Witnessing the scene, those who had initially been shocked and contemplated escaping quietly now cowered in fear, feeling the urge to weep but unable to shed tears. The oppressive aura bore down relentlessly, causing every present individual to struggle for breath, their legs nearly buckling beneath them!

Lithos' gaze remained unwavering, as though his eyes could penetrate space like molten lava. His voice resonated like divine decree, echoing in the ears of leaders worldwide!

"Allow me to pose the question once more: Is there no one to respond?"

Those in front of screens breathed heavily. Among them, many streamed globally on Twitter. Countless witnesses, despite the distance, felt as though Lithos' words reverberated like thunder in their ears!

The shock and dread transmitted through the screens!

"This is sheer dominance!" "What is happening? Everyone in the Rocky Mountains is sprawled on the ground... It's horrifying..." Swallowing hard, leaders of various nations unconsciously moistened their lips, uncertain how to answer Lithos' call.

How could he emerge from the secret realm again? Wasn't this Extraterrestrial Being presumed deceased?

Though individuals viewing through screens could ponder, in the Rocky Mountains, all were overwhelmed, their knees sinking into the earth. Bodies trembled!

Some were not mere mortals but superhumans. Some knelt with blurred knees, bloodied, or already collapsed, blood seeping from every orifice.

Ignoring them, Lithos hovered in the air, surrounded by flames. After a brief pause, receiving no response, the world leaders scrambled for solutions.

Lithos' expression hardly changed, nodding slowly. "Very well."

In an instant, Lithos vanished from Earth without warning.

Once Lithos departed, the assembled cultivators sighed with relief, eager to vacate the premises. However, they soon realized the oppressive aura persisted, keeping them firmly rooted to the ground!


"Where has he gone?" The President of the United States inhaled deeply, his voice heavy with concern.

Although Lithos' departure seemed calm, the gravity of the situation was unmistakable.

"I don't know..." Other national leaders shook their heads, unease festering within.


Meanwhile, in New York City, one of the few metropolises that remained largely intact...

On this day, countless denizens watched the live broadcast, the events in the Rocky Mountains weighing heavily upon them. As Lithos disappeared, bewilderment gripped the crowd.

"Huh? Where did the Extraterrestrial Being go?"

As the confusion settled, a commotion erupted when someone in New York City spotted something unusual in the sky.

"Wait! Look! That's the Extraterrestrial Being, the colossal figure!"

"The Extraterrestrial Being has descended upon New York City!"


Lithos appeared above New York, radiating light and heat akin to a miniature sun. With his golden-red eyes, he surveyed the city below.

"Let us commence here..."

Some were shocked, others panicked, while some cursed Lithos angrily, inciting chaos. Countless onlookers craned their necks, attempting to catch a glimpse of Lithos' presence. Some, heedless of the situation, snapped photos to share on Twitter.

Only the superhumans watched Lithos with trepidation, their voices trembling.

"Hey hey hey, hold on, this can't be..."

In the skies, Lithos regarded the populace with icy indifference, his gaze piercing as molten gold.

"I recall the United States has the most satellites in outer space," his thunderous voice reverberated across the city.

The city fell silent, all eyes fixed on Lithos. Though no overt aggression emanated, the superhumans couldn't help but shiver.

What did he mean by that statement?

Then, the sky shifted abruptly, the sun dimming slightly, and the deep blue cosmos twinkling with star after star.

"It appears I haven't forgotten," Lithos declared, his eyes ablaze as he surveyed the city.

More profound, more...terrifying!


Amidst New York City, the most powerful superhuman leaped from a skyscraper, roaring furiously, his body aglow as he charged towards the city's edge.

"Run!" "He intends to raze the city!" "This Extraterrestrial Being seeks to obliterate New York! Flee!"

But it was too late.

As he descended, the inhabitants of New York saw stars ignite in the sky. A beam of golden-red flame descended from above, a divine judgment veiling the brilliant city lights, plunging all into darkness save for a radiant column of light.

In the eyes of the city's denizens, all they could perceive was this radiant beacon amidst the darkness!


The light column struck the earth!

Within moments, the ground trembled like ocean waves, cracks spider-webbing in all directions, flames erupting from the fractured earth.


Explosions rocked the area, engulfing New York City in flames!

When the dust settled, a colossal crater scarred the landscape, the scent of charred earth lingering.

Gone was the entire city, along with its inhabitants.

And Lithos showed no signs of relenting.

In the next instant, countless incarnations of Lithos appeared above every country on Earth.

Above every renowned city, Lithos' figure loomed.

"How did he arrive here?"

Lithos' presence stunned countless viewers, bewildered by his appearance in New York City moments prior, and now above their own heads.

Lithos surveyed the cities below, his countenance unchanged.

The golden-red pillars of light descended upon each locale before any reaction could materialize!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was as if divine retribution rained from the heavens! Countless cities crumbled into oblivion in an instant!

Amidst the ruins, Lithos gazed skyward.

"Now, does anyone have an answer?"


With a thud, the President of the United States slumped onto the sofa, his eyes vacant, fixated on satellite images depicting endless charred horror, wisps of smoke rising.

"How... how is this possible, what have you done..."

The President clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening, his glare fixed on Lithos on the screen, as if willing him to vanish.


Not only the United States, but all nations were left dumbfounded.

In mere minutes, nearly a hundred cities were obliterated worldwide.

After the dust settled, there were no more cities, no more structures, no more people!

Scorched earth, upheaved ground, and gaping craters now marred the once-thriving landscapes!

Countless leaders, once powerful, now felt a chill run down their spines.

"The cities... the cities are gone..." "All those lives... how could he..."

In the sky, Lithos gazed down coldly.

Still refusing to respond?

Feeling self-assured?

Unwilling to submit?


Through sheer force, Lithos imposed his will.

Without a word, he wielded violent suppression.

First, decimate a hundred cities, instill fear, then negotiate!

"What has he done..."

The instantaneous annihilation of cities, the disappearance of tens of millions, instilled boundless fear in countless leaders.

This brutal reality shattered their perceptions of Lithos!

None had anticipated such devastation!

Previously viewed merely as a formidable being, their concerns for human civilization had been tepid.

But now...

The brutal truth, like a slap to the face, jolted them awake.


In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, those endowed with extraordinary powers, who possessed means to perceive the outside world, found themselves utterly speechless.

"A mere snap of his fingers, and over a hundred cities reduced to rubble?" "All lives turned to ash?"

Their throats felt parched, pallor overtaking countless faces.

From the oppressive aura to the instantaneous obliteration of countless cities, the power displayed by the Extraterrestrial Being finally forced them to confront reality!

There had never been even a glimmer of hope for victory, let alone escape.

How foolish they had been to entertain such notions!

With unhurried demeanor, Lithos materialized amidst the Rocky Mountains.

This time, silence enveloped the mountains. No one dared utter a word, all eyes cast downwards, trembling.

Gazing upon the throngs prostrated before him, Lithos gestured, conjuring tens of thousands of flames, each no larger than a fingertip, hurtling towards every individual.

"I am your god! Surrender your souls, forge a covenant. This is the only path to survival today."

Surrender their souls, forge a covenant?

Silence reigned.

They swallowed hard, none daring to act first. These individuals were no ordinary beings; each was supremely proud, never fathoming they would one day surrender their souls or forge a covenant.

A young man, a top-ranking superhuman in the United States military, summoned his courage to speak, "Your Excellency, could you..."

Before he could finish, he erupted into flames.

Lithos uttered not a word, impatience flickering in his molten gold eyes.

A man in a suit stepped forward, willingly embracing the flame, surrendering his soul, forging the covenant.

With a leader, others tentatively followed suit, preparing to sign the covenant.

But in an instant, the flames expanded, engulfing them, reducing them to ashes.

Only five individuals survived by some stroke of luck, watching familiar faces vanish, their faces drained of color.

Lithos paid them no heed, slowly turning his head.

In the distance, fighter jets approached, carrying world leaders.