
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Eliminate Him Immediately

Lithos surveyed the grandeur of Mount Fuji's silhouette, his countenance tinged with a hint of surprise. The concentration of power here far surpassed his expectations. It was truly remarkable! Whenever an energy core surfaced, it invariably triggered a surge of natural power. In the vast expanse of the universe, Lithos had witnessed such a surge once before—an explosion that swept through half a galaxy!

Casting his gaze downward, Lithos espied a chasm beneath his feet, about ten meters wide and stretching for kilometers. He had descended from the heavens with the intent of shattering Mount Fuji and extracting the energy core within. However, to his astonishment, his foot merely left a crack in the ground! Given Lithos' formidable presence, having once overturned numerous civilizations in the cosmos, this mere crack in an ordinary mountain seemed perplexing.

There was indeed an element of restraint in Lithos' actions, but it was still noteworthy. "Interesting, very interesting," Lithos pondered, growing increasingly intrigued. "Upon my arrival, I, too, encountered some unusual forces." The stronger the Earth's energy, the better—it would cause greater disturbances and attract more attention, thereby expanding his influence.

"It appears I need to prepare some additional 'surprises'..." Lithos concluded thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, at the base of Mount Fuji, within the Fuji Mountain Special Research Institute, the director—a venerable, white-bearded man—was incensed, angrily dialing the Tokyo Tower Security Bureau. Before him lay a scene of devastation. What was initially perceived as a minor earthquake had escalated into a catastrophe! A formidable chasm had rent the earth from above, its tremendous force wreaking havoc upon the subterranean fortress of the Fuji Mountain Special Research Institute, nearly rending it asunder. Countless individuals, including esteemed researchers and invaluable research materials, lay buried beneath the rubble. The extent of this calamity left the old man with bloodshot eyes.

"Exterminate it!" the old man bellowed into the communicator. "Exterminate that monstrosity! Swiftly!"

Simultaneously, within the Tokyo Tower Security Bureau, officers finally comprehended the gravity of the situation. Confronted with Lithos in the distance, an officer abruptly terminated the call, his eyes likewise bloodshot.

"Neutralize that abomination! Whatever its origins, it harbors malevolent intent! Three hundred meters in stature? Inconsequential! Its size shall not impede our cannons and missiles! Mobilize the military and eradicate it entirely!"

In a nearby residential district, a winsome young girl pressed against the windowpane, her large eyes blinking as she peered into the distance, her voice soft.

"Mother, look! There's a colossal creature out there!"

"What creature, darling? It's late, retire to bed... Oh dear! What is that!"

In another neighboring residential area:

"Hmm? Why has the downpour ceased? Let us continue reveling... Hold on, what looms upon Mount Fuji!"

"Good heavens! What is that? A behemoth?"

One by one, lights flickered to life in buildings surrounding Mount Fuji as countless individuals, still half-dazed, were roused from slumber by the tumult. They gazed in disbelief at the monstrous giant atop Mount Fuji, resembling a mountain itself. Its fiery aura and golden eyes, even from afar, sent shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, the firmament was aglow with brilliant illumination, powerful searchlights transforming the night into day around Mount Fuji. Within moments, a multitude of armed helicopters materialized, laden with ordnance, while scores of fighter jets streaked overhead, encircling Lithos. The thunderous roar of their engines stupefied all near Mount Fuji.

"The military! Even the military is here!"

"Mercy! Fighter jets!"

"What sorcery is this? Whence came that monstrosity!"

Countless residents received text notifications:

"An unidentified colossal creature has emerged on Mount Fuji!"


"Kindly remain indoors, exercise caution, and remain composed."

Japan's military responded promptly, dispatching units to Mount Fuji to evacuate civilians. As they gazed upward at Lithos upon the mountain's summit, a lump formed in their throats.

Beneath the star-strewn sky, Lithos stood atop the mountain, surrounded by throngs of people, yet he remained unperturbed. He proceeded toward the source of the energy waves, where the energy core likely lay buried.

Within the Tokyo Tower Security Bureau, an officer reported, "Sir! The giant is in motion, advancing toward another location on Mount Fuji!"

"How should we proceed?" The officer scrutinized the scene intently, realizing that the giant's new trajectory led toward the Fuji Mountain Special Research Institute. It must not be allowed to reach its destination!

"Skip negotiation!" the officer decreed. "Inform all personnel to prepare for initial assault!"

The directive reverberated through every earpiece. In the heavens, helicopter and fighter jet pilots fixed their gaze upon the distant giant, swallowing hard. Were they truly to engage such a entity?

Drawing a deep breath, they finally poised their fingers over their respective firing controls.

"Attend to my command! Three!"



"Unleash all ordnance!"

Blinding detonations illuminated the sky encircling Mount Fuji as ordnance rained down from all sides. Fighter jets and helicopters discharged their armaments without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, resplendent flames engulfed Mount Fuji, casting the night sky aglow as if it were day. Even from the Tokyo Tower, the explosions were discernible.

Yet, when the smoke dispersed, astonishment swept over all.

Lithos stood unscathed amidst the conflagration, his armor gleaming as if unmarred. "This cannot be!" exclaimed the officer. Meanwhile, Lithos atop Mount Fuji's apex lifted his countenance, evincing no emotion. The fusillade of assaults felt akin to a mere insect bite to him. The cacophony of aircraft noise irked him, and he exhaled audibly. "Excessively noisy."

A pall of despair descended. Helicopter pilots felt as though an icy grip had seized their hearts. Behind Lithos, a wave of golden radiance surged forth, ensnaring all nearby helicopters and engulfing them in flames.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of helicopters erupted into fiery conflagration, creating a spectacular pyrotechnic display upon Mount Fuji's snow-clad slopes. Lithos continued his advance, indifferent to the chaos trailing in his wake.

Countless onlookers stood dumbfounded. In one fell swoop, eighty percent of the helicopters had been decimated. Certain helicopters situated at a greater distance perceived the searing heat of the flames, their metallic frames liquefying into molten pools of iron.

The military savants of Japan found themselves at a loss, unable to comprehend Lithos' nature. "We must devise a solution posthaste!" exclaimed the director of the Fuji Mountain Special Research Institute. The antecedent volley of attacks had been anticipated to grievously wound the behemoth, yet it seemed ineffectual. No breach in his defenses had been discerned, and his fiery aura remained inscrutable.

"It seems his target is the research institute. Officer, you need to think of a plan quickly. This place must not be destroyed!"