
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Ashes to Ashes

The leaders of various countries, stationed in front of their screens, remained silent, uncertain of what to say or how to act. Lithos had crushed them with absolute power, evident from the destruction of battleships and submarines with a single blow, making human technology seem feeble in his presence.

"Block the news. We can't let the public know about this. We must keep it under wraps," the hoarse voice of the British leader revealed a sense of despair.

"We are helpless. Nuclear bombs are useless. Are we really going to submit to an Extraterrestrial Being?" the French leader gripped the table tightly.

The Prime Minister of India chuckled dryly. "Didn't he say he came from ancient Earth? Perhaps, it's not exactly an alien civilization we're submitting to."

Finally, the Chinese leader glanced at the Russian leader and remarked, "China will not choose submission."

"Russia will not choose submission."

"No submission? Then what's your plan? Do you think this is a joke? Whatever you say, goes?" the leader of South Korea snorted.

There was a cold gleam in the eyes of the Chinese leader. Indeed, Lithos' power far exceeded their wildest imaginations, but that was no reason to submit!

Ding ding ding ding!

Suddenly, the projection of the American leader lit up, displaying the three-dimensional image of the American leader who had just emerged from the Rockies.

"You don't need to say anything. I already know. The joint resistance against the Extraterrestrial Being has failed, and I understand the situation," said the American leader as soon as he arrived.

"You seem quite relaxed. Keep in mind, it's not just the United States that failed this time. It may endanger global security," the Russian leader tapped the table impatiently.

The American leader smiled.

"Endanger the globe? Because of that Extraterrestrial Being?"

"No, no, no, it won't threaten the globe," the American leader confidently crossed his hands.

"I came here to inform you of something. Something incredible happened in the United States recently, something that can withstand the Extraterrestrial Being."

The leaders were momentarily stunned.

"Can withstand the Extraterrestrial Being?" frowned the Russian leader skeptically.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

The American leader smiled casually, his confidence bolstered by what he had witnessed in the Vatican within the Rocky Mountains.

"The events that unfolded exceeded my imagination. Within a few days, we'll see the results."

"Let's just wait and see."

"Leave this matter to the United States. We can completely subdue the so-called Extraterrestrial Being!"

"The news has been blocked, and it won't reach the public, causing panic."

"The Extraterrestrial Being is heading towards the United States!"

"It's about to reach the coast!"

"Let's hope the United States can really find a way to resist."

Although they harbored doubts about the United States, seeing the leader's confident demeanor, they still regarded it as their last hope.

Like grasping at a straw, all countries remained vigilant, praying for a miracle...

"Oh? It's actually heading towards the Rockies?" the American leader murmured in surprise after learning.

He was initially troubled about how to lure the Extraterrestrial Being away, and yet, it ended up heading there on its own accord?

Could it be the Vatican in the enclave?

The more he thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. A slight smirk appeared on the American leader's lips.

"Mr. President, what should we do? Should... we deploy the military?" an anxious military official asked.

"Deploy the military? No, it's not necessary."

"I discovered something when I went to the Rockies. Something that can resist the Extraterrestrial Being."

The high-ranking military officials were puzzled. "Mr. President, are you suggesting those people from the enclave..."

Reclining in his chair, the President of the United States raised his head and whispered softly.

"Yes, those people have agreed to intervene."

"In another day at most, this giant will probably no longer be so arrogant."


The Rockies.

Ever since the strange occurrences in the Rockies several days ago, isolating the sparse population, the once barren mountains were now teeming with vegetation. Those few who lived here had been evacuated.

Now, these Rockies were covered in lush greenery. Each blade of grass towered over ten meters high, emitting a golden glow as if enveloped in divine light, giving off an ethereal and mystical vibe.

Further up the cliffs, there was even more mystery. A small golden gateway at the summit shimmered, reflecting the light of the sun, moon, and stars, seemingly connected to a mysterious otherworldly realm!


A massive shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, followed by the descent of a colossal figure from the sky.

"So, this is the Rockies."

Lithos descended from the sky, surveying the surroundings.

A powerful energy wave nearly erupted.

Since crossing the Pacific, there had been no obstacles along the way.

With a glance, Lithos spotted the golden gateway in front of the cliffs.

"It's been broken open? And from the inside?" Lithos was somewhat surprised. It was a spatial rift, crudely formed and unstable, but it looked terrifyingly effective.

Looking through the spatial rift, Lithos saw a continuous array of buildings inside, with a style that didn't match the current era. The energy fluctuations were intense, and many figures were flying through the city, defying gravity.

"Huh?" Lithos was momentarily puzzled but quickly figured out the situation.

"Are these ancient humans from hundreds of years ago?"

"Did they accidentally fall into a spatial rift and enter this enclave, then fortuitously absorb the power of the energy core?"

Living for thousands of years was no easy feat. Anyone incapable of such simple deduction would not survive countless pursuits from various civilizations.

With a slight calculation, Lithos could deduce...


While Lithos observed from outside the enclave, inside, the enclave also sensed Lithos's presence.

The magnificent enclave towered above the ancient vines, exuding a mysterious and noble aura, emitting faint golden energy waves.

At the top of the tower, a young man respectfully knocked on the door.

"Respected Bishop, it seems that a giant creature has arrived outside the enclave."

"I have already seen it."

The bishop in red gently sipped his tea, his tone indifferent, showing no concern for Lithos's presence. "Perhaps, this is the giant creature he mentioned. Hmm, it's not bad-looking and has managed to find its way here. It seems to have some talent."

Nodding in praise, the bishop gently placed the teacup down and smiled, "Eli, take a few knights of the enclave to the exit of the enclave, and cautiously probe from a distance."

"Be sure not to use excessive force. Remember to leave room. If you kill it, I will be disappointed. The enclave needs a living giant as a miracle, not a dead skull."

"Understood, Your Eminence."

The golden-haired youth nodded and left, while the bishop in red leisurely stirred his tea.

With golden glints in his eyes, the bishop's gaze seemed to penetrate space, directly seeing Lithos outside the enclave.

"In another day at most, the enclave will be broken open, and by then... Huh? What's going on?"

The bishop furrowed his brow slightly after speaking.


Outside the enclave

, Lithos pondered for a moment and understood the rules of the spatial rift.

Then, Lithos extended a finger and lightly traced.


Like a piece of cloth being torn, with a gentle sound, the spatial rift, which was only a few meters wide, suddenly expanded to nearly a kilometer!

Chaotic spatial fluctuations made everyone in the enclave stop their actions and look up.

"What's going on?"

"The enclave has been broken open?"

Lithos slowly entered the small enclave through the expanded spatial rift.

Turning back, Lithos casually sealed the thousand-meter-long rift, as well as the original opening of the enclave, completely blocking the light hole.

Then, Lithos stepped into the very center of the ancient city.

The speed was so fast that even the afterimage left behind in the original spot took several seconds to dissipate.


Amidst everyone's shocked and angry gazes, Lithos effortlessly crushed the ancient bell tower with a single blow.

The ancient vines that supported the bell tower were grabbed in Lithos's hand.

"The energy core this time is in the form of Teng Man, huh? It seems like quite a treasure." Lithos also sensed a hint of ancient aura from the ancient vines.

"This seems to have a significant background."

"Damn it!!"

Buildings crumbled, and debris flew!

The ancient bell tower shattered, demolished with a single blow, and the ancient vines were held in the hands of the unfamiliar giant.

Dust filled the air, and countless people were dumbfounded!

In golden armor, with fiery red eyes, Lithos emitted an aura of flames and light...

What kind of creature was this?

Was it something from Earth?

From Lithos's entry into the Rockies, to his sudden intrusion, everything happened so abruptly!

Many people's minds were in disarray.

After a brief silence, the entire city erupted!

Nearly a hundred figures, shining with white divine light, almost instantly rushed into the air!

"Where did this creature come from!"

"Who are you!"

Those who could reside in the city were loyal believers. They looked at the damaged church, their eyes turning red almost instantly, and their bodies emitting waves of energy.

"How did you get in!"

Lithos slowly raised his head.

With eyes like molten lava, he surveyed his surroundings.

The law of the jungle, where the strong preyed on the weak, remained unchanged for eternity.

Regardless of whether it was Earth or the universe, they all existed under this law.

The stronger one became, the weaker the others seemed.

The so-called fairness could only be determined by the one with the biggest fist.

The idea of a weakling possessing invaluable treasures, and the stronger one not only refraining from seizing them but also sitting down to have a conversation, was simply impossible.

At least, it would never happen with Lithos.

Moreover, he had heard the words of the red-robed bishop earlier.

"Consider me a miracle of the enclave?" Lithos's eyes opened, and a cold light flashed.

Merely tens of thousands of meters away, this was no different from whispering in his ear.

It's just that Lithos was somewhat surprised that the red-robed bishop hadn't died.

Lithos sneered.


As the bishop's voice faded, the bishop in red felt a sudden weight on his shoulder.


It felt as if a mountain had pressed down on his shoulder out of nowhere.

Hundreds of figures in the air suddenly felt their bodies become dozens of times heavier. They cried out in pain as they plummeted to the ground, creating craters upon impact, blood flowing from their heads.

"What... what's going on!"

"What happened!"

"Has the gravity changed?"

They all lay prone on the ground, their faces filled with horror, their limbs seemingly embedded in the ground like they had been struck by a heavy hammer, and their bodies firmly embedded in the rock.

Their eyes reddened, golden light flickering on their bodies, veins bulging on their necks and foreheads as they tried to struggle to their feet.

Lithos glanced casually upwards, then extended a claw and lightly tapped.


The sky seemed to lower by several feet. On the ground, it was as if a myriad of colorful flowers bloomed, and thousands of gravitational forces effortlessly tore through their bodies, splattering blood across the ground.

With an indifferent expression, Lithos looked up at the only remaining figure, the red-robed bishop.

"You want to subdue me?"

"How amusing."

"Have those mortals who fortuitously absorbed the ancient gods' energy ever truly witnessed divine power?"