
I am the 4th Hokage

"I Am the 4th Hokage" is an exciting adventure novel that takes place in the imaginative world of Konoha, where young ninja embark on thrilling quests. The story follows Ryu Senju, a determined ninja who suddenly finds himself in the prestigious position of the newly appointed Fourth Hokage. As Ryu adjusts to his new role, he experiences a mix of emotions, ranging from worry to excitement, as he contemplates the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a Hokage. With the Third Great Ninja War nearing its climax and the looming threat of the Nine-Tails' Uprising only a year away, Ryu is overcome with anxiety and fear. Guided by his knowledge of the Naruto plot, Ryu must navigate the complexities of leadership and make crucial decisions that could shape the destiny of Konoha. He is torn between following the path of the previous Hokage, whose reign was tragically cut short, or forging his own unique approach. Amidst the chaos, Ryu finds hope in Goldfinger, a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary abilities like Wood Release, Sage Art Mode, and the legendary Flying Thunder God technique in exchange for earning fame points. As Ryu's reputation as Hokage grows, he must make sacrifices and face formidable challenges to protect his beloved village. With each passing day, Ryu's determination grows stronger as he prepares for a climactic confrontation with the story's main villain. Empowered by his newfound knowledge, powers, and unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest individual in this world, unleashing his full potential to save Konoha from impending destruction and safeguard his loved ones. "I Am the 4th Hokage" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, bravery, and the unwavering pursuit of justice and power. It explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of a hero destined to protect his village at any cost.

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43 Chs

Chapter 32: The Scroll of Seals

In the past, Ryu might have had concerns about selecting Nara Shikaku and Namikaze Minato, two individuals closely tied to the Third Hokage. However, now that the overall situation has been resolved, those concerns no longer occupy his mind.

They are all ninjas from Konoha, and Ryu, as the true Hokage, treats them all equally. After all, their contributions to the village hold equal weight.

Interestingly, by including them in his inner circle, Ryu can also convey a message to the world, highlighting the equal significance of his "Assistant and Advisors" in this new era.

This realization sparks excitement in Ryu's eyes, and he promptly calls out, "Ritsuko!"

Shortly after, a beautiful woman opens the door and asks, "What does the Hokage require?" This woman is Ritsuko Yamanaka, a special ninja from the Yamanaka clan and the current secretary of the Fourth Hokage Ryu.

After Ryu gained full control, he quickly got rid of Asuma, his assistant who had a beard and annoyed him. Instead, he fulfilled his long-standing wish of having a female secretary and selected Ritsuko Yamanaka. She is a young and attractive woman with blonde hair and a graceful figure.

Having a female secretary by his side may not conform to traditional standards, but Ryu finds it gratifying. It fulfills a long-held wish of his.

Ryu instructs her, saying, "Please go and invite Nara Shikaku and Namikaze Minato."

"Of course!" Ritsuko Yamanaka responds promptly, stepping out in her high heels and closing the door behind her.

She is young, pretty, hardworking, and doesn't bother Ryu with too many questions. As Ryu's secretary, she keeps a professional distance from the Yamanaka clan and avoids having private meetings with them. Anyone would like someone who is clever and aware of themselves like her.

Ryu appoints Nara Shikaku and Namikaze Minato to help him manage village matters, and they eagerly agree to their new roles.

Nara Shikaku, being smart, understands the importance of this opportunity and gladly accepts it.

As for Namikaze Minato, even though he didn't achieve his dream of becoming Hokage, having the chance to contribute to Konoha's affairs and serve the villagers is a true blessing. It aligns perfectly with his belief in the Will of Fire.

Speaking of the Will of Fire, many people in Konoha Village see it as a life principle and remain steadfast in its ideals.

However, Ryu, as the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, doesn't share the same passion for this idea. He sees the Will of Fire as a superficial expression of values, lacking true depth.

Influenced by the rich history of the Modern World from his past life, Ryu possesses a comprehensive set of ideas and concepts that naturally diverge from the influence of the Will of Fire.

Ryu had a thought in his mind, wondering if he should share the stories of Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela with others to broaden their perspectives. He believed that if Senju Hashirama had known about these figures, they wouldn't have made the mistake of establishing a one-country-one-village system that undermined the influential nobles.

However, Ryu doubted if Senju Hashirama with his limited understanding, would grasp this concept. Perhaps switching to Madara Uchiha would have been a better choice.

Putting that aside, Ryu shifted his focus back to reality. With Nara Shikaku and Namikaze Minato assisting him in managing village affairs, his workload had significantly decreased. This newfound freedom allowed him to address matters concerning himself.

Standing outside a heavily guarded secret room in the Hokage Building, Ryu patiently underwent an identity check by the stationed Anbu. After seizing the power of Hokage, Ryu swiftly reorganized the Anbu, ensuring that he had complete control over them. While he didn't have to worry about ordinary ninjas associated with the third Hokage and Danzo`s roots, it was crucial for him to have full authority over Anbu, Naruto's closest and most important direct subordinate.

Many former Anbu members had revealed their identities and joined the ranks of visible ninjas. Simultaneously, Ryu had selectively recruited innocent individuals into Anbu. Notably, he allowed Kakashi to remain with Kushina for protection, rather than dismissing him.

Now, having replaced Anbu with his trusted personnel, Ryu had established complete control over the organization. However, the fact that he was subjected to an Anbu Ninja inspection indicated the immense importance of what they were guarding.

Aware of the various advanced techniques employed by ninjas, Ryu understood the need for caution. Therefore, he willingly complied with the inspection, despite the thoroughness of the process.

Once the inspection was complete, the leader of the Anbu respectfully informed Ryu, "Lord Hokage, you may now enter."

Acknowledging the instruction, Ryu entered the secret room without hesitation. Inside, he found a spacious and empty space, with a large scroll placed prominently on a stone platform. This scroll was his primary objective—a legendary artifact known as the "Scroll of Seals."

The Scroll of Seals contained numerous powerful forbidden techniques of Konoha. Forbidden jutsu was exceptionally potent or demanding techniques that posed significant risks to the user. Due to their unsuitability for ordinary ninjas, these techniques were sealed away.

Permission to learn a specifically forbidden technique from the sealed book was granted solely to talented and loyal individuals who demonstrated their commitment to Konoha. Namikaze Minato, for instance, had gained access to the Flying Thunder God Technique through this process.

As the Fourth Hokage, Ryu possessed the authority to explore the sealed book. However, his previous lack of time had hindered his exploration. Now, thanks to the recent events involving Wood Release, his elevated status, and reputation in Konoha allowed him the opportunity to delve into the forbidden techniques recorded within.

Upon opening the sealed book, Ryu's attention was immediately drawn to the renowned "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique." This technique piqued his curiosity, prompting thoughts about the future of Naruto, who was still unborn and under Kushina's care.

Reflecting on the stories of Naruto easily stealing the sealed book in the original plot, Ryu couldn't help but shake his head, contemplating the involvement of the third Hokage and their vigilant watchfulness.

Fortunately, Ryu was aware of Naruto's special protection as the Nine-Tails' host and the son of Namikaze Minato. He knew that stealing the sealed book would have serious consequences, even if the thief returned it voluntarily. They would end up in prison. Reflecting on the future plot of Naruto, Ryu also remembered Sasuke, the emo ninja driven by a thirst for revenge due to his clan's annihilation. Ryu looked out the window and sighed. Perhaps this time, he would give the Uchiha clan a chance. He planned to speak with Fugaku and discuss his ideas for the clan, letting Fugaku handle the radical elders within the Uchiha clan. It seemed like a win-win solution for both sides. After all, the Uchiha clan was one of the founding clans of Konoha and one of the strongest in the village. If Ryu wanted to secure the village's position as the number one in the world, he believed it was essential to develop all the clans to be the strongest and united, much like America in his previous world.

Ryu understands that altering the original storyline can lead to unexpected consequences and new events. He has come to accept the fact that he exists as a real person in the Naruto world, rather than just a character in an anime where Naruto and Sasuke are the main protagonists. One thing is clear to him now: Ryu needs to have the strength to protect himself and his loved ones. As the Fourth Hokage, he is prepared to confront the challenges that lie ahead.

With a mixture of emotions, Ryu shifted his focus back to the sealed book.