
In The Forest (1)

Is someone turns off the light? It's really dark here, I can't see anything....

Oh! What was that just now, I feel like something just touch my skin.

Then, when i opened my eyes. The first thing that i see is the thing that i want to see the most in my life. Yes, that is the tree that was mentioned in the story book.

"I-is this real?"

My voice trembled.

I stood up desperately and went close to the tree. I touch it stem.

It feel different than the tree on my city.

Also when the wind blows, the air around me become very cool. It's such a new sensation to me. I looked up to the sky and found a clear night sky, there's no dirty air in the sky. I feel comfortable.

But, there's one thing that i was curious. "Where am I?"

Is this the high-class area? But, even it is a high-class area, there's no way the sky is so clear. As i know, the sky all around the world is filled by pollution. So, where is it exactly?

I looked around me, there's nothing except trees here. I decide to walk around.

"This park is so fu**ing large!"

I called a forest a park, because in my city where there is a bunch of artificial trees, they call it as a park of high-class area. Forest is only a fairy tales, so i don't know if it is an actual forest.

I've been walking around the park for 30 minutes and still haven't found a way out.

"Just how big is this park?! It's already 30 minutes since i started walking around...."

I dropped my body and leaned against the tree. I was supposed to just have rest for a while, but my eyes can't keep up. I feel tired and sleepy.


In a mere second, I fell asleep because of how comfortable the air is.



When I opened my eyes again, the sunshine greeted my eyes. I covered my eyes from it and looked around.

"It's not a dream.... I really sleep in comfortable place after all"

I'm still in yesterday park, where there are bunch of trees along the way. I continued looking for a way out of this park. But, the result is zero. I can't find it.

Maybe this is an illusion park to trap a criminal?

I casted a dispel magic, while hoping I can break the illusion magic. But, nothing reacted to my magic.

As low as the magic I have, at least it will cause a reaction when dealing with other magic. It's feel strange.

"If there is no reaction, then this is not an illusion...."

I happy, but I also worried. There's no way this place exist in this ruined world. Maybe this place is....


Heaven, maybe this is heaven. That old man with metal eyes had kill me that time, so I went to heaven. Yeah, it makes sense now.

"I'm in heaven! YES!"

No-wait. Mother said that if someone has sin, no matter how small it is then he / she cannot enter heaven. I often cause trouble in the city, I also often steal and fight. I've even murder someone with my magic.... I've many sins, so it's impossible for me to go to heaven where mother live now.

"This place is not heaven nor the park I know...."

if I remember correctly, I've read in story books. A place that is filled with trees and where wild animals live is called a forest. Maybe this place is the forest that the story book described?

I clench my fists, I just can't hold my emotion anymore.

"Hell yeah! This is great!!"

I was so happy that I finally can see a different scenery other than that ruined world.

"But, is that means that I got teleported to another world like those story book tell?!"

Oh Gaia! I really thankful for this gift! Even I can't go meet my mother in heaven, you still give me this amazing gift. "Now, should I looking for food here? I'm starving...."

I desperately looking for food in the forest. That said, in the story books, forest have plenty of fresh food called 'fruit'. Also, if I can't find any of it, I can hunt some wild animal for it meat.

After 15 minutes, I only found 10 pieces of red fruits 'Apple'.

"It's not enough... But, it's taste good"

Because my belly still growling. I decide to hunt for wild animals.

I spotted a 4-legged animal with a horns that look like a tree branches. If I remember correctly, it was mentioned on story book about a human who live in the forest, it is called as deer.

"They say high-class peoples food is a high-quality"

I drool when I imagine them enjoying such delicious food, while we low-classes can only have leftover meat from high-classes.

"This fresh meat shall be mine!"

I casted a magic spell when I pose like I'm using a bow.

[Arrow Shot]

On my hands, a magic circles was created then shattered into pieces which is absorbed by my hands. A light appeared at my fingertips forming a bow and arrow.

"It's a little annoying to call the skill name first every time I use magic..."

After that minor complaint. I immediately shot an arrow at the deer.

The arrow pierced the head of the deer.

I immediately run to the dead deer and check if it still alive or not. Though, I already know it dead for sure, I just want to act a bit like the Protagonist in that story book.

"Oh no, I can't hold it anymore!"

My first meal is a meat of the deer. After all, I agree why it means only for high-classes because this meat is so fu**ing delicious! No wonder its price is expensive.

But, if there's more deer here. I don't need to worry about food stock I had, I will live leisurely.

That's what I though...

After a month of living in the forest, I felt my humanity starting to disappear. If this continues, I might become one of the wild animals.

"I need to go outside of this forest...."