
~ ONE ~

No one's P.O.V



"Ugh..why do I have to get up so early everyday just to go to a prison?!" Sheylia asked the universe while slowly pulling herself out of her warm, comfy bed. She glanced at her alarm clock which read 6:05am. While humming the tune to her favorite song she entered her bathroom.

As she starts stripping her clothes to have a shower she looks at herself in the mirror with disgust,

"I guess I'm not eating breakfast today if I want to lose all this fat," she sighs. To speak the truth, Sheylia was actually very skinny. She used to love her body and how she looked on the outside, but ever since her parents started commenting on her appearance, she lost all that self-love and self-confidence.

Once she finished showering, brushing her teeth, and doing her skincare routine she went back into her room and opened her closet, which was mostly filled with clothes she wanted to wear once she got the body she wanted. But, on the end of the rack there were a few hoodies and t-shirts she would feel comfortable wearing out in public. After she finished putting on a lavender, oversized hoodie, a pair of black leggings, and her favourite pair of flower earrings she looked at herself in the mirror,

"Someday you will wear your whole closet!" Sheylia exclaimed,

"But until then you will just wear this."

She went downstairs and as she walked past the kitchen she smelt the delicious breakfast her mother was cooking.

"Honey! Where are you going, you need to eat your breakfast!" her mother yelled at her.

"Mom how many times do I have to tell you, I don't eat breakfast!" she answered, shaking her head a bit in the process.

"You should eat, you starving yourself isn't going to help you reach your goals," Zoe said as she was walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. Sheylia just stood there debating whether or not she should listen to her younger sister.

"Fine I will eat breakfast, BUT only a little bit," she says.

As her mother serves Sheylia her breakfast she starts thinking about what her sister, Zoe, said earlier.

Why is Zoe always right about everything?!

I should be the one giving her advice and telling her what is best for her, but no.

Here I am, acting like the younger sibling and setting a bad example....

I just need to build my confidence, then, maybe I could be the one helping her when she's struggling and giving her advice.

Once Sheylia finished eating the bacon and eggs her mom slaved over, she put on her black Doc Martin's, grabbed her bag, and started heading to school.