
I Am Son Of God Slayer

Muzukashii is a god slayer and immortal. But still he is a good person who help mortal. one day, his friend named Alec and his wife Anna come for his help to make Anna bare a child. with help of Muzukashii and his DNA Anna got pregnant. the child named Shiro Kiyo. Shiro have three biological parents they are Anna, Alec and Muzukashii. let see how our protagonist face the future.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Soul Watcher

Shiro sat across from his mother, Anna, his mind abuzz with curiosity and excitement as he delved into the mysteries of his newfound ability. With each passing moment, his anticipation grew, eager to unlock the secrets hidden within his own soul.

"Mom," Shiro began, his voice tinged with excitement. "Dad mentioned that your special ability is called 'soul watcher.' Can you tell me more about it?"

Anna smiled warmly at her son, her eyes shining with maternal pride. "Of course, Shiro," she replied. "Soul watching is a unique ability that allows me to see the souls of others and discern their weaknesses. It's a gift that has served me well in my life."

Shiro's eyes widened with fascination, his mind racing with the possibilities of such a powerful ability. "That sounds incredible," he exclaimed. "How does it work? Can you see everyone's soul?"

Anna nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, I can see the souls of those around me," she explained. "But it's not just about seeing them—it's about understanding them, learning to read the subtle cues and nuances that reveal a person's true nature."

Shiro leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "And what about their weaknesses?" he asked eagerly. "How do you determine those?"

Anna's smile widened, a glimmer of pride shining in her eyes. "Every soul carries its own vulnerabilities," she replied. "Through years of practice and observation, I've learned to identify these weaknesses and use them to my advantage."

Shiro nodded, absorbing his mother's words with rapt attention. "It's truly a remarkable ability," he murmured, a sense of wonder coursing through him. "I can't imagine what it must be like to see the world through your eyes."

As he pondered the implications of his mother's special gift, Shiro felt a surge of excitement welling up inside him. The prospect of wielding such power filled him with a sense of purpose, igniting a fire within him that burned brighter than ever before.

But amidst the thrill of discovery, Shiro couldn't shake the nagging sense of responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders. He knew that with great power came great responsibility—a responsibility to use his newfound abilities wisely and for the greater good.

With a deep breath, Shiro steeled himself for the journey ahead, determined to harness the full extent of his potential and honor the legacy of his mother's gift.

And as he sat in quiet contemplation, the echoes of his mother's words ringing in his ears, Shiro felt a newfound sense of clarity and purpose wash over him—a clarity that would guide him on his path and shape the destiny that awaited him.

For in the depths of his soul, Shiro knew that he was destined for greatness—a destiny woven into the very fabric of his being, and bound by the threads of his family's legacy. And with each passing moment, he drew closer to unlocking the true power that lay dormant within him, ready to be unleashed upon the world.

In the quiet of the night, Shiro lay asleep in his bed, his mind adrift in the vast expanse of dreams. As he drifted deeper into slumber, his consciousness was transported to a realm beyond the confines of reality—a realm where the boundaries of time and space blurred and the mysteries of the universe unfolded before him.

In his dream, Shiro found himself floating amidst the stars, surrounded by the infinite expanse of space. He gazed in wonder at the celestial bodies that shimmered and twinkled in the darkness, their beauty a testament to the majesty of the cosmos.

But amidst the cosmic tapestry, Shiro's attention was drawn to a towering figure that loomed before him—a titan of unimaginable proportions, its long, blue form stretching out into the void. With six arms and three piercing eyes, the figure radiated an otherworldly aura that filled Shiro with a sense of awe and trepidation.

"Who are you?" Shiro asked, his voice echoing in the emptiness of space.

The figure chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that reverberated through the cosmos. "You will find out soon enough, young one," it replied cryptically. "For now, think of me as a friend—a guide on your journey through the unknown."

Shiro frowned, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure before him. "But I must know," he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. "Who is 'he'?"

The blue figure regarded Shiro with a knowing gaze, its three eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. "All in due time, my child," it replied. "The answers you seek will reveal themselves when the time is right. Until then, trust in yourself and follow the path that lies before you."

With those cryptic words, the figure began to fade, its form dissolving into the shimmering light of the stars. Shiro reached out, his hand grasping at the fading image, but it slipped through his fingers like smoke, leaving him alone in the darkness once more.

As he drifted back towards wakefulness, Shiro's mind buzzed with questions and uncertainty. Who was the mysterious figure he had encountered in his dreams? And what secrets did it hold about his destiny?

But despite the lingering doubts that lingered in his mind, Shiro felt a sense of determination stirring within him—a determination to uncover the truth and unlock the mysteries that lay hidden within the depths of the cosmos.

For as he emerged from the realm of dreams and returned to the waking world, Shiro knew that his journey was far from over. And with each passing moment, he drew closer to the truth that awaited him—a truth that would shape the course of his destiny and lead him towards his ultimate fate.

The morning sun cast its golden rays over the sprawling grounds of the Kiyo mansion, bathing the estate in a warm, ethereal glow. Within the grand halls of the mansion, a sense of anticipation hung in the air as the residents prepared for their journey to the church.

Shiro, freshly awakened from his slumber, found himself contemplating the strange dream he had experienced the night before. As he dressed and prepared for the day ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about the encounter with the mysterious figure in his dream. Yet, try as he might, he couldn't quite grasp the significance of it all, and so he dismissed it as nothing more than a figment of his imagination.

With his thoughts still lingering on the dream, Shiro made his way downstairs to join his family for breakfast. As he entered the dining room, he found his father Alec, mother Anna, uncle Max, and cousin Sachi already seated at the table, engaged in lively conversation.

Sachi, adorned in a breathtakingly beautiful dress that shimmered in the morning light, looked every bit the part of a queen. Shiro couldn't help but admire her, a compliment that caused a faint blush to rise to her cheeks.

"Sachi, you look absolutely stunning," Shiro remarked, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

Sachi's blush deepened, and she attempted to brush off the compliment with a flustered response. "Oh, stop it, Shiro," she replied, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "I didn't wear this for you."

Max, ever the playful uncle, couldn't resist teasing his daughter. "That's not what you said when you spent hours picking out that dress," he chimed in with a mischievous grin. "I think we all know who you're trying to impress."

Sachi shot her father a withering glare, her cheeks now flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. "Dad, that's enough," she muttered, casting a pointed glance in Shiro's direction.

Shiro chuckled at the playful banter between father and daughter, feeling grateful for the warmth and camaraderie of his family. As they finished their breakfast and prepared to depart for the church, Shiro couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the day ahead—a day that promised to be filled with laughter, love, and the bonds of family.

The solemn halls of the church echoed with the hushed murmurs of the faithful as Alec, Anna, Max, Shiro, and Sachi made their way inside. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the stone floor below as they found their seats among the congregation.

As the priest began the service, Shiro couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him. His thoughts lingered on the encounter with the group of white-clad warriors earlier, their imposing presence leaving an indelible mark on his mind.

Once the service concluded, the group lingered outside the church, basking in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. It was then that Shiro voiced the question that had been weighing on his mind since their encounter.

"Father Alec, do you know who those soldiers were?" Shiro inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Alec glanced at his son, his expression grave. "They are the holy warriors of the Priest Church," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of wariness. "They are tasked with protecting the interests of the church and ensuring the safety of its members."

Anna nodded in agreement, her features drawn with concern. "They are often sent to watch over noble families like ours," she added. "To them, it's a duty to ensure that we are safe and secure."

Sachi scoffed at the notion, her demeanor growing defiant. "But they only act civil because we're nobles," she remarked, her voice tinged with skepticism. "I doubt they'd be so courteous if we were commoners."

Max nodded in solemn agreement, his expression thoughtful. "There are two factions within the church," he explained, his voice low. "The Priest Church, which places runs by priest only , and the People Church, which have priest but it actually run by normal people around the church including priest."

Alec sighed heavily, a weary expression crossing his features. "The divide between the two factions runs deep," he admitted. "There's no love lost between them, and their rivalry often spills over into conflict."

Shiro frowned, his mind racing with questions. "But why do they hate each other so much?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion."

Alec hesitated for a moment before responding. "It's a long and complicated history," he explained. "But at its core, it's a struggle for power and influence—the age-old battle between tradition and progress, faith and reason."

As the group fell silent, the weight of their conversation hung heavy in the air. In the distance, the imposing spires of the church rose up against the sky, casting long shadows over the cobblestone streets below—a stark reminder of the unseen forces that shaped their world.

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