
I Am Silk

Waking up one day as a half american half korean teenage girl after she died due to a spider bite, Carol gets to realize that the spider bite was not so normal. Now, she has the powers of three Marvel characters namely Silk, Miles Morales and Task Master.

Blinking_Apollyon · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Shopping Gone Wrong

"Thank God for petty crime," Carol said as she crawled into a boutique using a hole she made in the building's roof. She let herself go, landing quietly on the polished ground. Looking around, she was amazed by all the branded closes the store had.

"I'm in heaven," she said, trying to restrain a scream of joy. This was like the promised land to most girls and she was among them.

Basically, she realized hospital gowns are quite drafty when she swings around the city and the last thing she needed was to be named the Gotham Midnight Flasher by the news. So, she located a boutique, the fact it sold expensive and beautiful clothes being the first thing to look out for. She would get clothes for herself then get out of Gotham before Batman starts chasing after her.

"This is pretty," she said as she looked at blue evening gown that just seemed to heavenly. However, she quickly pinched herself to remind her of the purpose of her current petty crime. "I need clothes suited for my current abilities."

So, she went to the jeans section and picked four pairs of pencil jeans that fitted her just nicely. She did perf ct splits with them, though the seams cried out a little, they were fine. Doing a few more acrobatic moves in them, she decided they were perfect. Then, she got sport bras because her two girls needed to be reigned in as she swung or ran. The bras were definitely not be ause she was size B, definitely not.

With sport bras, she felt she had fewer restrictions to her movement, something she was glad about. She picked a few slightly baggy t-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps and took four pairs of baseball sneakers because they were the most perfect for her. She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded.

"Definitely cute yet I don't quite look like a street kid with these clothes on," she observed before shrugging. "Honestly, I look too good to care."

She put the clothes into a backpack and was about to start heading out when a shiver ran down her spine. Subconsciously, her body turned invisible, turning her clothes and even the backpack on her back invisible too. Turning around, she saw a giant reptilian like humanoid stalking towards her. Her heart skipped a beat as she immediately recognized him. That was Waylon Jones also known as Killer Croc!

'The fuck is he doing here?' she asked herself.

Killer Croc gave out and enraged roar, his voice heavy and husky, adding more terror to his already terrifying physical look, then charged at her, making her leap out of the way, using the clothline metals to push herself far away from him. But, Killer Croc changed his direction, following her with scary precision!

'The fuck! How can he know where I am,' Carol asked herself in terror. She knew she was invisible as soon as she became so so seeing Killer Croc tracking her was very much unnerving.

Using her superior dexterity, she manouvred around the store in an olympic humanist worth of performance while Killer Croc just smashed everything in his way away, fully focused onto her. Carol reached the hole in the roof, shooting her webs to the sides of it and then pulling herself with all her might, streamlining herself feet first and slipped through the hole, doing a flip and landed on her feet gracefully. She did not stop to give herself a pat on her back for her movement as she continued running while Killer Croc followed her through the hole, smashing it wider using his superior strength and followed.

Carol could see she was faster than him and that gave her much comfort. Jumping off the building, she fell towards the ground only to shoot a string of web to an adjacent building and swung away from the enraged Killer Croc. She continued swinging till she could not feel the dangerous vibe again, calming down and landing on a train track then crawl underneath, making a hammock with her webs.

"The fuck was that!" she exclaimed as she looked at her shaking hands. That experience was far too terrifying for her to handle. Killer Croc was way more terrifying than she would have thought. Those alligator like teeth, his manancing growls as he chased after her, his relentlessness and how he was able to track her while she was invisible, something she did not think would have been possible.

"Does he have thermal sight or is his nose just so sensitive?" she asked herself, trying to calm herself down. She recalled back to the chase, scrutinizing all of Killer Croc's movements thanks to her Editic Reflexes before gaining a clue. "He always tilted his head to my direction, nose first before talking almost invisible deep breaths. That must be how he was tracking me, using scent! Fuck, why was he even after me? This doesn't make sense!" She then realized something.

"Is it because of my...this other me's life before I took over? What exactly was I like? Why don't I have her memories, this would have been much more easier. Or was this because of coincidence? Argh, this is annoying, I need to go to a city with no crazies around, Detroit seems much more pleasing at this point! No mutated crocodile person chasing me around!"

She calmed herself down as she got into thinking. At this moment, she was deep down town, if she needed to get to the bus depot she will most likely run into Killer Croc. Swimming in land was also out of question, Killer Croc was even more deadlier in the water than he was on land. What she needed is to incapacitate Killer Croc long enough to get onto a moving bus or even a boat and once in land, get as far away as possible from Gotham and the life of this girl she just took her body from.

"Seems easy yet...so dangerous," she thought to herself.

Even though Batman was shown to have taken down Killer Croc numerous times, sometimes by a hair's breath, Carol knew she was not as trained as he was. The man had been train d by numerous killers and has to make sure he himself does not apply their teaching to kill his opponents and let that darkness consume him because no matter how much thos fanfic characters say killing didn't change them, she didn't think the same would be applied to Batman. Suddenly, a lightbulb went on in her head.

"Batman, the answer to my current predicament is Batman," she said before laughing at herself for her short sightedness. "The man has bleeding hearts for children and what's better than a child been chased after by Killer Croc! It may put me at his cross hair but him battling the freak science experiment gone wrong will be enough to give myself a headstart and disappear long enough for him to forget about me!" The more she thought about it, the more that plan seemed more feasible.